1 prologue

12 years ago

" Athena, I'm sorry for your Lost" I look at her and fake a smile

" thank you auntie you too, she's a loving sister of yours" I hugged her

" she is sweetie, she is" I started crying on her shoulder

" shhh.... If she's here and saw you crying it will hurt her. stop it okay? I'm here for you" I wiped out my tears and ask

" is dad here?" I look around but failed

" maybe he's still working sweetie" she then touch my hair

" it's his wife funeral, just a little visit doesn't hurt you know" I look at my mom, it's like she isn't dead, like she's just sleeping. I felt some liquid falling down on my eyes.

" be strong and don't give up. I love you" the last word I heard before she falls asleep forever.

" I will mom, I will" then I cried.

I started to hate my father for what he did

for not showing up,

for not loving us,

for not his priorities,

I Athena Géur promise not to love ever again.
