
Chapter 58: Sheea, Please!

After reaching the cave, Sheea didn't speak, neither did Kyle who could feel from his mate bond that Sheea wasn't in any mood to communicate with him.

Kevi and Len who were already in the cave, were treating their wounds when they raised their heads after smelling Sheea's scent.

"Sheea-" Len coyly cried out as he almost jogged near Sheea only for her to bypass him, "Huh? Sheea?"

Kevi's ears also twitched as he could also felt the strange emotions of Sheea through his mate bond and looked at Kyle for an immediate answer.

"Ahem! Ahem!" Kyle coughed to get Len's attention and eyed both of the two 'detached from their surroundings' Shans to keep quiet for now, he'll explain later.

Sheea didn't pay much attention to her surroundings. She didn't even realize who gave her the food and when she ate it. She didn't even realize when and how she felt asleep.

The only thoughts that were surroundings were that she got too shocked when she once again heard about her incompetency from others.

Her parent's words from the past and Jemin's words from the present were colliding with each other and getting combined.

She was feeling so weak and vulnerable again...

The feeling of uselessness were again rising in her heart like tsunami waves rise on sea.

She hates this feeling...

She wants to be the strongest, undefeatable... An example for others to look up to.

The Invincible.

But here she was... The moment she gets thinks she has done well, reality slaps her hard.

So now...

Sheea's eyes flashed open with determination... the determination to start improving herself once again.

And now... she won't stop. She'll keep improving herself.

One think is clear now...

There's no comfort zone... Improving never stops... Just like how learning never stops.

With that thought she got up... Only to find herself sleeping in between four beasts. Two wolves, one snow white and one grey at her sides. One grizzly bear near her legs. And one large lion near her head.

All of them were deep in sleep, but they were even in high alert while sleeping.

Sheea felt warm in her heart... but soon that feeling vanished when her eyes fell on the snoring bear.

Jemin's words kept running in her mind, as she slowly got up and left the cave, not noticing one eyes of each of the beasts opened and looked at her leaving back; and then silently following her.

Sheea went near the river all the while, as she sat at the river bank while dipping her legs in the cool water.

A small sigh left her lips as she laid on the slightly wet ground. Legs still in water.

"Still so weak...," said Sheea as she closed her eyes. Her hands on her stomach, criss-crossed.

A green light emitted from her body, as she started to absorb more of the spiritual energy.

Today she emotionally got exhausted too much... And she needs more energy to prepare herself for the upcoming activities.

Afterall... She could feel it. That hunge... of upcoming danger... coming towards her, to engulf her.

Suddenly her eyes opened as she sat up straight in a fast speed. It was so fast that her mates who were hiding in dark got so alerted that they bumped into each other and hissed.

What the heck!

All of them thought together as they increased their senses tenfold. But they couldn't sense anything even after ten breaths time.

They only stopped when they heard her cold voice.

"Come out, or I swear to God that you'll become incapable of becoming a father of 'that' injury."

'That... What was that?' All four of them thought as they felt pain in a certain area. 'Was she talking to them? Did she figures out them?'

With shaky legs and covering that certain area with their shaky hands, they came out. And Jemin who was wiser of all and had seen the bad deals of the world, directly changed into his beast form as he proceeded to go near her.

But all of them stopped in their tracks, as their opened eyes widened like ostrich eggs.

A large monster size head of a green snake came out of water and stared at Sheea.

"Siri?" Sheea softly called out in a stoic voice, even when her heart was in turmoil.

Siri? Is this for real? Am I really meeting him? Or is... this a hallucination?

"Are you... Siri?" She again asked. This time with a little hesitation.

He... No! This can't be Siri... Siri always roam around Sofia. Specially at nights, where he could smell her more clearly than the morning.

Then... if this snake isn't Siri... then is it another snake beast?

But... the novel said Siri is the only green snake beast....

Then... is this a wild snake?

Oh my God!

Did this snake come to eat her? Is this...

Her mind abruptly stopped producing anymore confusing thoughts as soon as the green snake in front of her nodded his head, and slowly came towards her.

"Are you-" Sheea tried to say something, when her words got stopped as she witnessed with her owb two bl**dy eyes how Siri's thick tail got wrapped in her waist, as Siri changed into a half human and half snake form.

Instead of the snake's sharp head came in front of her eyes a extremely... no... an other worldly handsome face.

Masculine... yet so beautiful.

Just one look... and no women can resist.

Just God knows how much... What should she say...? Fell hard in love with that face...

If only... if only she had a camera with her to photograph this face.


Her thoughts abruptly stopped as she heard a baritone voice from his mouth. It's just a word he uttered, yet that word sounded like a music to hers.

It felt amazing.

She wanted to hear that voice again.

She doesn't care how Siri ended up near her? Or how she's getting drawn to him?

She just wanted to go near him... And-





Sheea's mind abruptly snapped back as she turned towards the voice behind her when her eyes spotted her mates' figures coming running towards her way, in their beast form.

Then she looked in front of her as she pouted her lips.

What were they screaming her name out of blue for? Did she forget her name was Sheea? Or they forgot her name was Sheea?

Don't they have that thing called 'Basic manners' in them at all?

Or just like dogs, other animal species also like to scream and irritate people at night?

"Sheea? What were you doing?" Kyle said as he came running and changed into his human form as he hugged her tightly from the side.

"You... Why didn't you fight back with that monster? Why did you... Ugh! You scared the hell out of me!" Kevi heaved a deep sigh as he did the same as Kyle. And hugged her from another side.

"Sheea, let's go home. Quick! Get on Len's back," Jemin said as he also transformed into his human form leaving only Len in his lion form.

"But, why are you-"

"Sheea, please!"





Haha... Are you guys wondering why the MLs are behaving like this?

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