

When Leo enter his house , his sister came running to him with her short legs. She said in her sweet voice ," Brother , did you talk to that guy ? Is he okay ?" Leo replied her ," Sara , he's not hurt and he's okay . Don't always care about others . You are just 5 years old , be like kids who are of your same age . " Sara said in worry tone ," But brother he has wounds on his face and arms . " Leo replied her ," Sara maybe he was hurt when he is playing by himself . Don't worry about him . You didn't hurt him or purposely throw ball towards him. " Sara just nodded her head . Leo look at her cute little sister and smile because he knows that his sister is kind-hearted just like their mother . Right know she cares about others alot then what she going to do when she grow up.

On the other hand , Leo just care about his sister. He loves her sister alot . So when Sara talks to him in the morning about the guy they met in the morning that she feels sad because she hurts him. At that time Leo felt hurt when he saw tears in his little Sara's eyes. He can't tolerate when his sister cry. Leo is 12 years old . He has brown hairs and blue eyes just like Sara have.

When both of them talking , at that time someone behind them came by saying ," You troublesome duo what did you do ? " This was so scary that both Leo and Sara shivered upon hearing their mother voice. They turn around to look at her and said in unison , " Mommy we didn't do anything ." She looks at her kids and just give them smile and turn to her husband. When they saw their father and ran towards him . He just laugh at his kids and his lovely wife.

Leo and Sara's parents name were Jenny Smith and Rayson Smith. Both were very loveable couple. Rayson loves his wife alot and Jenny also loves her husband . They loves their kids alot . Rayson is the CFO of Warren group of industry and he and Jenny are college friends of his CEO . Jenny is housewife. She loves to decorate her house and make delicious food.

Both of them make very friendly atmosphere in the family of four. So when Leo and Sara went to their father they start telling them about William. Rayson said to them , " Look you both are new here so you don't know who is good or not . If you wants to make friends with that boy named William then go ahead but if something happens you both gonna come to us first. Okay ? " Both of them nodded their head .

At night , Smith's have their food and later chatted with each other . Then all of them went to their rooms to sleep as they just shifted today and they were helping each other in setting their house.

On the other hand, William has his usual day . First , washing clothes , then beating , and then not having food at night and have to sleep in that dark room on the floor. He can't able to understand why he is suffering , just because he is his mother's son ? He don't know the reason and he is suffering without knowing about it. Whenever he try to ask his aunt she beat him more and cussed his mother more. He don't know who is his father as if he knew he definitely went to him. As for his mother's side he just have his aunt Lilliana . In the starting he wants to stay with her but , one day , on his 3rd birthday she started to beat him everyday and what is his mistake that he want cherry birthday cake. From that day onwards he start hating cherries . By thinking about these things he drifted to his sleep .

The next day , when William came out off dark storeroom he went to his room to freshen up and then went inside the mansion to do his stuff. He first wash some clothes , then he clean the floors and later he washes dishes . Atlast Lilliana allow him to eat everyone's leftover.

When finished everything , Lilliana ask him to clean the garden . The is so big that is going to take whole his afternoon and evening. Whenever he has time he lay on the grass in the garden . But today he is going to clean it and then maybe Lilliana gave him something to eat. Maybe because nowdays he occasionally has his dinner.

When he was busy in cleaning the garden . Someone come from behind and tap on his shoulder. He turns around and see it is Leo and his cute little sister. Leo said with smile on his face , " Hi William, How are you ? " William replied him with same smile that Leo gave him , " Hi Leo . I'm fine . How are you ? " Leo replied him , " I'm also fine . What are doing ? " Seeing her brother and William talking to each other and not introducing her she feel sad so she pouted little bit . William saw her this behaviour , so he extened his hand for her to handshake and said ," Hi , I'm William . " Sara gets happy so she replies him ," Hello William . I'm Sara ." Looking at her sister and William to get to know each other by themselves , Leo said ," it's good that you both get to know each other . " Leo then continued by looking at William , " William , how about we become friends . Beacuse we just shifted yesterday and we don't know much about this area and first we met you in the neighborhood , so friends? " By saying 'friends' Leo extended his hand forward for William to shake hands . William thought that he wants to make friends so he didn't think twice and extended his hand forwarded by saying ," Friends". Sara follow her brother's suite and William did the same with her . All the time Wiiliam was talking glances at the Sara . Today he feels so happy that now he don't want to leave this place because he has his new friends.

Before Leo , William and Sara start playing , Lilliana call him and William shrieked and run towards the source before that he said to Leo and Sara ," Bye . My mo..... aunt is calling me . I have to go . We meet later , okay ? " Both of them bid bye to him and leaves and William went his aunt who comes out of the mansion to lash out on him but when she saw that garden is clean now so she don't have reason . So she didn't say anything to him and today William gets his dinner also .

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