
Chapter 23

Ana Louella

The days passed by quickly and before I could even realize it, my friends and I are having our lunch together in our favorite spot. It has been a week since Meg was discharged and the doctor said that she can attend her classes as long as she won't exhaust herself. Meg is in good condition now; Andrei and I were so relieved and happy to know that.

Besides, Meg's parents no longer had to pay the hospital bill because someone had already paid it. We want to personally thank that someone but the registrar won't give us information regarding that person. We tried our best to know who the person is but then we failed so we just let it go.

"Hey, Lou. When are we going to get our clothes for the upcoming gala?" Meg suddenly asked and I turned my head to look at her.

"We only have a week to do that. I'm pretty sure, most of the gown boutiques and rental shops are running out of stocks by now." She added.

"Let's go shopping after our classes then?" I said and she nodded.

"Sure. Besides, it's Friday." She replied and I smiled at her.

"Hey! Aren't you going to invite me?" Andrei piped up and we chuckled at him.

"Silly, of course you are invited, but it's okay if you want to exclude yourself for this day." I kidded and Andrei rolled his eyes.

"Let's go together then?" Andrei exclaimed and we just nodded as we continued to chuckle.

I stopped laughing when I felt my phone vibrated on my pocket. I quickly took it out and turned the alam clock off. It's thirty minutes past twelve o'clock and I have to go somewhere.

"Please excuse me guys, I have to go- somewhere." I said as I stood and they looked at me confusedly.

"Meg, see you at the classroom!" I added and I was about to turn back when Andrei suddenly spoke which caused me to stop on my track.

"Hey, these past few days, you've been leaving us here every 12:30. Care to explain it to us?" Andrei questioned as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I-" I started.

I can't tell them where I have been going to these past few days because they will surely stop me from going to that place and I don't want that to happen.

"I'll just go to the rest room." I lied and they looked at me dubiously.

"I hope you aren't lying, Lou." Andrei said as he sighed.

"I- I'm not... I'm not lying. I'll just go to the rest room." I lied.

"Don't you want to go to the rest room too, Meg?" Andrei asked Meg.

Meg shook her head for a moment and when Andrei squinted his eyes at her, she quickly nodded.

"There, Meg will accompany you so the both of you can go to your classroom together." Andrei piped up and I sighed.

"Sure. Take care Drei! See you later!" I exclaimed as I flashed a smile at Andrei.

"Let's go Meg." I said and then I smiled at her.

I pulled Meg's arm carefully and then she walked along with me. Andrei will only make me blab about everything if I wouldn't leave.

"Lou, I know you're keeping something from us but if you don't want to talk about it, I won't force you to do it. You can tell me when you're ready, I'm always here to listen." Meg said softly as she smiled at me.

"Thank you, Meggy!" I exclaimed as I smiled back at her.

Meg and I went inside the rest room and I excused myself for a moment. I went inside a cubicle and closed the door. I leaned against the door for a moment to think about the things that I have been keeping from my friends.

I closed the toilet lid and sat on it as waves of memories rushed in. I can still vividly remember what I have been doing these past few days. I have been secretly going to Ace's classroom to see him. Ace usually comes to their classroom at seven o'clock in the morning and goes back to their classroom thirty minutes before one o'clock to paint. Those times are the only chances for me to catch a glimpse of him and I always make sure that he wouldn't see me watching him paint.

I should tell my friends about this but I can't because I know that they would stop me from seeing Ace, especially Andrei. I am torn between betraying my friends and betraying my own heart.

"What should I do now?" I asked rhetorically as I roughly ran my hands through my hair.

I shook my head to get those thoughts out of my head. I let out a sigh and then I flushed the toilet even though I did not use it. I took a deep breath before unlocking the door and then I exited the cubicle as I forced a smile to appear on my face.

I walked towards Meg who is applying face powder on her face in front of the sink. I washed my hands and Meg handed me a piece of tissue which I used to dry my hands.

"Would you like some face powder?" Meg asked and I shook my head before replying.

"No, I'm good." I replied as I lightly pressed my lips together so that they would redden.

"Shall we go to our classroom now?" Meg asked and I nodded.

"Let's go." I said and then I walked out of the rest room as Meg trailed behind me.

We went inside our classroom and sat on our usual seats. After a few minutes, our professor arrived and he immediately began discussing his lesson.

Throughout our three remaining classes, I did not remember even a single word said by our professors. I did not even realize that we have been dismissed by our professor. If Meg had not pulled me out of the classroom, then I would probably be left out in the classroom alone.

"Hey! What's the matter Lou?" Andrei spoke out which pulled me out of trance and I instantly turned to see him.

"Nothing, I was just overwhelmed with the lectures a while ago." I lied.

"Let's just go home then, so you can have some rest. We can just buy our clothes tomorrow." Andrei replied and I quickly shook my head.

"No, I'm okay. Besides, we're inside the mall already." I answered.

"Andrei's right, Lou. I also think that you should go home so you can have some rest." Meg piped up.

"Come on, I'm fine! Let's go shopping now!" I exclaimed as I pulled them along with me.

"Are you sure?" Andrei asked and I nodded as I grinned at him.

Andrei did not reply and he just let out a sigh of relief. We continued walking and stopped in front of Luciana Henarez's House of Gowns and Suits. As soon as we stepped inside the boutique, Andrei excused himself and he went directly towards the men's attire station.

"Lou, these gowns are too expensive. I don't think I can afford any of them." Meg spoke out as she placed the gown back on the clothes rack.

"I'll help you find cheaper but good ones. Let's meet here after ten minutes." I replied and Meg just nodded as she let out a sigh.

I gave her a reassuring smile before I walked towards the right corner of the gown station. I want to buy her a gown but I am sure that she will not accept it so I had to leave her alone to think of a plan.

As I was pacing back and forth thinking about what I should do, a glittery black evening gown caught my attention and my feet dragged me towards it. I took it out from its hanger and wandered my hand around it. It was made of satin and its texture is just as fine as a feather. It is a floor-length gown which has spaghetti straps that were criscrossed on its back and a fitted bodice.

I went towards a full-length mirror that is just located on my left side. I placed the gown in front of my body and I swayed slightly as I held the gown on my chest. This gown is so stunning and I could not even take my eyes off of it.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Someone spoke out and I turned to see who it was.

The salesclerk who is in her mid-thirties flashed a smile at me before she spoke again.

"That is a limited edition miss, the designer only made three of that design and that's all that's left." She said.

"What is its size?" I asked.

"It's size is small, miss." She answered.

"I'll take it." I said as I flashed a smile at her.

"Don't you want to try it first?" She asked and I shook my head before replying.

"No, I'm good. I'll just probably try it later." I answered.

"I'll leave first, call me when you need anything." She said and she was about to turn back but I stopped her from leaving.

"Wait." I uttered and she instantly went back in front of me.

I looked at the salesclerk for a moment and an idea suddenly popped up in my head.

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