

Once it was moving round and round like a ball kicked by foot. I was then forced to say that it's me talking about my brain. Me seemed to be po-faced one. I poke my fingers over my eyes and started to rub my tears. Such feelings which have never called me by rude but that day it did which was surely to be unexpected.

Suddenly a hay fever and i pounced my forehead on the wall. Blood with blood all over and anger with anger all over. I shouted-cried-laughed a loud and lastly reacted like a mad. They decided to take me to the hospital but i decided to listen to my feelings .

She ," Why don't you kill yourself then?"

Me,"No matter , it isn't hurting me but it is hurting the one, the person who did wrong ".

She,"If It is okay then why did you hurt yourself?"

Me," Because i did mistake by believing a lier , a destroyer".

She," Oh thats true but do you know your forehead is bleeding a lot!".

Me," Yes, i am doing it so that i could forget all my past nuisance and those fake ones".

She,"Hm so you decided to kill your past , right?"

Me, "yes"


The next day blood stoped and i forgot everything along with my past . My family , my feelings , my dictionary , my life and my parents were there in the hospital and my eyes were bleeding along with my tough tears . I have lost my memory along with past but my loving ones were always with me like a security and especially my lovemate-my feelings.

It was not only a loving affection but it also showed me my right path that i should create for my loving world with positivity , happiness and care.

moral:- Happiness and success of our life always begins with a Lovemate and it's true.