
And so it began

Lying on her bed she was wondering what wrong she had done in her life. She tried thinking back to all the days she could think.It had been almost a month that she had not seen the day light.She had closed herself to everything of the outside world so that she might maker herself numb. The pain that she felt was being tears beyond word. She was not sure how to come out of it.Her stomach made a rumbled once again making her realize it had been three days that she ate a proper diet.

Then she heard her name being called. Mommy I am hungry. Please make Maggi for me.However hard she might try to ignore but she had no choice then to get up and make something for her. Shona said "Honey can I make you egg. Mommy is really not well." She heard that upset tone of her daughter saying Mommy I am tired of eating egg. Please make something else. You have been only lying and sleeping whole day.

However hard she tried she could not make herself to say that she wishes she would have died. It was only the responsibility of her daughter which had stopped her from killing herself.

She got up from bed and cooked her food and again came back to bed and closed her eyes.How she wished she had a company, some to take care of her,someone to hold her. But now she will never fall again on that trap...it will be no one now and forever.