3 Jarvis

Mike was dumbfounded to see so many Old Masters inside his room as they were looking at him with creepy-looking smiles.

"Yes, My grandson is awake check his body and if he is not in top condition i will break all your bones!!" Ordered his grandpa in a commanding tone to all the old masters.

They immediately began checking every side of his body and even fed him some pills that he didn't have any idea of, after a long time of checking they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry patriarch, Young Master is perfectly fine and with his cultivation, I am amazed that he got food poisoning i guess it might be some kind of poison that can result in the same symptoms as bad stomach." said one of the doctors.

"It's fine as long as my grandson is doing ok. all of you have done well, so i will award you 1 Supreme grade Spirit Stone each," said his grandpa while nodding.

"We thank The patriarch For giving us a chance," They said in unison and left the room.

"Ok Mike Rest well for today and when you are in a good condition then only you can go to train on the Training Field," said his grandpa and left the room.

Mike's mouth twitched at how his grandpa spoils his grandson as in his memory his grandpa always gave him the best support and resources in the entire family.

So, For his new background, He is the Only Young Master of the main family of The Shi clan which is located in the Leo Empire of Middle heaven. Mike was surprised to find that he was not in some kind of lower heaven's lower kingdom. There are 3 heaven's in this world:- Lower, Middle, and Higher Heavens. The original owner was a boy who worked hard in cultivation due to the death of his parents while they were on a mission to hunt a Legend grade beast.

Yup no conspiracy of hidden enemies, no hidden schemes in the family, they died fighting a beast.

'Wow Hades wants me to have a good life' thought Mike while going through the memory package.

The Shi clan has many branches throughout the middle heavens and is

considered as one of the Three Tyrant Clans behind The Long clan and the Gu clan. There is no Imperial family in the Middle heavens as cultivators didn't like to be ruled by others, but there are certain rules set by the people of the empire that needs to be followed by all the people living in that Empire.

The Qi used for cultivation is present everywhere in the Middle heavens so everyone is a cultivator even if they don't have a good cultivation technique.

The Cultivation Realms of this world are:-

1) Foundation Realm (1-9 stages)

2) Core Formation realm (3 stages = 1. White Core Formation, 2. Yellow Core Formation, 3. Golden Core Formation)

3) Soul Condensing Realm ( 1-9 stages)

4) Monarch Realm (1-5 stages)

5) Deity Realm (1-5 stages)

6) Sovereign Realm (1-5 stages)

7) God Realm (1-5 stages)

These are the main Realms in Middle Heavens. There is a Qi Condensing realm but only the lower heaven's people have to go through that stage because of the lack of Qi in Lower Heavens whereas people of the middle heavens start from Foundation Realm.

Mike was fascinated when he saw the things a cultivator can do. A high Realm cultivator can easily crush a mountain with just their fingers and can use magical powers to aid them in a battle.

"Hey, Hades where is my cheat as a reincarnator?" murmured mike.





"Hey-...' Mike was about to call again but the same Blue screen appeared in front of him.

[Hello Host I am your System. What would you like to call me?]

'Wow, a system. although i have never read a system novel this is really cool' thought mike after seeing a message pop up on the blue screen.

"Hello, system. How about i call you Jarvis?" after getting the idea from a superhero film.

[Ok host]

"OK, so Jarvis what type of system are you?"

[I am your Lucky System Host]

"Yes yes all systems are lucky but what is your main specialty?" asked Mike when he saw Jarvis's words.

[As i said i am The Luck/Plot Armor System. I don't have any other function]

"So what do you do?" asked the dumbfounded Mike

[I influence your Luck and you can get 1 Plot Armor a Month to get out of dangerous situations if you ever got into one. But the plot Armor will be random as it depends on your main Luck]

"WHAT TYPE OF SHITTY SYSTEM IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!" Mike screamed inside his head after getting the explanation of his system from Jarvis.

"I wanted the best system Hades!!!" he screamed again but there was no response.

Somewhere in the underworld

[Hehehe enjoy little one]

'Jarvis Show my stats' said hades after calming down.

[Ok Host]

[Name= Mike Shi

Luck = Dog shit (You have worse Luck than a Dog's shit]

Plot armor= 0 (Used Beginner's Package plot Armor For a better background in the world)]

"Oh no...."
