
Loving My Mates In The Beast World

Sheea who was so immersed in the sorrow of the untimely end of her favourite novel with the premature deaths of her favourite characters, blamed the author for the lack of story setting, when suddenly a message popped on her screen: "If you don't like how it is, why don't you yourself remake it the way you want to?" With that there was a smiley emoji. And then again, when she reopened her eyes she was in her favourite novel. But unfortunately, she was a cannon fodder over there whose existence was never mentioned in the book. So guys, let's see how Sheea is going to change her fate along with the ones she love. The cover page is solely designed by me and no one else. All Rights deserved. __________________ Spoiler:~ "At last, I have a neat and clean place to stay! Ahh! I can't wait anymore to lie comfortably on my dear bed," Sheea exclaimed happily while yawning and stretching her bones and muscles. But her actions came to a sudden halt when she saw that her bed was already occupied by her mates and they all were giving her bone-chilling grins. "Wha-what's up with you all? Go to your respective rooms. I-I wanna sleep!" Sheea stammered a little as she tried her best to remain calm in that situation which could be dangerous to her any moment. "Baby, we all want to sleep...," said Kyle, her first mate with an extremely evil grin as he continued his sentence after walking towards her with small steps, "But before that we all want to have some heart to heart talk with you." "He-hey, listen to me.... Heyyyy!" And before Sheea could finish her sentence she was directly shoved on the bed by Kyle and soon she was in the arms of her mates who weren't only one or two or three in number but... but eight! "Is my kidney going to retire from work soon?" That was the last conscious thought of Sheea on that beautiful starry night as after that.... _____________________ To know what happens next, please support the book with lots of comments & votes.... :-)

GalaxyStars833 · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Chapter 53: A Moth Going To It's Fire

(Ethan's POV)


Despicable... That was what I thought about all the Shashas out there... even the one who gave birth to me.

This beasts don't know anything but how to boss around and grab the Shans with high power.

That despicable thing (Ethan's Mother) wasn't any better. My father was stupid to fall for such a Shasha, who cared only for two things... herself and herself.

No one could catch her attention other than her benefits.

And the way she treated her mates was too much...

Abuse was the only thing she knew after mating... And only before mating, she would act shy to grab her target's attention... And those poor fellows who didn't know what would come in their ways, would happily fall on her traps.

The average mate a Shasha could take was 15 to 20... But her mates were countless...

And what's more, she was the type who would sacrifice her mates and her own children to keep herself safe.

I wasn't the sentimate type since young, as I only struggled to grow stronger so that I won't be controlled by a Shasha.

I was born to rule... not to be ruled.

But, all those walls started to break, the moment I saw my new born sister. A strange protectiveness rose inside me along with my three brothers (who survived from my mother's abuse).

We did everything to protect her and keep her safe in winter. My mother's mates of course wanted to help, but they couldn't as my mother would threw tantrums, saying their attention was on the newborn and not on her.

And they were eyeing her in a dirty way.

I felt so ashamed of having a mother like her.

How could she say such a thing... to her own daughter who was just born and don't even know anything of the world?

My sister's father even had to ignore his daughter to keep his mate pleased.

But something great happened. After giving birth to my sister, that despicable Shasha couldn't give birth anymore, for which she would often blame the little cub.

One day, she (Ethan's mother) had even come to hit her (Ethan's sister)...

But thankfully, my father was still conscious of what's right and what's wrong. So he had released his pressure and protected the little cub.

And as a result, that b*tch actually altered his mark on her!

My poor father, who couldn't do anything to stop that Shasha, could only suffer the back fire as he kept on groaning in pain for two days straight. And when finally the pain of alternation stopped, his eyes were dead.

I could clearly tell my father used to love that thing with all his heart, more than her other mates.. and perhaps more than himself.

From then onwards, he didn't smile. Ever. He walked around as if he was lost soul, only waiting for his death.

Sometimes, he would even try to harm himself. But thanks to the Almighty, he never succeeded.

He only stopped when I told him I needed him... But he only stopped!

His dead eyes stayed dead. He felt like a walking and talking carcass with so soul.

I felt so bad... Why?

Just because Shashas are rare, they are treated as precious crystals! Whereas, we, the Shans can't even compare to the dirt underneathe their feet!

Aren't we lives too?

So, I started to put thrice the effort I was putting to grow stronger. I took all over my father's works slowly. (Ethan's father was also a leopard leader.)

I then eventually kicked that hateful thing out of the tribe who had refused to move out of my father's cave when she harshly altered their bonding, along with her remaining mates. I also made sure, she would be handled with 'care' when she left the tribe so that she couldn't destroy other's lives.

As for her mates, I told my beastmen to take action if they were a nuisance to my plan. If not, I allowed them to be.

Shashas were bad and cruel... but she was the worst!

She kept on screaming and crying like a psychopath while she left, resulting in my hatred on screaming too.

So, even when I used to got hurt I would always avoid roaring out loud... Or sometimes, won't even roar.

Whenever, I roared I felt like hearing that thing's voice. How despicable!

Meanwhile, my little sister had grown up into a beauty who could destroy any tribe just with a wink. She was taken care of by my three brothers mean while as I was growing power.

Since that Incident with my father, I had distanced myself from her. But after looking at her grown up self, I felt something so strange... so pressured!

So, I used all means to make her different from that Shasha who gave birth to us.

But I didn't know who started it, but rumours started to spread like I was attracted to her beauty and didn't see her as a sister.

Even my dead eyed father came to have a 'talk' with me when he got that wind.

As for that little Cub, she started to avoid the places where we could meet. She always maintained a distance from me, making me feel so strange.

Then, one day I met her coincidentally. She was looking so beautiful. That reminded me when she was just born.

Subconsciously, I raised my hand to pat her head like I used. But...

She got scared as she started to scream. Her screams reminded me if that thing and I had to spit out through my gritted teeth, "Don't scream!"

But I guess, she got me in a wrong or was scared of me... perhaps.

Her screams went louder as a result I blocked her mouth with my hand to shut her up. And then out of blue, a punch landed on my face.

And when I looked up, I saw one of my brother taking back his raised hand. As my eyes circled, I found my other brothers too... standing in front if the Little Cub protectively.

Hah! How ironic!

I'm her Brother too... But I guess it's time to only focus on myself....

We broke apart... my brothers amd sister left me.

And soon I got the news, she chose Hemza, the lion king as her one and only spouse. I was glad that she didn't become like that Shasha, but I was heart broken too because of the reason she did that.

Still, I kept on protecting my dear sister in shadows.

All these years I did and maintained my facade of 'fed up of the world' in front of all.

But... But all of those things...my facade, my self control, my calmness broke when I inhaled that smell.... That intoxicating smell.

I followed it aimlessly, ignoring my other companions just like a moth goes to its fire....




Sorry My Stars, for not updating for quite a while.... My HS is in a few days and I feel like jumping into the pond... Waaaahhhh!

I really really planned to update after March... But your love is too strong... I had to update... Hehe!

But I did some editting in her and the other book meanwhile.... to make the things more interesting.

While reading my own stories, I felt like I was moving OOC... so I think I'll be continuing the editing meanwhile...