

"This is three million in cash, I know you need the money. Once you take it, please make sure you disappear from Tyler's life, you are not the right one for him."

The woman was none other than Tyler's mother – everything about her appearance told Kristin that she was wealthy. Three million in cash, stored in a plastic bag was placed on the table in the middle of the café.

Kristin shook her head pitifully and said, "Ms. Fuller, Tyler and I were together for three years. I sincerely love him and he loves me too."

"Haha!" Jean suddenly let out a bark of laughter. "Kristin Cooper, You are a stubborn girl. You seduced my son! And what?" 

Kristin's eyes twitched upon hearing that. "Ms. Fuller, I know I am not good enough for Tyler. But my feeling for him was pure."

"Shut up!" Jean roared. "You are exactly like your mother. Expert in seducing man!"

Kristin's face paled.

She was at a loss for words, and there was a throbbing pain in her heart. She stood up slowly without a word and left the cafe. Jean watched her departing figure with a sluggish smile on her face. 

Kristin arrived at the hospital, but she stood in the lobby in a daze.


"I am worried about you." A female voice sobbed in one of the hospital rooms, as she sat beside the bed with her head resting on Tyler's chest.

"Come on baby, you don't have to cry. Am I not fine now?" Tyler replied as he consoled the crying beauty, slowly patting her hair.

"I was so scared. I didn't know what to do. What would I have done if I'd lost you" She continued in sobs as she covered her face with her palm.

"C'mon, everything is fine now. Just stop crying. I hate to see you cry" He comforted her as she bobbed her head and wiped her tears.

"Now that you're fine. We should hasten our plans to get married okay? My father will be back soon and he's asking us to get married as soon as possible" She said as her eyes lit up.

 Kristin stood outside the room with emotions as her hand rested on the doorknob. She looked at the room number again just to be sure she was standing in front of the right room. '111', that's the right room number. Then why did it seem like she had heard Tyler saying something about getting married?

 Kristin slowly opened the door, she was death-struck by the sight of Tyler kissing that familiar blonde-haired woman. She felt like she was frozen. A shiver ran down her spine. She didn't understand what was happening right now.

'Jan-Janice?' She called out in a quavery voice.

Janice saw Kristin too. Colour drained from her face and she reflexively gripped Tyler's arm tighter. Tyler was shocked to see her standing by the door. He almost hit himself for being found out by Kristin. He had thought she'd be at work and would only drop by later. Who would have thought...

Kristin ran out of the hotel. She had been holding back her tears there, but now, she could not stop crying uncontrollably.

Suddenly, a car skidded to a halt, shocking Kristin. She rolled a few times on the ground before the ear-piercing sound of a brake could be heard.

Kristin looked on helplessly as a car came to a dangerous stop beside her face. She exhaled deeply and tried to calm herself down.

The driver gulped nervously and looked at the man in the backseat of the car. "S-Sir?"

The man frowned; the situation did not perturb him at all. All he did was look at the man in the passenger seat and say. "Go and take a look, Peter."

"Yes, sir." Peter quickly got out and circled to the front of the car. Peter was stunned for a moment when he saw Kristin sitting on the ground, staring blankly at their car. He extended his hand politely towards her, "Miss, Are you alright? Shall I send you to the hospital?" 

 Kristin was indeed injured. Her hands and legs were in great pain. She blankly stretched out her hand for Peter to assist her in standing up. She got up and walked towards the backseat step by step difficultly with the help of Peter.

Through the window, she could see the man's face. She immediately froze on the spot as if she had been struck by lightning.

"Jenson Sawyer!"

He was an elusive figure who had never once appeared in any magazine or on the news, but he was an existence that could not be replicated nor surpassed.

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