
Not ready

Derrick eyes glimmed with delight. He did not believe in coincidences. He recalled, when he was watching her through her door. He recalled, when he was saw her on the stairwell. He recalled reading the profile of her accomplishments, dealing with the hospital's social department and now he for sure wanted her. Layla shocked at what she just experienced still said nothing after WHAT? just stared at the shirt in front of her. Derrick wanted to taste her right there. Suck on her lips above and below. He inhale deeply to get another hit of her scent. Finally, saying "Have dinner with me tonight?" in a husky voice, barely containing his desires. Layla breath become so shallow, Northbrook took a step back to watch her expression. Although, her complexion was like a Hershey kiss the heat showed in her face. Normally she glowed in a gold tint but right now... she had a pink glitz, resembling a rose in the mist under the sunlight. Northbrook felt his nature rise. Taking aback he seated himself at the head of the table, he asked "Would you recommend your place or mine's?" Layla look at him with an suspense animated face and stated I recommend a restaurant. Derrick Arctic expression sent chills to Layla, making her nipples protrude through her silk blouse. Derrick saw this and a slight smirk appeared on his face. My house it is... 8pm... Penthouse. Please have your plans you presented to the board last month with you. Northbrook said not realizing he was holding his breath. Sir, how did you know about that? It was already disapproved. Layla said containing her juices from gushing. Have everything with you... Good day.

The day seem to go at a snail rate. Which made it even harder for Layla to accept what was going on with Northbrook. It was killing her as they say... curiosity killed the cat but, it also cure it. This time was she willing to be cured? It did kill her last time how many lives did she have left? After Jack Lee...

By the end of the work day Layla sent her plans to Northbrook via email with the portfolio attachments. Layla made up her mind to cancel the dinner. She realized now she was not as ready or comfortable to have dinner in any man house that she just met, boss or not. She always goes by her better judgement, she heard alot of stories of putting yourself in a bad situation. Ofcourse, she was in a situation before... only to where she suffered deeply because she put herself there. Layla call her assistant and ask for him to send a cancellation invoice to Northbrook with that she ended her work day.

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