
Arrival of Jeon Hwan

Jae tries to distract himself by adding more workload to him than usual. His mind is so scattered and unfocused that he even reads a few files twice or sometimes three times but still can't focus on anything. Hiya, on the other hand, was suffering the most from Jae's behaviour.

Jae would change his mind in a blink of an eye, which made the work harder on Hiya. The poor younger kept cursing himself for working with this nut case (which is obviously Jae he's talking about), but what can he do? He knows clearly he is bound to be with his master at every end of his life. So he is high on dark coffee right now, and his eyes are worn out from looking at the laptop screen too much.

Meanwhile, Jae thinks he can't resist it anymore. He tried his best to be calm, and at one point he actually thought he could overcome it and be more normal-like, but he gave up.

'' Aah, hmmm, hiya, I am going to take a break for a while," the master said.

Hearing his master taking a break from work made him sigh in relief for both himself and his master, so he enthusiastically answered his master, '' Yes.. yes.. my master.. of course.. finally.. I thought he would never get up from that chair. Oh, only my pretty mind knows how much I need a break and he needs to clear his mind at the same time.

Jae goes to a balcony just outside his office. He closes his eyes and inhales the fresh air. It somewhat makes him feel like floating and relaxing. He then takes out his cigarette brand and lights it with coffee in another hand.

Jae goes to his daydreaming. This time he is enjoying a walk near the beach, and the sun is about to set. No one is there, only the peaceful roar of the ocean, and every step he takes, the sand mixed with salty water makes his feet calm. Very calm, peaceful, and relaxing.

'' The breeze is good here," Jae said as he inhaled the fresh air. ''It has been a while since I came to that ocean," he said while taking another puff of his cigarette.

Jae has a habit of daydreaming, taking himself somewhere peaceful, or imagining a good memory, or creating a whole new world in his mind. When stressed out, he tries to take his mind off his anxiety and nervousness. It's very common for people to do that. To think there are many who do that...

"At least, I have finally repaid my brother with some happiness," Jae says while taking a deep breath.

Suddenly he placed his right hand on his heart and tapped it gently while saying, "You will be fine, buddy."

Meanwhile, on the other side,

Kim Seojoon was in his living room when he heard his phone keep ringing continuously without a stop.

So he picks up the call only to see it was Mr. Jeon who was calling him: "Oh, Mr. Jeon. How are you? Wh.....'' 

Mr. Jeon cut him off in the middle, only for him to express his excitement with the other first.

''Oh, son, Seo Joon, I can't believe this is happening (excited is on a whole other level)... oh wow, I can't believe soon you and I will not be just business partners... wow, I am so happy. Mr. Jeon Joon said it rather excitedly.

Kim Seojoon, who is a clueless person, asked him, ''What do you mean by that, Mr. Jeon?"

"Oh, he said yes. Soon he will be my son-in-law." I am already hearing wedding bells (dancing a little in his office while saying this).

''Ahm. Can you please explain to me properly what you are talking about?''' 

Mr. Jeon sighs, thinking how the other can be so clueless about it when he was the one proposing his brother's name for his son when he came to know that Mr. Jeon's son is into Alpha's. Your brother came to visit me. I was surprised at first because he has a little cold aura. I mean, hehehe (awkward laugh).. who am I kidding.. hehehehe (laughs awkwardly again).. he is scary. But anyway, wow, he speaks with poise and sophistication, and I am very impressed with it. Although, to be honest, his toad-like secretary is stupid!

'' Huh, what do you mean?" Seojoon asks agan to Mr. Jeon

This time Mr. Jeon ignored his question and started telling him about his fateful encounter with his brother: '' First I thought he would be really angry and, you know, create a scene or insult me. Damn son, I am telling you, I was waiting for an insult. Jae said yes just like that (he couldn't contain his happiness for the wedding of his son).

'' I am sorry, I am really sorry, but I can't hear you. My mind.. I don't know." I mean.. (few seconds of silence).. ahm.. What exactly do you mean? '' Seojoon said again, which now earned him a few seconds of silence from the other side before Mr. Jeon finally started speaking again.

'' YOUR BROTHER KIM JAE VISITED MY OFFICE TODAY, AND HE SPOKE TO ME ABOUT THE MARRIAGE AND FINALLY SAID YES TO THE PROPOSAL." DON'T YOU KNOW THAT, SOOOON YOU AND I WILL BE FAMILIES?" this time M. Jeon said with a little irritated tone and yelled at the other for not listening to him properly.

After hearing this, Mr. Jeon Seojoon immediately hangs up the phone.

While all along the conversation, Pete was with his master, listening to everything they were talking about, but he didn't understand why his sir cut the call, so without being able to contain this question in his mind for long, he asked, '' My sir, what happened to you? Why did you cut the call? '' Though he sounds a little worried now for his master.

Suddenly Seojoon gets off his wheelchair and starts to dance in the entire living room. He was dancing like a kid who had just gotten a bunch of candies. He was expressing his joy and excitement like there's no tomorrow. He even brought in his servants and maids, making them all dance as if it was his own wedding, and they just followed whatever he did. After all, they were all very happy to see their sir happy again like that. SeoJoon was now jumping on his living room's master couch when Pete asked, "Are you alright, sir? '' He was confused as to why his master would behave or dance like a small kid.

Finally, when Pete asked him that question, he realised what he was doing: "Oh, I am sorry. By the way, everyone, I have good news: my brother Jae has finally agreed to marry, and soon I will tie the knot with Mr. Jeon's elder son." I must tell you.. I need to hurry.. before he changes his mind and today no work.. Peter ensures that everyone here enjoys a grand feast tonight. I mean, order food from outside and also some booze. Let's go; I want to see my baby brother now.

Seo Joon starts to walk towards his room to get ready when Peter says,

"Sir, you're leaving your wheel chair behind," Pete said with a done face to his master.

Instead of answering his question, he starts to laugh loudly, saying, "I completely forgot about it." I better keep this close, at least till he is married. That's the only way he will pity his elder brother. Only we know what a devil can be. Let's go, Pete.

Meanwhile, at the office, Jae has once again gotten back to work, and Jimin is constantly praying for the day to end! When suddenly, BANG, the office door opens, revealing none other than his older brother Kim Seojoon, who looks like he was in a happy mood.

"My sweet sweeetest brother" (moving the wheelchair towards his brother with one open arm) I am so happy. You finally agreed to marry.

Looking at this brother's happy face, Jae mumbles slowly, "At least someone is happy." It's worth it then, I guess.

'' Thank you for accepting it." I am really happy for you," Seojoon said with excitement.

''I am glad!'' he says, sad, and kisses Seo Joon's forehead.

"Oh, we must celebrate..." Everybody, I officially announce that the work for today is finished, and everyone go and enjoy with your family and friends. It's the bestest day of my life. Go on, go on! '' Seojoon said to the office staff:

Suddenly, Hiya shouted

'' YES YES YES YES YES YES '' and throws his files in the air and starts to dance happily, finally resting from work...

Both Jae and Seo Joon look at Hiya with one eyebrow raised.

'' I am going to let you off for this time.. since brother insists." Come, let's go have a drink." Jae said 

Hiya runs and kisses Seo Joon's hand. '' I was aching for some drinks." Let's go hyung! '' 

Jae packs his stuff while he looks at Hiya and Seo Joon, who are now walking and singing towards the lift. He joins them, while Pete carries his stuff.

Meanwhile, on the other side..

An announcement is being made at Seoul International Airport.

It said: The flight from New York to Seoul has landed at gate number 12." Thank you for your visit.

After an hour, Jeon Hwan walks out with his trolley luggage in one hand and clutching his laptop bag, which is placed on his shoulder with the other hand. He gets a call from his family saying that they are waiting outside the airport for him.

He gets happy to hear that and starts to take faster steps.

Soon, he sees them: his Alpha father in his early 50s and his eomma, Kim Hyun, who was a Beta about the same age as his father. Hwan sees his parents still looking beautiful and smiling at him brightly. While his two siblings, one sister and a younger brother, are already waving at him with all their excitement,

He runs towards them, hugs his siblings and his father, and then kisses his mother's cheek. He is really happy; he is seeing them after 10 years, after all. They welcomed him with all their warmth, and then soon they were on their way home.