
Lucas Redeemed

A mysterious comet's passage forever alters the world, awakening supernatural abilities within many. But alongside these benevolent powers lurk malevolent spirits called devils, poised to wage war against man. To defend themselves, nations unite, forming sects in which their strongest warriors train to combat this rising darkness. Lucas Chang, a seemingly unremarkable "low-grade," is fueled by a thirst for vengeance. His father's death lies at the hands of his own sect, and he embarks on a relentless quest for power. In this world where strength is cultivated by the spirit, he will defy all odds to rise above his enemies. "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. (Psalms 91:7)"

AkitoTakahashi · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Five years passed after Lucas discovered the truth about his father. Throughout those years, he spent most of his time learning about the spirit.

They were minute practices, such as meditating periodically and attending his local church when allowed. He was permitted to go at least once a week, and he used that crucial time wisely. When there, he would often engage with the pastors and deacons with various questions. Such people were astounded upon hearing how a young lad had such an understanding of spiritual philosophy.

But when they found out he was the unfavourable grandson of the Barcelona Sect, they were a little discouraged. Had it not been for his surname, they might not have given him the time of day to learn.

Lucas was still but a child, yet he grew marvelously. In such a way that even his caretaker noticed it. There were times that she sought to beat him but couldn't because she became fearful of his growth. After all, she was a grade two, and could perceive that he was naturally maturing his spirit even with all the restrictions she put in place.

In the course of five years, Lucas was able to do a little research on his past. He had speculated that if what Morgan said was true, then he should at least investigate the matter. A report was made to the officials many years ago. In it, it stated that an infant was rescued by servants of the Barcelona Sect after a house collapsed on a man.

When he tried to uncover more details, there was a lot of blotted-out information. For instance, it was stated that the man suffered severe injuries from the incident. Yet the child remained unharmed because he protected him with his body. How could a small house in Barcelona made of stone be enough to kill a man with a spirit grade?

Lucas was wise enough to speak to his aunt, Victoria Chang, about the matter one day. He was quite cunning when speaking to her, going so far as to thank her for having saved him when he was an infant.

"Yes… Well… Just be fortunate that you're a Chang and not some lowly orphan."

"Might I be able to give thanks to Aunt Laudomia when she returns?" Lucas asked.

"She's busy at the moment," Victoria replied. "Give your message to me instead."

After expressing his gratitude, Lucas's heart sank. There was no reason for him to thank Victoria. Let alone Laudomia. As the servants mentioned in the case only belonged to Victoria.

Laudomia Chang was never once mentioned!

If either of his aunts truly cared for him, their attitude would be indifferent. No kind individual would treat a life they saved with such blatant depredation. Lucas had heard enough. Having pieced together all that he needed, it was evident that the Barcelona Sect was responsible for the death of his father.

Whoever else might have been involved, such as the patriarch, didn't matter to Lucas. He was in a world of his own, trapped by ferocious lions waiting to devour him. Running away was never the safest option since there was nowhere to go. There was only one thing he desired: to destroy the Barcelona Sect!

The day that someone with a high spirit turned twelve was the same day they could enact their evaluation ceremony. It wasn't anything special, but it was a requirement for each sect to perform. During this ceremony, the evaluator could determine how far the child would grow. And for someone to make the correct judgment, they had to at least be a grade five Praetorian.

Today was the day of Lucas's ceremony. Like he was instructed by Morgan the night before, he arose early in the morning and donned professional attire. Ceremonies held for a blood relative of the family traditionally had every sect member attend in the patriarch's throne room. Lucas had only ever attended one of his family's ceremonies.

It was his cousin Alejandro's, the first and only son of his aunt, Laudomia Chang.

After changing his wardrobe, he put away the advanced books he'd read over the years. "Pioneers of Psychology, by Raymond E. Fancher and Alexandra Rutherford," was the title of just one of the many textbooks Lucas finished. They were mainly read by university students. Thanks to Lucas's wisdom after the dream he had years ago, he was able to comprehend the book's terminology quite easily.

This was one of the advantages of having a high spirit. One's physical attributes didn't just increase; their mental faculties could also change.

Exiting his room, he was greeted by Morgan downstairs. Morgan's attitude became indifferent toward Lucas after seeing that he was going to undergo his spirit evaluation ceremony. Because after this event unfolded, she would no longer be responsible for his actions.

"Have you decided on the career you'll choose after graduating school?" she asked.

"I have not, ma'am."

Once someone reached the age of twelve, they were required to receive at least two years of mandatory education by their sect. Those years would help the individual identify what skills, talents, or attributes they were most proficient in. Once they knew, they could select what sort of profession they desired based on their grade level. The only other people in Lucas's family to graduate in less than a year were Octavius Chang and Valentina Chang, the eldest granddaughter of the patriarch.

She was also Lucas's older half-sister.

Morgan and Lucas walked outside the third mansion. Each sect was normally divided by interconnected mansions on a very large acre of land within their respective cities. Being the third-strongest sect in the world, it was quite common to see multiple manors. Passing the courtyard, the two made it to the first mansion without uttering a single word.

At the door, Morgan stepped aside for Lucas to enter. Just like she instructed him yesterday, he was to walk through the foyer and enter the throne room. There, he would be greeted by someone. Lucas didn't inquire whether his evaluator was the patriarch or not.

As it was a tradition for the patriarch to evaluate his descendants. To Lucas, it didn't matter who it was. He was bent on achieving his goal. Anyone who got in his way would face his wrath.

Even if it was the patriarch.

Entering through the large door, Lucas didn't once look back at Morgan. He could already tell she was more relieved at the idea that she would never see him again. The time they spent together was akin to that of a strict lion tamer and a cub. Lucas was surely not going to miss her.

The door behind him shut as he walked past the foyer. Next to the large flight of stairs was another large door. This was the patriarch's throne room. Lucas had only ever seen the patriarch once.

That was during Alejandro's ceremony. Aside from that, he only has portraits of him to reference.

Upon entering the throne room, it was no surprise that it was near empty. Not even the patriarch was present. Standing side by side, just in front of the throne, were Lucas's aunts and uncles. Below the six flights of stairs were all but one of the patriarch's descendants.

They were standing face-to-face, parallel to one another.

This room was exactly what one would expect it to look like. A long carpet from the door to the throne, and balconies for other sect members and servants to sit on while watching. Lucas looked to his left and noticed Morgan just entering. At least she had the decency to come after watching over Lucas these last twelve years.

Walking down the narrow path, he passed by each of the descendants.

Alejandro Chang is the second-youngest grandson of the patriarch and the only son of Laudomia Chang. Curly black hair with a chiseled chin and crisp blue eyes. His father, Gilberto, inherited the Chang surname after marrying Laudomia. What made him a big target for the others was that he was the only descendant with the same eyes as the patriarch.

He's currently age thirteen with a grade four level spirit. And many people around the sect envied Alejandro due to his natural good looks.

Next to him was Benjamin Chang. Lucas hardly heard from him after he graduated and became a general in the sect. Benjamin was so busy with his duties that he hardly had time to bother him anymore.

The only reason he was here was the same reason the person next to him was. Amelia Chang is Lucas's second half-sister. She was older than Benjamin by one year and was currently a grade four Eparchy. If being present here wouldn't help increase her reputation within the sect, she would have never arrived.

That's why all of them were here. Especially the eldest grandchild, Lucas's other half-sister, Valentina Chang. Her eyes were golden, like those of their grandmothers. And with her straight brunette hair mixed with her naturally tan skin tone and perfectly sculpted face, she defined the word beautiful.

Out of all the descendants, she and Octavius had the highest chances of inheriting the throne. Valentina didn't have any regard for Lucas or his ceremony, but she did care about her reputation.

Standing next to Valentina on the second row, left of Lucas, was Persephone Chang. Blonde, nineteen, youthful skin, and a small, perfectly rounded nose. Both her and Valentina are regarded as the most beautiful women within the sect. Perhaps even the most beautiful women in all of Spain.

Just their hazel-coloured eyes alone are enough to leave men speechless. In terms of looks, all of the patriarch's grandchildren were very fair.