
Exam 3

Oh, the second test was over. There were injured children among the children around me. An estimated 500 people remained. I knew only 16 people would be admitted to the school. I was terrified of this exam, which will eliminate over 400 children. While I was thinking that, the shadow said.

"Congratulations to all the kids who passed. Now you only have 480 people left, I admit we didn't expect that many. So I'm preparing a tough phase for you. First of all. Space Magic Mass Teleportation!" Suddenly all the passing children and examiners find themselves holding themselves next to a tower whose top they cannot see. Shadow "This is the Tower of Eternity. This tower has countless floors and each floor has a different test for you. This magical building can read your mind and take the test from the knowledge from you. Impossible Exercise your mind so that you don't have to deal with an exam. But these exams will be very difficult. And this will be the final exam. The top 16 will be in the academy, so do your best."

All of a sudden, I found myself in a place called *Eternity Tower*. However, it was so difficult, bad and disgusting that I don't want to describe it. I'm just going to say, "After 6 hours, there were only 16 kids left after 480 kids." I was devastated. My whole body was in bruises.

(A/N : More later. Since the third exam is over, that's it for this chapter. Continued to another section.)