
Rune De Phelan (2)

Flashback .....

7 years ago.

Vivian and Elena both were 17 years old. As their school ended ,both were preparing for their entrance exam of the university which is the best in the country and is at the fifth in the world.The entrance exam of this university was very tough and only 300 students were admitted every year.Elena had the interest in the computers so she decided to take Computer Science where as Vivian decided to take Arts. Joon was already in the second year and he was in the department of Business and Finance Management . Both the girls worked very hard for their exam and both were very worried about their results. Finally the day the came and both were ready to face whatever the result would be. Both were praying , their hands were joined and eyes were closed. Joon opened the site where the list of the students who were selected was declared. He began to search for their names. Then he spoke in very sad tone " I'm very sad that both of you got admitted." Both the girls didn't react for a minute as he said in very sad tone. Then they both shouted at once as they realized what he said. Then Elena shouted " Joon, I'm going to kill you. " Then both girls ran after him as to catch him. As they all were shouting and laughing, Elena's parents came in the room of Elena. Elena told them that they got the admission. Joon told them that their college would start from next month as the college was closed due to summer vacation. Then Vivian called their parents and told them that they both got the admission. They decided to live in the girl dormitory at the college as Joon was also lived in the boys dorm because it was convenient as they didn't have to wasted their time in travelling everyday. One week left before their college would start. They started packing. The day before they had to move, their parents decided to go for dinner outside.

They all were sitting in one of the private room in a hotel. As they all were talking, Joon said " Now my life is going to be hell at the college as well as two witches are admitted there.God please save me."Then he further said "Both of you don't come in front of my friends as they all will get scared."They all began to laugh and both the girls glared at Joon. Next day they went to their university as it was their reporting day. They were very happy as they got the same room in the dormitory. Then they headed towards their dorm as it took five minutes to reach the girls dorm from main campus. They entered in their room. Their room was of normal size with attached bathroom and balcony. There were two beds at adjacent corner of the room and two study tables beside their beds. Their was only one wardrobe of normal size. They both started to unpack their luggage. then Vivian's phone rang. It was her parents call. She answered the call and went to the balcony. Then someone knocked at the door. Elena opened the door and then a girl hand her an envelop and went to knock at the next door. Elena closed the door and opened the envelop. Then Vivian entered the room and asked her about the envelop. Then Elena handed the card which was inside the envelop to Vivian. It was the invitation card of fresher's party. There was also the list of department, place and timing where the party was organised.The party was in the evening at the every department's auditorium.Both the girls looked at each other and began to discuss what they were going to wear for the party.

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