
1. Lia

Lia shy , dreamer and the youngest daughter of the small town Trader. Her father was running trading business of traditional medicine which passed down from many generations on him . Lia used go with her father to the nearest forest to collect some herbal, medicinal plants..oh! and she was good at it..even the age of 7 she found some rarest herbs. her father was so proud of her and always wishing if Lia was a boy so he could pass down his family business rather than her two brothers. "Good for nothing" Lia says.

Lia knew that her elder brothers and their wives are the meanest creatures on this earth. Once she accidentally eavesdropped the conversation between her brothers and sister in laws. whole family was trying to cook plan to get rid of the old man from the business so they can sell some fake medicines around the town..

elder brother said " This old man is planning to give whole inheritance to Lia..is this even legal?"

"No Brother , he is planning to give 2000 gold coins to her on her birthday " second brother said

" What? I thought that money was supposed to pay our town taxes so he can run business outside of our town" elder sis said

"Yes , sister he said something like that..if he doesn't pay this time..he will get in trouble for sure" second sister in law was blabbering.

" Well , I'll see how he is going to pay this time???"

everybody Laughed through their noses and teeth.

Lia got very angry she clenched her fists. she furiously went straight to her father who was sitting with few people..some of them were looking very shady, she stopped and listen what her father was saying...he was telling them he'll pay all his debt which he owed

"Debt??..of course because of his family why else he is in need to take some loans?" Lia was wondering... and her wicked brothers were trying to frame this innocent man.

Lia's heart was pounding this old man was praising his sons!.why??. he really thinks that one day if he disappeared his sons will clear all the debt which their family owed.

"poor father! I should not break his heart by telling him so" Lia couldn't said anything she doesn't want to break his smile. she cried that night she missed her mother very much at that time.

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