1 Lucky

Nicko. slowly woke up hearing a crescendo and cacophony of swamp melody, crickets chirping, insects buzzing, and the army of frogs croaking.

He did not know why he is here, all that he could remember was him staying up late binge reading his favorite Webnovel story about a boy who had multiple superhumans skill like summoning a shadow clone, a train, and even a sniper rifle out of nothing. He must have forgotten to turn off the stove because the last thing he remembered is him slowly drowsing off and the smell of rotten eggs.

As he slowly look around, he noticed that everything seems bigger. He saw a dragonfly almost the size of Chi Hua Hua, trees as tall as skyscrapers, and vast amount of water. Him standing on a lily pad, as the moon and the night stars illuminate his environment.

"Ugh my head hurts, and my feet feels weird. Where am I?"

"Huh!? is that a freaking dragonfly? why is it so BIG?"

"Wait, why do I feel hungry looking at that dragonfly?" He looked baffled.

Suddenly Nicko had the urge to shoot his Spit[1] out as the dragonfly grew closer towards him. With one fluid motion his spit caught the insect and rapidly pulled back towards his mouth.

"Oh Shit! what the F*&#! Gross! Wait. . . why is it so delicious? What the hell is wrong with me?"

He slowly examined himself as his mouth subconsciously swallows the insect.

Oh my GAWD! I turned into a FROG!!!

as Nicko was panicking a clear crisp bell heard like a notification from his phone was heard.

[Hello Nicko!]

huh, Nicko was getting more and more paranoid, he turned into a frog and now he is hearing a voice in his head.

"Is this a dream? I have been having vivid dreams lately because of that damn meds my psyche doc gave me. This must be just one of those damn episodes! That's right that must be it!" trying to convince himself but unfortunately another notification sounded again.

[Unfortunately you are not dreaming and yes you are now a frog. The good news is you have been chosen by the God of system to test his new product!]


There was an awkward silent after that, Nicko's brain must have reset for a good second there because he blanked out, then slowly digesting what he just heard in his mind , he replied.

"So . . . You mean to say, some almighty system decided to turn me into a frog because he wants me to become a beta tester of his new system?" Nicko was slowly getting riled up after hearing the explanation.

[The system deemed that you are not going to be missed and no one will care if you disappear from your previous life, besides you are not living the best life ever, have you?]

This provocative explanation by the voice in his head really push the buttons as he started to curse the system.

"Well, Fu#K YOU too!" So what if I am living a miserable life, it's not like I choose to live like it. I became paraplegic due to the accident that killed my parents but I am still trying, Aren't I!?" I could still use my left hand to play my video games and read my favorite novels!"

[Honestly Nicko, if it weren't for the system you might have died as well. You were slowly living your life to depression. You have been constantly planning to end your life and the only thing that stopping you is because your bodies physical capabilities are inadequate. You tried Eating pills to kill yourself but your attendant found you before you did enough damage to kill yourself, so you meticulously planned to make your attendant, drop his guard and trust you to be alone for a night because he has a date.] Nicko was embarrassed as the system slowly dissect his hypocrisy.

[If it weren't for System God transmigrating you to this world you would have been just another statistics]

"So what!? It's not I am living a great life! like you said, but I still control my life or death." as a retort showing his last rebellious effort.

[Honestly its not too bad, yes you became a frog but you have a system now. You can now decide how you are going to live your life. Truck-kun can not hurt you anymore.]


another bout of silence as the cacophony of swamp sound envelopes the surrounding.

[By the way you can call me Lucky, I am your personal system and assistant. I can help you live your new life Midterra.]

1: The proper name for a frog's tounge.
