

Author: Lubuu
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Read Lu fanfiction written by the author Lubuu on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is others fanfic stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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SE7EN: Transcendence

What would you do if you woke up and decided to look out at the dawning morning only to see yourself still lying in bed? What would you do if your 21st birthday was the last time you would ever age? What would you do if you were being chased by the NSA? How would you feel if you were hunted by a creature that could take any form it wished? That is Michael’s life. From the time he was fifteen he knew he was much different from everyone else. He had his own successful technology company and was at school at MIT. This is as far back as he can remember any true memory. He had always known things, whether it was about people or just events, and went with his feelings about whatever split in the road was set in front of him. Staring out the window of his bedroom, he turned around to find he was still in bed. Was it a dream? Before he could try to figure out what was going on, the government was trying to catch him. It seemed as though the government knew about his new abilities before he did. Running from the NSA and trying to figure out how to control his new powers, he runs into something very evil that wants nothing less than to kill him. His new enemy can take on any form he wants at any time. Choosing the lesser of two evils, he lets the government capture him and put him into a small room where they can watch him. Michael uses the time to learn everything there is to know about his new powers and how to control them. Using his power to split himself in two, he spends his time trying to find out one other mystery. How did the government know about him before he did? Learning to split his body, trying to find his purpose in life, searching for the woman he lost and trying not to get killed, Michael comes to find out one truth to his reality. The only thing he has to fear in this word is himself.

Grant_Koeneke · Sci-fi
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某五百多度近视学渣,因不会写卷子看宫斗剧时骂了一句——太假,打得不够狠呐! 吃泡面噎了一下,眼一闭一睁居然穿回了古代。 别家主角穿越有光环护体,获得个仙术系统,遇到个霸道冤家王爷之类的宠着。可到了白一心这里,咋就只剩下求生的戏码了: 刚掉下去时,眼前一片朦胧,仙界妖界人间根本分不清,一个翻身,好一声清脆的咔嚓,把眼镜给弄碎了,“都是半个瞎子了,叫我怎么活?” 不会认古代的繁体字,白一心瞧着那小洋楼上的俩字,酒楼茶楼饭馆客栈想了个遍。谁知前脚进屋去,麻袋天上来,某女一甩手里喷香的帕子,喜道:“爷儿 ,这可是今儿新进的货,包您满意。” 想着主角都能靠脸吃饭,谁知某男捏软柿子一般把她的下巴给捏歪了,“奇了,活了二十多年,头一遭见丑得这么没特色的。” 四眼变成了两眼,过来的那影子雌雄难辨,白一心眯起眼睛,谁知还没辨出个公母,某男脸一黑,“大胆,竟敢这般蔑视本王,拖下去杖责五十。” 终于找出了个配置符合古装剧男主的人,可谁知白一心是个数不到头的女N号,某男宠溺的揽过正牌女主,“就这货色,怎配得上与夫人争宠?” … 最后只能抱紧反派的大腿来求生,丢尽了穿越者联盟的脸 故此:某日反派醒来,债台高筑

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Fallout: The crimson Federation (slow updates)

my name is Lorin bell, I'm the leader of The Crimson Federation, Founded in the year 2280, 3 years after the events from fallout 3 more commonly known as the collapse of the enclave, and the moment the brother of steel started to expand once more. I was not born in this universe, oh no I wasn't. I was from that same blue planet that you live on. Namely earth, I died in an accident and I still don't know how it happened freaking angels and their stupid rules. Anyhow, this is the story of how I created my own utopia in the pie that's called the commonwealth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my 2nd original story, my first I deleted cause I was stupid and didn't know how to really work it out and went with a reallyyyyy dumb wish fulfillment system and all that, too op MC, etc..... There will be swearing in this FF! so I don't really care if you complain or whatever. grammar mistakes WILL happen. English is my 3rd language. I only wrote this for fun, I was bored out of my mind and found some fallout fanfics that I enjoyed, so I thought why the hell don't I write one aswell! you can read ahead on my fanfiction page by 2 days: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14028952/1/Fallout-The-Crimson-Federation I'm still learning how to write something like this better, the characters will most likely feel very bland and non-natural so sorry :) I hope you enjoy my fanfic!

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