
The Weird Dream

What the hell is going on? Why is my body small ? Did I die ? Did I go back in time . This all questions that I am having started when I had a strange dream last night , I sometimes remember what I dreamed off about but this dream was the strangest of all as I recalled it , I was in place filled with darkness , I couldn't see anything I started walking trying to find my way out as I walked and walked and walked but it was still dark then I suddenly heard something like a voice that startled me , the voice felt familiar . I heard it again this time a little clear I heard a word "me" as I tried to follow the voice my legs started walking fastly , I didn't realize until my breathe was caught up that I was running towards the voice as I ran I saw a little light floating in mid air as I came closer to it I had stopped running . When I got close to it I could see what the floating light was , it was a butterfly with a night blue sky colour and it was glowing I could hear the voice clearly now it was coming out of the butterfly it was a man's voice I tried to listen to the voice " Don't leave me" the voice was trembling with fear as I tried to touch the butterfly with my hands gently the butterfly glowed more than before blinding my eyes so much that I woke up I felt my head heavy as if I had a hangover . It felt weird why would I have a hangover I am underage I just turned 15 yesterday wait I woke up late again right . I am always late for school as I saw my alarm clock I thought if the clock had stopped as it was 4 in the morning I picked up the clock saw it again to check if it had stopped but it was ticking , now that I think about it my mother didn't wake me up yet and she didn't scream like wake up girl do u want to be late for school again and there was no water spilled on my bed well if my mother's screaming didn't work she would just get a bucket of water and say I will count till 3 if u don't get up I will throw this bucket full of water on your face and then she will count 1 ....2 .....3 and splash and that's how usually I would wake up . I really did wake up early I thought about sleeping again but for some I couldn't fall asleep again as I got out of my bed . I just walked straight towards the bathroom to brush my teeth as I was brushing my teeth I thought about waking my parents but I dropped that idea as I knew if I woke my mom she would be surprised and she will just tell me to help her out to make breakfast and if I woke my dad up he would just go back to sleep as he works late at night so it's better not to wake up both of them but then , I knew that my dog Mike would also be sleeping . He was five years old and if I had to define his personality he was lazy he would sleep for more hours than me sometimes I felt jealous of that dog and he was better treated than me in this house and he even stole Henry the Third my favourite teddy bear . When I told my parents they just shoved me off and told me I was big enough to sleep without Henry and I should let the dog have it as it's plaything I was real mad when Henry left my side . I knew what I had to do if I had woken up early I needed to get Henry the Third back I opened the back door slowly and went near the backyard where my enemy's house lied I walked slowly step by step as I got near the dog house I could see Henry the third dirty and that dogs saliva all over him I got close to Henry he was just lying next to the dog . I reached my hands for him and then I heard a growl of Mike I didn't move and tried to see if he was growling towards me , well he wasn't looks like this dog is also having a dream he is growling and smiling weirdly . I reached out to Henry again and this time he was in my hands I felt really happy it had been years since I saw Henry again wait I think it's not years just a month , I guess since he was stolen away from me why would I think it was years since I saw him again well let's just get him washed in the washing machine he is dirty and he smells like dogs poop as I got Henry the Third inside the washing machine , I put him inside then added some water with washing Powder and pushed the button for wash and set the timer for 15 min and when Henry was washed he was wet so I put him inside again to drain for 10 min as he was draining . I just sat down waiting for the time to pass by then suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I screamed in horror as I looked who scared the shit out of me it was just my mother . She scared me so much I could hear my heartbeats my mother asked me what was I doing so early in the morning I told her I was washing Henry the Third she said "what? move aside" , as she pushed me , she was staring at the washing machine and asked me how I did it , as I told her the process she looked more confused she asked me if someone told me how to operate a washing machine and I told her " no " I just know how to operate a washing machine she was more confused as to how I learned to operate a washing machine . Now that I think about it I didn't know how to operate a washing machine in my 15 years of life that I have lived . My mother asked me if I woke up just to wash a teddy bear and I told her I just woke up at 4 and I couldn't sleep so I just thought I would wash Henry the Third , she had a shocked face she confirmed if I had woken up at 4 and I told her yes she came close to me put her hand on my forehead and checked if I had a fever and I really didn't have fever , then after checking my temperature she was like " U must be growing up ", I just got 15 yesterday well it might make sense . I must be becoming mature my mom told me to start getting ready for school and get down after I am ready well I got inside my room got my ironed uniform out of the hanger wore my uniform as I was looking at my skirt if it was too below my knees and the thought struck me did I always wear a skirt I prefer pants than skirts I am a bit tomboyish , then I combed my hair as I was braiding my hair I thought my hair had grown a lot and did I always braid my hair I must be growing up just like my mother said or Am I just going through puberty , I just looked at the mirror to check if I looked good but I thought I looked shorter than before " Am I really growing cause I look shorter than before" . Since I had that dream in the morning I woke up early for the first time in my life , I thought that I had seen Henry the third after many years , then I used the washing machine which I haven't even touched in my 15 years of life and now I am thinking that if I wore a skirt or not and my hair is longer and did I braid it always and How am I shorter than before , I have heard that people grow taller overnight but I have never heard of a person growing shorter overnight It must be because I haven't had breakfast yet and when I am hungry I have stupid thoughts . I decided I will get these thoughts out and just eat my breakfast I left my room to have breakfast downstairs.