
First day of school

The pale light of the newly risen sun made the dew shimmer through the window as Alice woke up to get ready for the first day at her new school. She's very nervous and also do not know what to wear , so she call her friends at her old school for advice, but they did not answer the call. Alice thought maybe they forgot about her already, she made up her mind to go to school and make new friends. Alice put on a white long sleeve shirt with a short blue and white skirt and to match up a long white socks with blue boots.

Alice went down stairs to greet her parents, and her mother was so shocked that she spilled her coffee while going to drink it, she immediately told Alice '' Young lady go and change that outfit right now !'' Alice asked, upset. "Because it is inappropriate for school!" said her mother. The tone of her mother's voice made her ran back to her room and changed. " Mom" Alice said, " Are you satisfied now" and slammed the door on her way out.

Her mother came outside and said " I still have to drop you to school " Alice said " Whatever " and went into the car. On the way to school there were silence and tension, when Alice came out of the car she walked a few steps and then turns back and said to her mother " Mom I am sorry, I love you " her mother then said " I know honey, I love you too ", then Alice smiled and gives her a hug from outside the car. When Alice entered the school everyone was looking at her , and laughing making fun of her outfit , she did not bother to look or pay any mind to what they were saying.

While walking to her first class she bumped into Sara and made her books fell out of her hands, while picking them up, Sara introduced her self to Alice , she said " Hi I'm Sara, nice to meet you" Alice replied , " I'm Alice, nice to meet you too. "Then they both entered the class room, when that class was finished, they went to the other classes, then finally the day were done. Alice mother came for her and she said " Goodbye " to sara, when Alice reached home her mother asked, " How was you day honey" Alice said , " It was great mom, I made a new friend and her name is sara, " Really" said her mother , " I would love to meet her " Ok " said Alice, an went upstairs to her room.

" What an exhausting day," said Alice. Then she heard a notification,sound from her laptop when she checked it said, "that her friends posted a picture", so she went to look , in tears she ran to her bed squeezed the pillow tight as she can and squeaks, her mother heard her and ran up to her room she look like she have been hurt , her mother asked, " honey what is the matter, why are you crying? " and then hugged her. She said " The kids at school posted a picture of me and made fun of it online " her mother said , " Oh honey I'm sorry" and hugged her again.