
Lucky Harry

Summary: An accident at the age of six turned out to be a lucky thing for Harry Potter. It could get him all the things he had ever dreamed about and many things that he could have never imagined; girls, adventure, a home, and love. Note : I am not the author of this fanfiction.I am just posting it here because webnovel is more convenient to read and use when compared to remaining sites(just my personal opinion). That being said full credit of this work goes to original author

anandnainala · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 6


[July Third 1992: Friday]

Harry sat, two weeks into summer break, on a chair in the massive Delacour library. Fleur was lying on a couch across from him reading one of her schoolbooks.

Harry's attention was drawn from his book when he heard a mental ping from his mindscape. Checking his mental interface, he noticed that Dumbledore's mind was finished downloading.

"Dumbledore's mind has finished downloading," Harry told Fleur who looked up from her book.

"Snape's mind download is already done, non?" Fleur asked. "You should sort Snape's mind first then Dumbledore's"

"Alright," Harry agreed as he fully entered his mindscape. After a moment of pause, he sat in his control chair and immersed himself in his mind.

Harry sorted through Snape's memories, zooming through Snape's childhood. He transcribed the memories into text format then threw the actual memories away. He threw useless memories away, not even bothering to transcribe them.

There were a few memories Harry kept, like Snape's third year when he let half of Slytherin House bugger him the entire year whenever they wanted. It would make lovely blackmail material.

After sorting through all of Snape's Hogwarts years, gaining enough knowledge to take the Potions Mastery test.

Harry lost his concentration when he viewed one particular memory that had to deal with his parents' death. He screamed out in rage, gaining Fleur's attention.

"Harry?" Fleur asked, concern in her voice.

"Snape," Harry hissed out. Fleur saw Harry's eyes glow a bluish green and knew that he was about to lose control.

"Calm down, love," Fleur whispered in Harry's ear. She wrapped her arms around him while rubbing his back.

After a few minutes, Harry was calm enough to hug Fleur back.

"Thank you, Flower," Harry whispered back to his Veela who was humming in his ear. If it wasn't for her he would have Tunneled to wherever Snape was and killed him.

"That's what I'm here for," Fleur told him with laughter in her voice.

"Yes, emotional support and sex," Harry said cheekily. Fleur slapped him on the chest and pouted at him. "You know I love you."

"You better," Fleur told him. "What did you find out that has you so mad?"

"There's a prophecy about me and Voldemort," Harry said before he paused. "Apparently, Snape heard the first half before being thrown out of the pub. He ran straight to Voldemort and told him. That's the reason Voldemort targeted my parents, because of Snape."

"That bastard," Fleur said softly. "He'll pay but you can't just kill him when you first see him. I'm not losing you because you went off half cocked."

"You're right," Harry admitted. "But he will die by my hands."

"If you want," Fleur told him, not even bothered by the fact that Harry just said he was going to kill someone.

"I'm a lucky bastard to have you," Harry told Fleur. Fleur blushed brightly as she curled up around him.

"Sort the rest of Snape's memories. I'll be right here," Fleur told her mate.

Harry smiled gently at her before he reentered his mindscape.

Time went on, Harry not moving as he sorted through Snape's early twenties until he came upon a memory that made him lose concentration and burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Fleur asked, confused at why he was laughing so hard.

Harry wiped the tears from his eyes as he spoke, "Snape wasn't just Voldemort's Potions Master, he was, as Malfoy senior put it, his butt slave."

"Butt slave?" Fleur asked, not sure if she wanted to know what that was.

"Let me put it this way, Snape has had every Death Eater either up his butt or in his mouth," Harry told her. He laughed as he watched her face turn from one of curiousness to that of disgust.

"Why would you put that image in my head!" Fleur exclaimed as she hit him on the arm.

Harry put his arms up in surrender, "You should have seen the look on your face though."

"Ass," Fleur muttered.

"Sorry, Flower," Harry told her. "I think I'll do Dumbledore's memories a little at a time."

"A good idea," Fleur replied. "You don't want to lose control of your magic." She leaned up and kissed him.


[August First 1992: Saturday]

Harry stood in the main hall of the manor with only a month left of summer vacation left. Hermione, Daphne, Padma and Parvati would be arriving to spend the rest of summer vacation at Delacour Manor in just a few minutes.

With a flash, all four girls appeared on the floor with their trunks.

"Sooner or later you'll learn to land on your feet," Harry said as he laughed at them.

"We really do hate you," the girls chimed in unison from the tangled heap they were in on the floor.

"No you don't," Harry told them. He walked over and helped each of them up. Forgetting about his earlier comment, the girls hugged him tightly.

"Where's Fleur?" Daphne asked, looking around for Harry's Veela.

"She's still in bed," Harry told her with a smug grin on her face.

"What's that grin about?" Hermione asked warily.

"She's a little worn out from last night," Harry told her, making all four girls blush hard.

"Congratulations," Parvati said, blush still on her face. The other three girls in the room turned their heads to her and gave her a funny look.

"Why are you congratulating him?" Hermione asked.

"Well," Parvati began, self-consciously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "Fleur is a Veela. They're renowned for their stamina. Harry shouldn't be able to wear Fleur out."

"My runes are the only thing that is allowing me to wear her out," Harry admitted to the questioning stares he was getting. Absently, he waved his wand over the girls' trunks making them levitate.

"Harry!" Hermione said sharply. "You could get expelled for doing underage magic during the summer."

"Hermione," Harry interrupted. "For one, the Ministry can't tell who casts the magic, just that it was cast. And two, you're in France now, not England. In France, you're allowed to practice magic over the summer as long as you do it at home and not in front of muggles."

"Really?" Hermione asked her anger deflating.

Harry added, "England is the only country that has that stupid 'no magic during the summer' rule. Every other country doesn't."

Hermione would have deflated even more but Padma quickly interjected, "Think about it this way, Hermione. You can practice magic here."

Hearing that, Hermione perked up, "I did want to try some of the spells that I read about last month."

Harry rolled his eyes, no matter how much Hermione changed, she would always stay the same.


[August Fifth 1992: Wednesday]

"Harry!" Fleur shouted as she walked through Delacour Manor trying to find her boyfriend. She finally found him in the library reading a book.

"Yes, Fleur?" Harry asked not even looking up from his book.

"I've been looking everywhere for you," she said exasperated.

"I know, I heard you," he told her, still not taking his eyes off of his book.

Fleur stared at him before walking up to him and slapping his arm, "You ass." Harry just smiled at her. She continued when he didn't say anything, "I'm taking the girls shopping; we'll be back around dinner time."

"Alright," Harry said finally looking up from his book. "Do you have the new card I gave you?"

"Yes," Fleur said, drawing said card out of her purse. It was a black credit card that was linked directly to one of Harry's many bank accounts.

"Good, then have fun," Harry told her. Fleur leant down and kissed him on the lips before walking towards the door.

"Bye, love," she called out.

Harry decided that since all of the girls were gone, he would sort through Dumbledore's memories.

He saw that Dumbledore's knowledge gathering started to slow down by the fifties. Dumbledore still had masteries in a lot of subjects such as Defense, Potions, Alchemy, Transfiguration and Charms but Harry saw that Dumbledore stopped really gathering knowledge after a certain point. The point where Dumbledore was so politically powerful that he didn't need to gather more knowledge in the spell arts, just on his enemies.

Harry gained a lot of blackmail material on many people in the Ministry of Magic of England and a lot of other people that had graduated from the school.

After he had sorted all of Dumbledore's memories, he went back to the key memories that really stood out to Harry. One of the major memories that Dumbledore had was the reason that Voldemort hated Dumbledore so much.

Voldemort despised him because of what Dumbledore did to him during his Hogwarts years. Dumbledore had raped Voldemort or, as he was known in school, Tom Riddle from his second year until the end of sixth year.

As Harry watched the scene of the last time Dumbledore had forced himself on Riddle, Tom's magic reacted with a strong pulse. The pulse pushed Dumbledore into a wall and set a certain part on fire, burning it to a crisp. Harry knew that no magic would be able to grow that part back after such damage, which made Harry laugh so hard that he almost broke his concentration.

The next major memory was when Dumbledore first acquired Fawkes, his phoenix. The phoenix didn't come of its own free will like all believed. No, the phoenix was summoned then bound by Dumbledore to him as a slave in his youth. That shocked Harry as, while he knew that Dumbledore was a bastard, Harry was finding that Dumbledore was actually an evil bastard.

The next thing really shocked Harry, Dumbledore had made a Horcrux. The item that held the Horcrux was a plain silver ring. It made sense to Harry, why make something well known a Horcrux, something simple was most likely better.

The last major memory Dumbledore had was when he used the imperious on an interviewing Divination teacher in order to make a fake prophecy. Dumbledore knew that Snape was outside listening and that Snape would run right to Voldemort.

Harry knew a new level of rage as he watched the scene of Dumbledore letting Snape overhear half of the fake prophecy then letting him go. Harry watched as Snape disappeared and Dumbledore smiled evilly.

The very lucky wizard wanted nothing more than to Tunnel to wherever Dumbledore was and kill him slowly. The only thing that stopped him was what Fleur had said earlier in the summer, Dumbledore would die but only when Harry could get away with it.

Harry took a needed breathe as he settled his fluctuating magic. While he now had the knowledge of one of the most knowledgeable people of the planet, he saw just how evil Dumbledore truly was.


[August Twelve 1992: Wednesday]

A week after Harry had sorted Dumbledore's memories, he had calmed down enough that just thinking about it wouldn't make him go into a rage. Fleur had been very shocked at what Dumbledore had done when Harry told her.

The young wizard slowly woke up and found himself attached to a naked Veela. Fleur was curled around him, her arms around him with her legs locked around one of his legs. He had to laugh at the position she put herself in because he knew that they didn't go to sleep like that.

He placed small kisses on the side of her neck, making the sleeping girl squirm.

"Wake up, love," Harry whispered to his Veela mate. Said Veela half opened her eyes and looked up at him which made her look very cute.

"I don't wanna wake up," Fleur mumbled, gripping Harry tighter.

"But you have to," Harry said to which Fleur let out a little grunt of frustration. She uncurled from Harry and sat up. Harry stared at her body, marveling at her beauty. Fleur saw him looking at her and gave him a sexy smile.

"Coming?" she said as she walked towards their private bathroom, swaying her hips. Harry smirked as he got up and followed her. He walked into the bathroom and saw that Fleur was already in the huge tub that was filling rapidly thanks to the many faucets.

The tub was so big that when Harry sat down in it on a ledge, his feet didn't touch the bottom. Fleur swam up to Harry and rested her chin on his stomach.

Begin Sex Scene

Her hand drifted down to her mate's half hard penis and lazily gripped it. She slowly stroked her hand up and down his shaft, making him moan out.

"That's feels good, love," Harry told her as he ran his hand through her hair.

"I bet this will feel better," Fleur commented with a smile before she engulfed the head of his shaft with her mouth. Harry hummed in agreement as she nibbled on the head of his cock. Fleur bobbed her head up and down his shaft, slowly taking more and more into her mouth.

"Oh fuck yes," Harry moaned out as Fleur took his entire cock into her throat. He looked down and saw that her nose was pressed against his pubic hair. She stayed like that for just under half a minute, letting her throat milk his shaft.

She pulled off and immediately took a deep breath. She stroked him, her spit and his precum more than enough lubricant.

"I'm so glad you trim your pubic hair short," Fleur commented. "I don't think I could deal with a huge bush of hair."

"Fleur," Harry said as he gritted his teeth. After that deep throat, this slow stroking was killing him.

Fleur looked up at her mate's face and saw the agony and smiled apologetically. She engulfed his cock with her mouth again and sucked him hard. It was enough for Harry to lose control and cum in Fleur's wanting mouth. She expertly swallowed everything he gave her, not missing a single drop.

The half Veela let Harry's cock fall from her mouth as she climbed up his body to sit on his lap.

"That was new," Harry commented. He brought his hands to Fleur's side to stroke her body.

Fleur flushed at his comment. "I practiced on a dildo, figured you would like it," she admitted to him.

End Sex Scene

"Oh, I did," Harry told her with laughter in his voice. He drifted his hands down to her own sex only for Fleur to flinch when he made contact.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked concernedly as he saw her flinch.

"I'm just sore," Fleur told him as she grabbed his hand with her own and brought it up to her chest.

Harry frowned at the comment. "Am I being too rough on you?" he asked because sometimes they got carried away.

"No, no," Fleur protested. She gripped his hand and brought it to her mouth. She kissed the hand before sighing.

"You're not being rough," Fleur told him. "It's the frequency."

Harry's brow furrowed, "Why didn't you say anything?" He loved having sex with his Veela but didn't want to hurt her.

"I'm a Veela," Fleur said simply. At Harry's confused look she elaborated, "You are my mate, Harry, Veela are supposed to completely satisfy their mates but you have more stamina than me."

"Fleur," Harry said tenderly, he brought her up into a hug and held her tightly. "Just because I want to have sex doesn't mean you have to say yes, alright?"

"I know," Fleur told him. "I just can't stand to tell my mate 'No, I don't want to have sex'."

"If you're too sore just tell me, okay?" Harry said to her. "I don't want to hurt you. Okay?"

"Okay," Fleur answered softly.

They both sat in the tub in each other's arms, soaking in the hot water. Half an hour went by before either of them spoke.

"I think I have another way for you to get satisfied even when I'm too sore for you," Fleur spoke up in the silence.

"Oh, and how is that?" Harry asked. He drifted his hands down playfully to her bum making Fleur's eyes widen.

"Not there!" Fleur almost shouted out. At Harry raised eyebrow she flustered, "Well, maybe we could try there." She finished with a blush on her face and Harry had to smirk, it wasn't often that you got a Veela to blush.

"Go on," Harry said, giving her an out.

She took it and spoke, "You could take another lover."

"That's a good idea," Harry joked, not being at all serious until he saw her face was devoid of any humor. "You're serious?"

"Yes," Fleur answered.

"I would never cheat on you," Harry protested. Fleur kissed him quickly which stopped his protests. She broke the kiss and sat back on his lap.

"It's not cheating if I give you permission to be with another girl," Fleur told him.

"And just who would I sleep with?" Harry asked.

"Well," Fleur began, she self-consciously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "The only people I feel comfortable with you being that close to are Daphne, Hermione and the twins."

Harry nodded his head, "They do have crushes on me but I don't think they're ready for that."

"They're not," Fleur told him. "They've been, umm..," Fleur trailing off uncertainly, "pleasuring themselves, but I can sense they aren't ready. Daphne is close though, probably from her upbringing."

"So I have permission to go after them?" Harry asked. At Fleur's nod, he asked, "Did they talk to you?"

"No. Why, did they say something?" Fleur asked.

"No," Harry shook his head. "I knew they liked me and I told them that for anything beyond what it was that they would have to talk to you."

"Oh," Fleur said, "Should I let you tell them?"

Harry smiled at her, "If you wouldn't mind, I want to see their faces when they realize that they didn't ask you first."

Fleur giggled at the picture, "They're going to freak out. That's mean." She paused before continuing, "But so funny."


[August Twentieth 1992: Thursday]

Harry stepped out of the floo network at The Leaky Cauldron to see the girls already waiting for him. If it was up to him they would be getting their school supplies in France but unfortunately, Hogwarts' list of supplies could only be found in Diagon Alley.

"Come on, girls," Harry told them as he grabbed Fleur's hand and made his way towards the back of the pub. They entered what would look like a dead end. He tapped the necessary combination on the wall with his finger.

"How did you do that?" Hermione demanded as the wall receded into a doorway.

"I just push some magic into my fingers," Harry shrugged. "It's an easy trick that I read from the Delacour library."

"Can I read the book?" Hermione asked with a little pout.

"You can see it after we're done shopping," Fleur answered her. Hermione smiled brightly at the thought of reading a new book which made everyone roll their eyes at her.

"Come on, I need to withdraw some money from Gringotts," Harry told the girls as he started walking down the shopping alley. He muttered, "Stupid backwards wizards and still using coins as money."

Fleur giggled as she overheard what he muttered to himself.

The group entered and as soon as the goblin guards saw Harry, they bowed to him.

"I don't think I've ever seen a goblin bow to a human," Daphne said as she looked on in shock, along with the rest of the bank. Harry just smirked. He walked up to a goblin teller that wasn't serving anyone.

"I need to make a withdraw from vault four hundred and one of three hundred galleons," Harry told the free goblin teller. The goblin nodded his little head and barked orders to a passing goblin.

"That's a lot of money," Parvarti noted.

Harry shrugged his shoulders, "I'm paying for everyone's school supplies and I know that Fleur will want to shop some." He saw his four best friends about to protest him paying so he spoke up. "I'm paying, save the money you got from your parents for something you want."

"This is just how Harry is, girls," Fleur said to the group, "Mama and Papa give me more than a big enough allowance but Harry still pays for everything. You should feel flattered, besides me the only other woman Harry pays for is Mama."

The four soon to be second years looked at each other before giving in.

"Here's your gold, Mr. Potter," the goblin said respectfully, knowing how much influence the young man before him had. "And may I commend you on your investing skills."

"Whatever," Harry told the goblin before snatching the money out its hand and walking away.

As the group walked down the white marble steps of the bank, Hermione had to speak her mind.

"That was kind of rude, Harry," Hermione said with a frown on her face.

"The goblins were very rude to him on his first visit," Fleur explained for Harry. "Ever since then Harry hasn't liked them."

"Not many people like goblins," Daphne added her opinion, having been to the bank many times with her parents. "They're very rude."

"They didn't seem rude to Harry," Hermione stated with a cute confused look on her face.

"It's because how much money Harry makes investing," Fleur explained to the group. She turned to her mate and spoke, "He commanded me to secrecy though so don't ask how he does it."

"I'll tell them after third year," Harry told them with a smirk on his face. "Me and Mum's plan will be ready by then."

"Why do I get the feeling that he's going to do something immature yet awesome at the same time?" Padma asked warily.

"Because you know Harry very well," Fleur told her with a smile on her beautiful face. Padma blushed at the praise from Harry's mate.

"Come on, let's get everything on the list," Harry said to the group. He walked towards the first item on the school supply list with the girls following him.

It took them over four hours to finish shopping for their school supplies because the girls' attention while shopping was very short, wanting to look at every little thing.

As everyone finished buying potions supplies from the Apothecary, they were handed to Fleur so she could shrink them.

"How come you don't shrink them, Harry?" Hermione asked with a frown on her face. "Aren't you a French citizen?"

"Yeah," Harry nodded his head, "But I wouldn't put it past the English Ministry to place sensors on me to try and catch me breaking their laws."

"What would happen if you did get caught?" Parvati asked.

Harry shrugged his shoulders, "Nothing, Dad would get me off without so much breaking a sweat but it would still be annoying.

"Oh," Hermione stated before shrugging her own shoulders. "Let's finish shopping."


[August Twentieth 1992: Thursday]

"Only the books left," Hermione state with a bright grin on her face at the thought of buying more books.

"Who's Gilderoy Lockhart?" Fleur asked with a frown marring her beautiful face.

"You don't know who Gilderoy Lockhart is?" Parvati asked, shocked.

"Non," Fleur replied.

"He's a fake," Harry butted into their conversation. At his four best friends shocked looks he continued, "His books are in the library under the Fiction section. I've read a couple of them and trust me, he's a fraud. He's only popular in the UK, everywhere else he's a laughing stock."

The four girls didn't want to believe what they were hearing, Gilderoy Lockhart was every girls dream hero but this wasn't some random person telling them that Lockhart was a fraud, it was Harry. The one who they trusted with all of their secrets, the one who never judged them or spoke bad to them when they were in a bad mood and took it out on him.

"Really?" Padma asked while biting her lower lip.

Harry could see that the girls really looked up to the Lockhart fool so he tried to put them down as gently as he could, "I'm sorry, girls, but yes, he's a fraud. The things he says he does happen but the way he says they happen are impossible. There's also the fact that sometimes he's in two places at once in his books."

The shoulders of the four girls steadily dropped as Harry kept talking. As Harry finished their shoulders were about as low as they could go. Harry saw this and wrapped Padma and Daphne into one armed hugs. Fleur copied him with Parvati and Hermione.

"Don't worry, girls, you still have me," Harry said with a joking smile on his face.

"Well, you did kill a troll," Parvati told him as she turned her head up to look him in the eyes.

"And he's still young, I'm sure there will be more events of Harry being the Hero," Daphne pointed out.

"Well," Harry cleared his throat with a light flush on his face, "Only if you girls are in trouble."

"Our hero!" five girls said in unison as they jumped on Harry. He felt more than one pair of hands grope his body but didn't say anything as Fleur had given him permission to chase other girls, might as well move the girls along as fast as possible.

After everyone was off Harry, he looked around and found four blushing girls and one smirking half Veela. He could have sworn he heard a muttered 'so big', which made him smirk at his Veela.

"Books?" Hermione asked as her own blush receded.

"Sure," Harry replied to her with amusement coloring his voice.

The group of one young male and five young women made their way to Flourish and Blotts to buy their second year course books. As the bookstore came into view they saw that it was packed with students as well as adults.

Harry glanced with his advanced sight and saw something that made him groan.

"What?" Fleur asked her mate.

"That fool Lockhart is doing a book signing today," Harry told her.

Harry's four best friends faces began to light up before they remembered what Harry had told them and their faces turned downcast.

"Well, no use grumbling," Fleur told Harry, she tugged his hand to give him encouragement to walk towards the bookstore.

As soon Harry and the girls were walking through the crowd to get to the books, Harry was grabbed by a hand and ripped from Fleur's hand. Harry saw that the person had bright yellow robes on, something that made his eyes hurt. Using the man's hand, Harry shoved the man away from him.

Harry, seeing that it was Lockhart himself, sent a small burst of his power directly to the man's groin, painfully castrating the man. He covered his actions with a small quick, yet powerful kick to the groin. Lockhart grabbed his now useless manhood and dropped to the ground crying.

"What did you do that for, boy?" A redhead woman from the crowd bellowed out.

"A strange man just grabbed me from a crowd," Harry said forcefully to the woman. "What am I supposed to do?"

The woman looked like she wanted to say something else but when she saw the rest of the crowd nodding their heads she quieted down.

Harry quickly made his way out of the limelight of the crowd as Lockhart started moaning. The crowd made their way over to Lockhart and started helping him up.

"That was perfection, Harry," Fleur breathed out as she wrapped her body around his arm. Harry quirked his eyebrow at her, she was always clingy after he put an inbred idiot down. He personally thought she got off on watching her mate destroy other men, whether it be with his intelligence or his strength.

"We got your books for you while you were busy," Padma said shyly as she handed him a shrunken bag.

"Thanks, Pad," Harry told her. He grabbed the bag with his free hand and stuck it in his pocket as his other arm was stuck between his Veela's breasts.

"I think we should leave before anymore trouble finds Harry," Hermione stated with a matter of fact tone.

"Right," Daphne agreed. "Another reason is that Fleur looks like she's about to jump him." The other three girls turned to Fleur and saw her rubbing her body up and down Harry's side, making the four girls blush.

As they exited the Alley, they couldn't help but notice a fight that was between a poorer Ron and a more feminine Draco.


[August Thirty-First 1992: Monday]

It was the day before everyone returned to school and Harry and the girls were making the most of it. They were currently in the pool that was located behind the guest house.

Harry's four best friends all wore two piece bikinis that they were just beginning to fill out and he was looking forward to seeing them grow.

His attention was grabbed when he was dunked under the water by a grinning Daphne. Harry came up sputtering water. He growled at her and quickly tried to grab her only for her to dodge him. Daphne swam as fast as she could but was finally caught when she ran out of room to swim.

Harry quickly pinned her against the edge of the pool. He was about to tickle her into submission when he glanced down and found their faces only inches apart. The young man watched Daphne lick her lips, which broke Harry's self-control. He leant down slowly and placed his lips on hers.

Daphne froze, not thinking Harry would actually kiss her, before she melted against him. She had to suppress her moan as Harry kissed her tenderly, he was making her first kiss a most enjoyable experience. She reluctantly broke the kiss when air became a necessity.

She looked up at Harry with half-lidded eyes before her higher brain functions snapped back into place, which made her neck snap to where Fleur was.

Fleur smiled at one of the young witches she had grown fond of and swam towards her.

Daphne shifted nervously as Fleur swam towards them, she didn't want to know what a Veela did to the girl that moved in on her mate. She was shocked thoroughly when Fleur leaned down and kissed her ear.

"I can share," Fleur whispered into Daphne's ear as she kissed her neck. "There's more than enough Harry to go around. We'll talk details later but if you decide to pursue this then know I'll be Alpha among his harem."

Daphne kept her look of shock before her face split into a bright smile. She turned to Fleur to answer her just as Fleur went to kiss her ear again making them touch lips.

Fleur drew her lips back, "We'll try that after you've been with Harry." Her statement made Daphne blush brightly.

"What the hell?" Hermione blurted out, which made everyone turn in surprise to her.

Harry sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "My runes are becoming a nuisance in my love life," Harry started making his four best friends blush, "Because of my stamina rune, I'm hurting Fleur because of how much we have sex. Fleur told me early in the summer that I could take a second lover but it had to be one of you four."

"Harry has told me that the four of you fancy him," Fleur stated, which made said four girls blush. "And I can see that you like him. I'm giving Harry and you four permission to pursue a relationship with him if you want to."

"It's very tempting," Hermione said softly, "But I think I want to find a guy I can have all to myself."

Fleur nodded in understanding, "That's fine, Hermione, the only thing I ask is that you don't have sexual relations with other guys only for you to come back to Harry and I."

"So I have to keep my virginity or the offer is off?" Hermione clarified.

Fleur shrugged her shoulders, "Basically, I know Harry wouldn't care that much but, to put it crudely, I'm not giving someone's seconds to my mate."

"That was crude," Hermione muttered for all to hear. "Fine, no sex until I make a decision."

Harry saw Hermione hesitate wanting to say something more, "What, Hermione?"

"Can I kiss you?" Hermione blurted out. She blushed as everyone looked at her, "It's just, I want my first kiss to be something I won't regret."

Harry smiled and nodded, which made Hermione swim up to him. He tilted her head up when she reached him and brought his own down to hers. The lucky wizard kissed her just like he kissed Daphne and Hermione actually whimpered when he broke the kiss.

"Thank you," Hermione whispered. Harry smiled and gave her a quick peck on the lips. He turned his attention to the twins who had been silent.

"We would love to, Harry," Padma began softly, "But our father has made it perfectly clear that we have to ask his permission to date, or as he put it, court one or both of us and whoever wished to court us has to ask in person."

Harry blinked at what Padma had said, "That sounds more like he's trying to stop you from dating totally."

"That's what we think," Parvati told Harry with a downcast expression.

"So no kiss?" Harry pouted jokingly.

Padma and Parvati's expression turned more downcast at his joke, "We would love to be with you, Fleur and Daphne or even just have our first kiss with you but Father found a charm in an old text that shows the virginity of a girl."

"What's that have to do with kissing?" Hermione asked confusedly.

Padma sighed, "Because the charm is so detailed that It gives first of everything." At titled heads from everyone she elaborated, "It shows first kiss, touching of certain areas and sex any way you can think of."

"Who would come up with a spell like that?" Hermione asked disgusted.

"Purebloods have a spell that shows the virginity of a girl and it is used to show the purity of a girl for betrothal contracts," Daphne explained.

"The one father has is nothing like that one," Parvati explained. "It even shows when you first have anal sex."

Harry laughed at the blushes on everyone but his and Fleur's faces. "Can you teach me the spell?"

"Why?" Fleur asked.

"Pranks," Harry said with a devious grin that sent shivers even up Fleur's spine.