
The Blacklist

Lula walked with a skip in her step. She was heading down the new shop down the street that had just opened a few weeks ago. She had been given extremely good feedback about it from some of her friends who visited. They highly recommend the fireball latte.

She neared the pastel shop, and glanced at several odd trinkets spread out across the shop's window. The words Lucky Charm Coffee Shop & Bakery were displayed across the top. There was a glowing glass dragon that flew around the room a bit before landing back down on a rockledge with small luminescent crystals glistening on the side.

There were different sweets spread out nicely and some odd candles placed around randomly. She opened the door to be greeted with the soft sound of wind chimes and the smell of freshly baked cookies and cinnamon. That however was made irrelevant by the person standing at the counter.

Jinx was having a relatively good day, costumers came and went and her hoard of weird trinkets was growing at a nice pace. Her employees hadn't even caused that many problems today. Then Lula walked her pyromaniac ass into her shop.

Jinx gave her a dead stare as she pulled down a white board. Pointing to Lula's name with a white finger pointer stick teachers use to point at things.

Blacklisted for life:

Romen dumbass demon

Lula the pyro bitch

Giving a short whistle Lula immediately turned around and exited the shop. Jinx giving her an unmistakable look of murder as she did so.

Valerie who had been helping work at the front desk turned to Jinx "We have a blacklist?"

"Vincent didn't tell you about the blacklist?" Jinx questioned before turning to the kitchen where Vincent was working, "Vincent!"

A bang was heard before a head popped out from behind a wall, "Yes, ma'am!"

"Firstly you know damn well I hate ma'am shit, secondly you didn't tell Veda and Valerie about the blacklist?"

Vincent's brows scrunched up and a small frown covered his face, "we have a blacklist?" he asked with a nervous tint to his voice.

"Did I forget to tell you about the blacklist? Well basically we have two people who if they walk in are given one warning to leave before I decide to go feral, if I decide to be nice that is."

Valerie and Vincent were silent for a moment before slowly returning to what they were originally doing silently agreeing to never bring it up again.

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