
Open wounds

After a long bath Layla felt a little flushed. She just thought it was the excitement from earlier but, now it was clear she had a fever. Getting dress into her PJ's she decided to get some water to place by her bed, should in case she became thirsty. At the moment her doorbell rung. Walking towards the door Layla started to feel extremely hot. "Who is it?" She said as she reach for the peep hole. "Northbrook"... Layla opened the door before she knew it she was falling.

Derrick caught her as she collapsed in his arms. Shocked he carried her to the couch and check her forehead before reaching in his bag to retrieve a thermometer. Placing it in her ear he got a reading of 103.4 degrees not a dangerous number but enough to know her body was fighting off something. With a frown he went to her bathroom getting a wet warm towel placing it on her head. Seeing her move uneasy and moaning, Northbrook heart sank. He called the urgent care facility located in the building which was affiliated with the hospital to provide aid to the Condominium residents ( mostly because majority of the staffing reside there). Within 5 minutes Layla had bloodwork done and then a IV placed in her arm. Derrick laid Layla down on her bed with the assistance of the medic team. He took responsibility for her since she was still unconscious and had the urgent care staff notify her emergency contact.

Staring at her she seem more relaxed then before which, gave Derrick some relief. Her cell rung breaking his thoughts. On her nightstand he saw the name that appeared 'MOMMA'. He answered it immediately. "Hello, Layla Amor phone"... He stated in a calm voice not to scare the person on the other line. "Who is this?" "Why are you answering Layla phone?" The person said in a panic voice. To alleviate her frustrations Northbrook stated "My name is Derrick Northbrook". "Well Mr. Northbrook hand Layla her phone"... Mama Amor stated "Ms. Amor currently is sleeping but, she is home and comfortable". "Your in her home?" Momma amor asked in a slight tone. "Yes ma'am, I came earlier to drop off something and she lost Consciousness due to a fever." Northbrook cleared the air, a bit to subdue the alarm he heard in her voice. "Are you by any chance related Benjamin Northbrook?" Mama Amor stated. "Yes Benjamin Northbrook junior is my father". Derrick was not surprised by her line of questioning everybody knew about his prestigious family. Well... thank you for your help Mr. Northbrook, I will be there shortly to take over. Mama Amor hung up before he could respond.

45 minutes later Derrick watch as Layla's door opened. Momma Amor was startled by him sitting on the couch with a hint of light in the background from her kitchen window. She switch on the light to see the structure of the silhouette that sat in the dark. Mrs. Amor, I am Derrick Northbrook. He stand and extend his hand towards her. A little hesitant to shake his hand she sighed and shook it and said I'm Layla's mom. Derrick was confused by her reaction but, took the opportunity to say I'll leave her in your care, before collecting his things and leaving.

Momma Amor was startled to see how much the son looked like his father. Even though, she try not to be biased towards him. When she seen Derrick her heart broke all over again. It was like she relived the heartbreak received from Benjamin almost 30+ something years ago.

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