
The Prophecy

The Oracle's Peak, a beautiful mountain isolated from the world and only known to a few, was believed to once had been a residence of a Deity or a Goddess that grants wishes to any who manages to seek her in that isolated mountain. Though only rumors now it is a beautiful mountain that houses a shrine near the top of the mountain. It has been long believed that the goddess is already no more and has passed on to the heavenly realms. A few maidens took care of the shrine under the care of an old lady who was titled, The Oracle's messenger. She was famous for reciting famous prophecies that had always come true and was regarded highly by those who know of her. Some believed that she was once a servant of the great Goddess that resides there once but it is but a rumor. Times pass by and the lady is now growing old. She knew her time had come and wished to be sat on the shrine balcony to stare at the sky. 

''AH… What a beautiful night!'', the old lady mumbled. 

''Ohh the stars so bright and mesmerizing it puts this mountain to shame''. 

The older shrine maidens who were with her stood so silently nearby knowing her end was near and only wished that they hear her last words. But it was more true to say that they wished to hear her last prophecy before she passed on from this life. 

''It seems like it is time. My long Mistress, I have done my deed and I wish to let go now'', the old lady speaks to herself, but at the same time as if she was speaking to someone else. The maidens nearby could only watch and wouldn't dare say a thing as they only wished to listen and remember her last words she would say before her demise. 

The old lady continues on and turns towards the brightness star. ''I wonder which fortunate 'unfortunate' soul will be chosen now. Oh Mistress I asked of you for when the next shooting star passes by, let this disciple of yours be granted one wish and that is to ask for your kindness to be shown in the next chosen  just as how you showed me. This disciple is blessed and is now done repaying the debt. And now, I only wish to pass on. For everything else I give my thanks and I hope that you grant my last request. I will humbly rest now.''

The moment she said so, she took her last breath and died beneath the stars. 

-meanwhile, at current time- 

''LUNA!!! In my office, NOW! '' A mad voice was heard from across the office that sent a straight chill to all the people in the room. 

A young petite lady who has barely crossed the age of twenty seven stood up promptly and rushed to the room where she was called. 

''YOU STUPID BITCH! Do you know what you have done?''

--(to be continue...)

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