
Loving Montenegro

nerdy_ugly · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

As I made my way down the stairs, each step carefully taken, I couldn't help but notice Mike and Trisha in the living room, their excessive sweetness making me cringe. I decided to head straight to the kitchen and prepare myself a glass of milk.

"Good morning, dear. I thought you and Mike were getting married. Why is there another girl hanging around?" Aling Melba, always eager for some gossip, asked.

"Yes, that's just a contract marriage, a two-year arrangement. If you're into reading apps like Dreame and Wattpad, you'll understand what I mean," I replied.

"A contract marriage? Is that even a thing, dear?" Aling Melba asked, scratching her head and appearing deep in thought. I couldn't help but smile at her puzzled expression. It was always a challenge to read her face.

"Yes, it's quite common in Korean dramas, Aling Melba. So next time, come along with Micah and you'll get my point. It's tough for you, always busy with work. Take some time to watch those heartwarming love stories," I suggested, with a smile directed at her.

"Maybe I'll give that a try."

"Alright, Aling Melba, I'll head over to the garden," I replied, making my way towards the backyard.

Taking a seat on the swing, I found myself enchanted by the sight of the fountain. Memories of my mother flooded my mind, and I couldn't help but release a deep sigh. The longing for her was overwhelming.

Getting up from the swing, I finished the last sip of my milk. A sudden thought came to my mind, urging me to visit Tita Thalia in her room. With the door slightly open, I quietly entered.

"Tita," I called out to Tita Thalia, approaching her for a warm embrace, feeling a pang of nostalgia for my mother.

"How are you, hija? Mike mentioned that you got injured yesterday. Why didn't you wear your boots?" she inquired, enjoying some fruits. I glanced towards the door, where the private nurse stood holding a luggage. The nurse entered the room, wearing a smile that caught my attention.

"Ma'am, I'll be leaving now. Ma'am Levi, I'll continue with my duties," the nurse respectfully informed, redirecting my focus back to Tita Thalia.

"Tita, where is she going?" I asked, curiosity filling my voice.

"She needs to return to her province as her father fell ill. I don't want to hold her back since he's her father, and I would feel responsible if anything unfortunate happened to him. But don't worry, I'm fine. I have you by my side, and I know you won't let me down," Tita Thalia energetically responded, her hand gently caressing my hair.

"Absolutely, Tita. I cherish you as my second mother. I consider myself lucky to have someone like you who has embraced someone like me," I replied, when suddenly a cough emanated from the room.

Both of us turned our attention to the noise, and I couldn't help but cringe inwardly as I witnessed the entrance of Mike and Trisha. Mike approached his mother, planting a kiss on her cheek, followed by Trisha doing the same.

"How are you, Tita Thalia? I genuinely hope you're doing well," Trisha said, her smile appearing somewhat forced.

"Well, I'm doing well, dear. I never anticipated seeing you here," Tita Thalia responded to Trisha.

"That's good to hear. By the way, I brought a gift for you, Tita. I've already handed it to Aling Melba to place in the fridge," Trisha informed, her strained interaction with Tita Thalia became evident.

"Oh well, thank you, dear. Levi, would you mind accompanying me to the farm to visit our flowers?" Tita Thalia asked, turning towards me.

"Of course, Tita. It's no problem at all," I replied, rising from my seat and offering my support as Tita Thalia stood up.

However, as I got up, a sharp pang of pain shot through my foot, reminding me of the forgotten wound. I couldn't help but wince in discomfort.

"Oh, I completely forgot about your foot injury. In that case, I'll ask Trisha to come with me instead. And Mike, could you please accompany Levi to the doctor to have his wound checked again? We wouldn't want any complications or infections to arise," Tita Thalia suggested.

"No, Tita, there's no need for that. I can manage to walk, even though it's hard to hide the pain. I think it would be better if it's just the two of us, Tita. Let's give Mike and Trisha some time to bond," I responded, my face revealing my reluctance to accept her suggestion.

"Alright," Tita Thalia replied with a simple nod, then redirected her attention towards Mike and Trisha.

Mike assisted his mother in standing up, and then he offered his support to me. Meanwhile, Trisha silently observed the situation, her hidden frustration towards me becoming evident in her gaze.


We were seated in the cottage, admiring the farm's vibrant display of flowers. It was no surprise, considering the family owned a renowned flower shop in the town of San Martin, and I managed its operations. I only visited the farm when there were minor issues to address. Luckily, the family had a reliable team of employees, ensuring smooth operations. Except for Mike, who seemed to have a streak of bad luck and lacked blessings, the Montenegro family was known for their kindness.

Sitting on the lanai, I took in the refreshing air and enjoyed the view. Soon enough, Mike arrived with his horse, Tigrel. He dismounted gracefully and tied the horse to a nearby tree.

I didn't need to turn my head to know who had arrived. I could easily recognize the distinct sounds created by Mike and Tigrel, his beloved horse.

"Did you take a leisurely ride, son? Where is your companion?" Tita Thalia, asked.

"She's mad, Mama. I've told her everything. I explained the agreement you made for me and Levi," Mike replied nonchalantly to his mom.

I shifted my gaze towards Mike, my eyes fixed on him as I struggled to comprehend his words. Meanwhile, Tita Thalia wore a smile of relief, glad that the intruder in her family's life was finally gone, and her plan to have us marry could proceed.

"Do you mean to say that you two are no longer together?" Tita Thalia inquired, seeking confirmation.

"She ended things with me, Mama. And I couldn't care less. I have plenty of girlfriends, she's not the only woman in the world," Mike responded, glancing in my direction as I took a sip of my lemonade.

Caught off guard by our eye contact, I choked on my drink. Tita Thalia quickly came to my side, patting my back to help me recover.

"Why were you staring at me? What do you think of me? Do you believe I'm just one of your girls? Are you trying to send me a message?" I retorted, feeling a surge of annoyance at Mike's comment.

"Are you feeling attacked? If you assume that my glance was directed solely at you, then you're making unwarranted assumptions. You're being presumptuous, aren't you? Just because I looked your way doesn't mean I was specifically referring to you. Don't flatter yourself," Mike replied, a subtle smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Enough with your arguments, you two. Mike, it would be a good idea to take Levi along with our workers on the hacienda. You can share a horse since Levi's foot is still not fully healed. You can provide support for Levi while riding," Tita Thalia enthusiastically suggested, a delighted expression evident on her face as she observed the two of us.

"But Tita, you'll be alone here," I interjected.

"I won't be alone; the farm workers are here. Don't worry, I want both of you to visit and check on the conditions of the workers on the hacienda. Now, go ahead and leave so you won't be late when you return," she reassured.

I glanced at Mike, and he returned a smile, one that seemed to hold mischievous intentions. If he dared to do something out of the ordinary, I wouldn't hesitate to use the karate moves my Tito Marco taught me.

Approaching me, Mike surprised me by lifting me up and carrying me towards his horse, Tigrel. We quickly bid farewell to Tita Thalia, and with a gentle nudge, Mike guided Tigrel into a slow trot.

"What on earth made you agree to your mother's request so suddenly? Did you eat something strange, or have you lost your mind?" I inquired, struggling to keep up with the horse's pace.

"Levi, could you please refrain from asking such nonsensical questions?" he responded, clearly irritated.

I couldn't contain my laughter at his remark. Even to myself, I wasn't sure why. The crisp breeze of the Montenegro hacienda filled the air, refreshing and cool.

The atmosphere between us was incredibly awkward, with no words escaping our lips. It felt as if we were silently trying to decipher each other's thoughts in those moments. Unable to bear the silence any longer, I decided to speak up.

"I'm starting to feel restless. Can you share a story or something? Do we still have a long way to go?" I complained to Mike.

"Please stop fidgeting. I don't want you to accidentally fall. It would be my responsibility," he scolded me.

"Why would you let me fall?" I retorted.

"What do you think?" he replied, throwing the question back at me.