
Back to DxD and Lucifer's Daily School Life..?

*Crack* *Creak* *Crack*

A crimson red portal appeared out of nowhere in Kuoh Town. The fluctuations in space were only felt by existences such as Great Red, Ophis etc. They were too scared to act as they felt the energy from Higher Planes.

An Extremely violent aura surrounded the portal. From the Portal Lucifer who was wearing his usual business suit walked out and stretched his body as he was too tired from his fight with Shadow-Monarch.

Lucifer went back to his skyscraper where he lived in this world. After entering the house what greeted him was a holographic message from Sebastian which said

[My Lord.! Unfortunately I am unable to serve because of my current circumstances as there is S3 Of 'Black Butler' Going to be released in HellFLIX. They invited me to participate in the launch. It may take me a few weeks to come back.

~Sincerely Sebastian.

P.s: There should be semester exams going on after you return from your journey. I have placed your school books in your study room.]

Lucifer stared at the holographic screen and groaned at the last part. Lucifer then went to his room and slept soundly.

Rays of Sun reflected the beauty of Lucifer's face as he was sleeping peacefully. Those Rays of Sun woke Lucifer up. He went towards the bathroom to take a quick shower and change his clothes into his School Uniform.

Lucifer then walked out of his house and went towards school while walking peacefully.

He stood in front of school gates and walked in ignoring gazes of the Student Council. Of course, This was predictable as he disappeared after he pulled the last stunt in Student Council.

Tsubaki, Vice president of Student Council approached him and said,

"President Wishes to see you at the Student Council on Lunch Break." Tsubaki said and walked away

"Hmm, Let's have some fun in the Student Council." Lucifer thought and went towards his class.

Lucifer entered the classroom and the whole class got silent as they were mesmerised by his face. He then went towards his window seat which was empty for three months and sat down while gazing over the skies from the window.

"Lucifer-san where were you these three months.?" One of the girls asked him

"Hello, Girls.!! And the answer to the question is that I busy with my father's company." Lucifer said his perfect excuse

"How so you are one of those Rich Young Master.?!" Girls were shocked as they surrounded him.

"You can say that..! Anyways why don't you guys sit on your desks as your legs might hurt from standing here..!?" Lucifer said as he was irritated by their constant questions but girls misunderstood him

"Kyah!! Such a Rich and Caring person!! I wish that he was my boyfriend." A girl exclaimed

"I know he is so considerate..!"

"We should respect his kindness which he showed us. Let's Sit on our desk GIRLS!!" One of the girls said

"Yeah!!!" They went towards their seat and giving back Lucifer his peaceful time.

"..." Boys who saw the whole discussion were silent. They wanted to scream at Lucifer for ignoring the girls and also respect him for saying that Bluntly.

One of the Boys that gathered his courage and stood up from his seat and announced

"EMERGENCY MEETING FOR ALL OF THE BOYS IN THE CLASS EXCEPT THAT PRETTY BOY!!" The boy announced and other boys gathered in an orderly fashion and surrounded a certain desk in the corner of the classroom so that anyone could not hear their exchange. But unknowingly to them, Lucifer could hear them clearly.

The boys gathered and stood there in Silence as one of the boys said their situations.

"That new boy. What name was it?! Lucifer Morningstar... Since he came to school there are 80% of girls in school are getting away from us."

"One Kiba was Enough now there is another!!"

"This guy is worse than Kiba!" Boy with glasses said as everybody got silent and the boy continued

"Unlike Kiba who ignore the girls, Lucifer here doesn't seem to ignore them and also flirts with them. This threat is far more dangerous than Kiba." Boy analysed

Everybody got silent after these words as they now knew the gravity of the situation. A boy with his teeth out of his mouth spoke

"I have the perfect plan for the DEVIL of the Kuoh to ruin his reputation." He said and gestured others to come close.

"Here is my plan....." The boy said his plan giving a new ray of hope to these hopeless boys.

After hearing the detail of the plans. They got divided into three teams, Distraction, Executive and Media. The First team would distract Lucifer while the second team would execute their plans and the third team would publish them to school forums.

After completing the plan the boys cheered and made handshakes like they won the World Cup.

"From now on nor more DEVIL!!"

"We are great heroes who would save the girls from Devil!!"


"Save the onee-san!"

"Save the Loli!"

"Save the busty babe!"

One by one they cheered as they were proud of their plan. The girls were disgusted by their behaviour while Lucifer just watches them dumbfounded as he did not know whether to Punish them for their stupidity or to reward them.

In the end, he decided to do nothing. The classes continued and time passed quickly as the Lunch Break came reminding early morning conversation of lucifer with Tsubaki.

Lucifer walked towards the student council room ignoring the intent glares he got from boys. Lucifer Knocked on the door and waited for a response.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in." Voice came from inside as Lucifer proceeded to enter the room.

In the Student Council room, there were only two people sitting in their desks. President Sona Sitri and Her assistant Tsubaki.

They observed lucifer who entered the room and gestured him to sit in the front chair opposite the Sona. Lucifer took the seat and asked

"Why does Sitri heiress requires my ancient presence.?" Lucifer said with amusement

"Let's not talk in rounds Mr.Morningstar. We know that you are very powerful, Also we will not question your presence here but I have to warn you not to cause any trouble in the class." Sona said sternly

"What troubles I have caused..?" Lucifer said with a chuckle

"There are 4.568 complaints from both boys and girls about you. Boys want you to publicly apologize for stealing their Lolis while girls complained that you are not attending their Clubs." Sona said a joke.

"Well, it is indeed troublesome. But I don't remember stealing any Loli.? They are SLANDERING ME!!" Lucifer said as he remembered that he never hit on Lolitas

"Well, that's all the complaints I have got. Now on the main topic. The Student Council would like you to create a new club for your peerage members. It is your choice what type of club you want to make." Sona said as she fixed her glasses and gave Lucifer the necessary documents to fill.

"..?" Lucifer looked at them with a questioning gaze

"*ahem* I mean requested you." Sona quickly cleared herself.

"Hmm.." Lucifer hummed and signed the documents

"Well, anything else.?" Lucifer asked the heiress

"No. Not currently." President said

After some talks regarding the School Club, Lucifer went back to his class thinking about his future peerage members. Currently, there is only one member in his peerage which is Sebastian(Pawn).

Thinking about it Lucifer planned to recruit his future peerage members. Lucifer went to his seat and stared at the empty sky.

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