
Childhood Memories

My earliest memories... I remember hospitals, doctors, examinations. I was... Broken. The doctors were trying to fix me. My parents always tried to explain what was wrong with me...

They tried to explain what made me different from others. I... Didn't understand i heard the doctors say that... they couldn't fix me. They also said that i would never be a... normal person or live a normal life...

As i grew older, I came to understand what was wrong with me. I saw other children become Happy.. Sad.. Angry.. But, I never felt those things i only felt.. Empty.. Hollow.. Incomplete..

My father desperately wanted to help me. But my mother, She was nothing like my father she wasn't worried about me at all.. my father did not want me to listen on my mother's words.

He wanted a normal child more than anything in the world. He wants me to be normal.

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