
A Celestial Decision

Brand kissed his teeth and sighed, brushing the topic away. "What is to be the agenda for this private council? Is it Lord Denney?"

"Except he does something foolish, no." They entered the great room. "The pirates seem to pose a greater threat than our overzealous and greedy uncle." He sat and asked them to do the same. "They have grown gutsy. Out." He commanded the servants present. They obeyed.

"The pirates?"

Alexander nodded, the smile on his face vanishing as his countenance switching capriciously. "I need you and your troops out on the sea. We must go to battle."


"You thought it has not reached me yet, or did you think trade disputes and profit acquisition would make me turn a blind eye to the happenings on the sea?"

Brand blinked, shocked. "How did you come about this knowledge?"

"I am King and news reaches me from my scouts." He smiled wickedly. "You should be punished for insubordination."

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