
Jack Lee?

Layla collected her travel bag that was already pre-packed with essentials for everyday comforts. She added her swimsuit with matching wrap shawl cover, cream linen pantsuit, soft pink maxi dress, blue tank top, white shorts, her diamond crested sandals with ankle straps and satin pj set with three pairs of her newly purchased bra and thong sets. grabbing her documents, London fog peacoat, she set her alarm headed up. She hit mom on her phone and sent the call. "Hello, DARING!!," Momma Amor always greeted her excitingly. "Hi, Momma, I will be on a trip until sunday, I will call when I return"... Layla said as she got in the elevator. "Oh, ok honey... everything alright." concern evident in her voice. "Everything is great!!! I will fill you in when I get back, lets do lunch so I can tell you all about it". Momma Amor could help but chuckle at her daughter astonishment. "Ok Darling I await your return, love you" Momma Amor said. Love you too Momma with that Layla press the end button. The elevator opened on the 54 floor and Layla saw a man dress in a all black suit with an ear piece in his ear. "Ms. Amor boss is waiting on you", he took one step in, swipe a card and step back. The elevator door close and went up to more levels. The doors opened once more and her eyes laid upon the God like figure sitting in a single throne shape chair, his background was a floor to ceiling windows with the view of the city. Although it was well lit in the entrance of the penthouse where he sat was only lit by the lights of the city making the silhouette in front of her even more intriguing. She step out the elevator and noticed his bag by the door. She stood and drop her bag next to his, it was funny because it was the male and female match by maker and design. Layla chuckled at this then said "Ready?" Derrick seem distracted as he said "Come to your man" Layla took each step slowly strutting softly with grace. Finally meeting him he opened his arm and said sit. Layla complied as she hugged his neck he grip her chin kissing her deeply, after breathlessly parting Derrick stood and lift her in his arms Layla wrapped her legs tight around him a little scared because it was a first to be pick up since she was a child. Walking towards the elevator Derrick placed one arm under her ass and grab the bags with the other. "Retrieve the card out my breast pocket & scan it there he nodded toward a screen. Layla did as she was asked, like a child partaking in a magic trick. The door opened as he step in the door closed and open once more revealing a heliport. The engine already started sending a strong wind towards all directions bracing herself more she buried her face in the nape of his neck. Derrick slowed his walk enjoying every minute of her as well as calming his rising manhood. Climbing the stairs Derrick hand their bag to the attendant when entering the plane. Getting to the main cabin Derrick kissed her once more before placing her in a seat strapping her in. He sat and strap in then did a gestering signal the attendant understood disappearing to the cockpit. Soon after the plane took off.

"I never seen a plane like this" Layla said as she studied the appearance. Derrick said "It a customized model only one in the world, frist non military vertical lift." nodding her head Layla said "Nice"... she went into a deep trace, she lean back. "Derrick I want to discuss something with you" Layla said as she sighed. speak your peace sweetness he said, facing her competely. Jack Lee is my ex. Derrick feature didnt change but his eyes grew colder. We were together for 4 years and I didnt end it with him in a normal way. I didnt realize it was one sided for a while... until, I stop calling then, I notice it was over. It had been for awhile, I just didn't accept it, I realize that later. Derrick smoke filled eyes gaze at Layla before saying "It clear you still harbor feelings for him but, what kind?". Layla winced at the thought of the question then replied. "As I said... your the first man I've doe on since him and I feel more for you then him in 4 years". "So why were you crying so much when you seen him?" Derrick put all concern on the table. "I know I was torn at that moment of seeing him but, it hurt more because I could not get to you... he was the only thing standing in my way". Layla said reliving the experience from earlier. Will he continue to stand in your way in the future? Derrick kept pace with his line of questioning. Layla deepen her gaze, "I will come to you only looking at you nothing will keep me away from you". Derrick sharpen his glare then said "your zaddy's good girl I will always believe you, now I got someone to tell you"...

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