
Yes. I am...

7 years later...

Most supportive parents of the world .are mine ,best friends from all over the globe are mine...l am blessed with such a life that many dream of but something still lacks, that void is still there.

Some say that finding true love is difficult others believe it's more difficult to stand by your love but forgetting your true love, that's not possible for me.

Sometimes I wonder, life should be balanced that's why god took away...her.

Anyways, I am still keeping my promise. I had never cried since that day nor she returned. I am overthinker, hypersensitive, a cold hearted emotionless person that many say....


The day started with a bolt. I was awake

early in the morning for my daily routine jog and exercise. I tiptoed to the bathroom as I was in no mood to disturb anyone in their peaceful sleep. I again tiptoed to my room , put on my tracksuit and soon I was out from the house. It was the last week of march. As I stepped out, a cold breeze striked my face leaving me fresh and ready. I love this time, the cold breeze, empty roads ,darkness ,some others joggers throwing smiles at each other, some people rushing to catch their buses and trains.

I was doing my job, observing the nature's beauty when suddenly I saw a puppy lying in the drain as I moved towards it...I found it was hurt. It was a male. There was a deep cut on his front leg. I picked him up. He was shivering so, I wrapped my upper on him but the morning chill still showed no mercy on the poor creature. I brought him home.

Today I had a job interview probably the last one of this month. I decided that I would carry him to the clinic after my interview. My chain of thoughts was suddenly broken by the puppy, rubbing his jaw on my tracksuit.

"You deserve better....love should be returned by love. You are first." I whispered.


With lots of good wishes, l was about to leave when suddenly my mother shouted "Not again. Are you going to job interview or pet clinic again?" as she noticed a wonded puppy in my arms

I turned back to her and just smiled. On my last interview, I was with a kitten and missed the interview but this time I had already shifted my interview to tomorrow. I still remember her love for puppies. She was fond of pets....so I was of her.....but not everyone gets everything he/she likes. I still miss her. I still love her but not everyone is blessed with company of there true love forever.

There are so many such stories of one sided love and mine is one of them. No matter how hard I try to forget her.....but I can't...just can't. Sometimes life hurts to give us a lesson and I got that, Never get to attached to someone....some stories are meant to be incomplete so is mine.

...what matters most is...I am still in love with her.... yes I am....


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