
Loved By The CEO

Sebastian Rae, 27 years old, is the CEO of Royals Publishing. He has been married to his high school crush and got a daughter but they divorced and she moved away leaving her child behind with Sebastian. Jasmine Lee, 24 years old, was looking for a job but didn't until Sebastian sent out a flier for a job. He wanted a personal assistant and she applied for the job. "Well you are hired...only if you can do me this favor?" he said "What favor is that?" she asked "I need you to get rid of those hideous clothes," he said and came up to her and whispered "if you believe you can manage this job, I need you to...." he said and ran his fingers up her thighs. As he pops open the first three buttons "Can you live dangerous Jasmine?" he asked She shivered "You can only get this job if you are willing to live dangerously~" She then gave him a timid nod. As he made his hands seductively toward her timid red lips. He brushed his fingers over them. "You are mine and I will teach you how to live dangerously Mi Amor"

Lily_Bear_ · Urban
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25 Chs

Envied Mates

Jasmine was in the cafeteria buying her lunch. It was lunchtime and the employees were in the cafeteria having their lunch and gossiping. She looked around and walked to an empty table and sat down and started to eat. A random male employee went to the table and sat down and looked at her and she looked at him and then looked around.

"Hey!~," he said in a cheerful voice and looked at her, and started to eat.

"Hey," she said and smiled and looked at him.

"I'm Henry and I'm guessing you are Jasmine?" he said and smiled looked at him confused and nodded and looked at her.

"How do you know my name?" she said and smiled and he ate.

"Well, everyone knows everyone, especially when you are the PA for Sebastian Rae," he said and smiled and looked at her and ate.

"Oh, so that his name" she mumbled and ate and looked at him and smiled.

They sat there and ate and talked a little and after an hour they both walked to their desk. There at Jasmine stood Sebastian waiting on her. She saw him and looked at him.

"Yes sir? What can I do for you?" she asked and looked at him.

"Yes, I want you to print these papers for a meeting tomorrow," he said and gave her the thumb drive and looked at her.

She nodded and took it and looked at him "Anything else sir?"

He looked at her lips and move forward. She had a little bit of mayo stain near her lips and went used his thumb and swiped over her lips and wiped off the mayo off her lip and licked it off his fingers and smiled and looked at her.

"No, that will be all," he said and smiled and looked at her "BLT sandwich with extra mayo?" he asked her she nodded and he smiled and went back to his office.

She held her chest area and leaned on her desk and touched her lip and sat in her chair and wiped off her lips and drank some water and sighed, and held her head. "Not again, stop heart," she said and patted her face and went to print the work.

It was 2 pm in the afternoon and Jasmine was sitting there and looking at the ceiling. Sebastian had gone to a lunch meeting a couple of minutes ago and she was bored. A lady walked in, she was in a gorgeous dress and heels and had on glasses. She walked up to Jasmine and Jasmine sat up and looked at her.

"Welcome to Royals Publishing, how may I help you?" she asked and looked at the lady.

"I'm looking for Sebastian," she said and looked at her.

"I'm sorry but he is at a lunch meeting,," she said and looked at her.

"hmm, I'll wait in his office for him then," she said and walked past and went into intSebastian'san office and sat down and waited.

She looked at the lady as she went in and was confused and went back and looked in the ceiling.

'Who was that? She is pretty, is Sebastian's wife?" she thought and got up. She then shook the thought off and went back to work but just couldn't shake off how pretty she was.

'Why does she kinda look like Mia? Is that her mother?' she wondered and sighed

"Why do I care?" she said and went to print some papers.

It was 2:30 and Sebastian had just arrived back at the company and went up to his floor. Jasmine heard the elevator ding and went to meet him at the door.

"Sir? There is someone in your office to see you" she said and walked with him.

"Who is that?" he asked and looked at her and opened his office door and saw the lady.

The lady was looking out the window and was holding the picture with Mia and turned around and looked at him.

"Long time no see Sebastian," she said.

"Clover? What are you doing here?" he asked and went into the office and took off his jacket and looked at her and put down his briefcase.

"Well, that's no way to talk to your mother of your child," she said and looked at him and went to him and hugged him and kissed his cheek and Jasmine stood there and looked at her. She looked at Clover and was getting jealous but quick got a grip of herself.

He looked at her and pulled her away and glanced at Jasmine and looked back at Clover and put her hands away and wiped off his cheek and went and sat down and took out his laptop.

"Well aren't you eight going onto night months too late?" he asked and she pouted and sat on his desk and crossed her legs.

"You know with the career I have children aren't required," she said and smiled "and besides I had her picture," she said and smiled and looked at Jasmine.

"Oh where are my manners, I'm Clover, Mia's mom, and Sebastian's ex-wife," she said and smiled. She nodded and looked at her and walked out. Clover looked at her and pulled her hand back and smirked and looked at Sebastian. She knew she was getting under Jasmine skin and she loved it.

"Hmm, she is a pretty little thing~ does she know you bite?" she said and smiled and sat down at the chair and Sebastian sighed and looked. She smiled and got off the desk and went and massaged his shoulders but he got up and looked at her and sighed and went to his mini fridge and took out a bottled water and went and looked out the window and took a sip and turned to her and rubbed his forehead and laughed a little and turned to her. Trying to comprehend as to why she was here now, after all those months.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

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