

Angelgram · Fantasy
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11 Chs


They all walk out of the building,There was a long Bus waiting with ZG written on it That when Rose notice that there was a big ZG on top of the building,Rita went to her car and bring Rose suitcase "hm here you go "Rose smiled and hug Rita "thank you so much"Rita smiled "you are welcome hun " they pull away from each other and smiled"ok gat to go now take care of yourself" Rita said " oh ok take care too bye "Rose went into her car and drove off while Rose was waving after she was of seen Rose went to Rishi was talking to Stan"hey mr Rishi-"Rishi cut her off "you can call me Rishi besides we are all best friends here "Rose smiled and said"oh ok so Rishi can my bf-"she was cut of again by a voice from her bck and it was Adam "no bfs" he said Rose turned around"you why do you keep interrupting me can't you even let me finish am actually keeping quiet because you are the team leader" everyone was surprised how she talked to him they were all looking at her as she turned and looked at Rishi"Rishi as i was saying can my BFF visit me" she looked at Adam as she said BFF "yh sure"Rishi said she was so Angry when he called her talkative now she let her Angry out on him she turned to him again "you see i was gonna say bff not bf i have no bf"she rolled her eyes and went in the bus leaving everyone speechless she gut in and started regretting what she has s done 'what have i done why did i talk to him like that now he is sure gonna hate me ' she sat in the first site she didn't know they was a name tag they all walk in too looking at her she smiled at them they all sit down the team leader came in looking at her she stared bck "why you looking at me and why are you siting in my site or do you want me to site on your Lap" she was so embarrassed by his last worlds but didn't show it "first of all am looking at you bc you are looking at me second how am i supposed to know is your chair third you are welcome to sit if you want"she smiled getting up everyone was looking at them including Rishi who was sitting in the back of the chair when she stand up the Bus move and she feel on back on the chair she stand up again "see look"Adam sad and turn her around "see they is a name tag see " she was surprised "ok i didn't notice it " she turned around looking at him and walk and saw the sit that has her name it was beside Kevin's site and was in the back of fati site and she sat down on her site fati turned around looking at her she look him thinking 'will they hate me ' "you are very fearless"fati said she signed she lowered her voice and said"i thought you guys hate me now" she said"what no your interesting " he said lowering his voice too she smiled at him "thanks" he nodded and face his front after a while of nice view of the city after nice view they was a ZG banna in front of the house,they came down one by one she came down too and took her suite case Stan help her to hold it as they all walk inside the house and it was nice"wow " she said they was a long table was computer and keyboard and mouse it was amazing she thought they was a dining room and kitchen and a TV room "ok we are home "Fati said "it a nice home"Rose said "still looking at everywhere "let me take your suitcase and show you your room"Kevin said trying to take it from Stan "you show her the room i will hold the suite case "Stan said"i have decorated the room for you "fati said"why don't we go check it out " Rishi said 'why is everyone so interested in my room,i hope the room is nice tho ' she thought"let go " Rishi said as everyone was going upstairs Adam came along as they was upstairs they was a blue door it has a name tag Adam and a green door for Stan and a black door for Kevin And a yellow door for Fati "this is all our room " fati said"yh i can see the name tag this time " she said,she saw a pink door with her name on it "this is your room " Fati said she smiled and open the door the room was so pink and things in the room was pink "ahhh"the room was so pink so screamed "what's wrong"Rishi asked "is that my room"she asked "yes don't you like it " Stan asked everyone was looking at her "why is it so pink" she said "every girl like pink right" fati said "not every girl i like pink just the colour i don't like to make my holl room pink " she said smiling at fati "oh ".