1 Episode 1

(The episode opens with a man and woman looking at a 13-year-old girl trapped in ice)

(The woman has long brown hair, white skin, wearing a blue suit)

(The man has short red hair, white skin, wearing a blue suit)

The woman: It specifically says not to unfreeze her

(The man presses a red button on his watch that releases a blowtorch)

The man (calm): She is a mutant, what harm could it cause

The woman: If we die because of this like in that Halloween movie or was it Friday the 13th, doesn't matter (angry) I will kill you

The man (defrosting the girl): It was Friday the 13th

The woman (angry): I said it doesn't matter

(The man's name is Jason)

(The woman's name is Jamie)

Jason: Relax, I am not going to get us killed

Jamie: I have the utmost confidence in you

(An arm moves out of the ice)

(Jamie and Jason jumped)

(Another arm move out of ice)

Jason (looking scared): It's fine, she might not be able to free herself

Jamie (scared): Right

(The hands make a fist and breaks the ice)

Jamie (jumps in Jason's arms): Or not

(The 13-year-old girl has black hair, brown skin, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans walk to Jason like a zombie)

(Jamie gets off Jason and runs)

Jamie: Jason, run

Jason: We don't know if she is dangerous

(The girl sniffs Jason's hand)

Jason: See she is friendly

Jamie: What…an…idiot

(The girl sinks her fangs into Jason's neck)

(Jamie runs back to Jason and tries to attack the girl)

(The girl backs away at super speed)

(Jamie missed and hit the wall)

(The girl looks at Jamie, and smiles)

Jason (scratches his neck): I didn't know vampires can be frozen, but at least she didn't drain me or turn into a vampire

(The girl walks to Jason)

Jason: Maybe I talked too soon

(The girl touches Jason's neck and it healed)

Jason (feels his neck): It's gone, wait vampires can't do that, so you are a mutant

The girl: Wow! What a genius, aren't you Jason? (Looks at Jamie) Jamie, there is no need to be scared, I was just getting my energy back

Jamie: How do you know my name?

Jason: And mine

The girl: Oh, I have every power that comes to mind, the names Danna

Jamie: Why were you frozen?

Danna: I may have gotten possessed by an evil spirit and almost destroyed the Earth, so they froze to get rid of the evil spirit, but they forgot they were supposed to unfreeze me after the Earth is repaired

Jason: How do you know the Earth is safe?

Danna: I have super sight, and let's say the Earth has never looked better

Jamie: If you have so many powers, why didn't you destroy us?

Danna: Because the evil spirit was already gone before you unfreeze me

Jason: So, where did the evil spirit go?

Danna: Down in hell with its kind.

Jamie: They all go there

Danna: If somebody like me trap them there, yeah

(Jamie and Jason looked shocked)

(Episode ends with Danna smiling)
