
New Beginnings

Two Month Earlier

"Oh crap! I'm late!" Jasmine, twenty-three-year-old, said and ran out of bed and quickly ran to the bathroom to get ready for her job interview which she applied for. Royals Publishing is an agency that deals with billboard publishing and other business. Jasmine has applied for the personal assistant job to work with the CEO. Jasmine quickly got dressed and took up her stuff and ran out to catch the bus, but she was late, and the bus had left. Jasmine looked at her watch. "Oh, crap the bus already left! what am I going to do?" she asked and sighed and looked at the watch and waited for a taxi and when the taxi came, she went in and told the taxi where she was going, and the taxi went there.

Sebastian, twenty-six-year-old, was getting ready for work. He had already dressed his two-year-old daughter who was in the living room playing with her blocks and in her dress. He went downstairs and went and took her up and went to his car and put her in the car and kissed her cheek and smiled and went to the driver's side and drove out of the driveway and drove to his office, but he stopped at a café to order food. And then after, he drove to his company's parking lot and parked and got his stuff out and took out his daughter and walked to the company and went to the office.

Jasmine had reached the company and was panting and sighed and fixed her clothes and went in and looked around and asked for the CEO's office. The receptionist told her the flower number and she went on the elevator and went to the floor number. After she reached the floor, she got out and made her way to the door and she knocked. Sebastian heard the knock and walked to the door and opened it and saw Jasmine and looked at her.

"May I help you?" he asked and looked at her.

"Yes, I'm looking for.... well, you sir," she said and was nervous and looked at him.

"Yes?" he asked again.

"I applied for the Personal Assistant job here and I was told that my interview was today at 10 am," she said and looked at her watch.

He looked at his watch and looked at him and the time was '9:59 am' and looked at her and let her in. Jasmine went in and saw his daughter. Mia, Sebastian's daughter, was playing with her toys and saw Jasmine and smiled and sat down at the chair that was in front of the desk. Sebastian went to his seat and grabbed her file and looked through it. He asked her various questions and looked at her and nodded.

"Okay you are hired," he said and took up his phone and called human resources and told them what they needed to do. She looked at him confused and looked around.

"Wait, I'm hired already?" she said and looked at him and he nodded and got up and fixed his tie and smiled.

"Well you are hired...only if you can do me this favor?" he said.

"What favor is that?" she asked.

"I need you to get rid of those hideous clothes," he said and came up to her and whispered, "if you believe you can manage this job, I need you to...." he said and ran his fingers up her thighs.

As he pops open the first three buttons.

"Can you live dangerous Jasmine?" he asked.

She shivered "You can only get this job if you are willing to live dangerously~"

She then gave him a timid nod. As he made his hands seductively toward her timid red lips. He brushed his fingers over them.

"You are mine and I will teach you how to live dangerously Mi Amor".

She looked at him and pulled away and looked at him and fixed her clothes and cleared her throat and smiled and looked at him nervously.

"Um w-well sir, I'll come early tomorrow," she said and packed up her bag and left quickly. He was blushing and she smiled and hurried home.

She reached home and looked for her best suit and ironed it out and hung it up and texted her friends and told them that she got the job. She went and washed her hair and then laid on her bed and touched her lips and bit her lips and blushed, remembering the moment she just had with Sebastian but sat up and held her head and blushed and sighed and groaned.

"You can't like Jasmine...he has a daughter. But he didn't have a ring..." she said and blushed and held her head and laid down and fell asleep.

-Next Morning-

Jasmine was already on the bus on her way to work and was sitting. After some minutes she reached his office and looked at him. Sebastian was there from early in the morning to get some stuff done and saw her.

"Oh, good morning, Jasmine," he said and smirked and looked at her.

"Good morning, sir," she said and saw his smirk and blushed and looked at him "Well I'll be at my desk sir," she said in a nervous tone and walked to her desk and sat down and waited on calls. Calls came in a lot for billboard space and mergers, Jasmine answered all the calls and gave Sebastian the messages. It was now night and Sebastian was packing up and Jasmine was also packing up.

"Jasmine, good work today," he said and smiled, and she nodded and smiled.

"Thank you, sir," she said and walked with him, and he walked with her too and went to his car.

"Let me drop you off," he said and looked at her.

"Um not the bus-" she said and looked at her watch and saw that the last bus left already and sighed and looked at him and nodded and he opened the car, and she went in. He smiled and put his bag in the car and drove to a fast-food restaurant when in the drive-through and Jasmine looked at him confused.

"Order what you want," he said and looked at the menu.

"Um really?" she asked, and he nodded and drove to the microphone and ordered what he wanted she ordered what she wanted and then he drove to the window and pained for it and waited for it. Jasmine sat there and looked at him and blushed and looked in her lap and bit her lips.

Sebastian collected the food and drove off.

"Where do you live?" he asked her and drove to the stoplight.

"Oh, I'll put it in the GPS," she said and looked at him and put it in the GPs and he looked at it and followed it and smiled.

They both talked as he drove to her house, and she laughed. Once he reached her house, she looked at him and packed up.

"Well, um I'll see tomorrow, sir, " she smiled and was about to leave and he held her hands and hover over her.

"Well Mi Amor, did you think about what I said?" he said and looked at her lips and smiled.

She blushed and looked at her and he smiled and pulled away and sat in his seat and she went out and went to her gate and went in and closed the door and smiled and slid down on the floor and held heart.

"OH NO!"