
Chapter 33: The Same Woman


At the CEO's Office.

Ryan was glaring at the man in front of him, who was laughing uncontrollably, despite Assistant Yoon begging him to stop.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! So let me get this straight. You are getting married to the same woman who saved you from when you had that accident and the same woman whom you 'accidentally' kissed at that party?" Daniel asked trying very hard to suppress his laughter.

Ryan rolled his eyes and replied to his friend's question, with gritted teeth, "YES!"

"Well if this isn't fate, then ahahaha I don't know what is." Daniel said before he lost control of his emotions and cracked up.

Just as Ryan was about to say something, a notification popped up on his phone.

[Mom: Come to Flawless Co. we are all here to finalize yours and Soo Min's engagement outfits.]

Ryan frowned and was about to type up an excuse when another message popped up.

[Mom: Oh and don't you dare try to make up a stupid excuse because I know your not busy. I better see you here in fifteen minutes.]

His face twitched when he saw the text, how did his mom know what he was about to say?

"Assistant Yoon. Cancel all my afternoon appointments and tell the driver to prepare the car. We are going to Flawless Co." Assistant Yoon heard his young master instruct and immediately got to work.

"Yes Boss!"

"Flawless Co? Isn't that the same place where that famous designer works. What was his name again? Ah! Designer Choi. Anyways, what are you going to do there?" Daniel asked with a smug face.

Although he did know why his friend was going to that place, he wanted to hear to from him directly, since it was funnier that way.

"That is none of your business." Ryan nonchalantly replied whilst putting his phone away, before he walked past Daniel.


Meanwhile at Flawless Co.

"Hey dad, I'm her—"

Before she could even complete her sentence, Soo Min was immediately pulled into one of the private rooms of the boutique.

By the time she regained her footing, she saw a middle aged man wearing a red suit stand in front of her, who was meticulously scanning her from head to toe.

The middle aged man placed his hand on his chin, as if he was in deep thought, and nodded.

"Hmm not bad... but she could use some work." The middle aged man commented as he took note of Soo Min's brown hair, fair skin, tall stature, and slim yet curvy body.

His comment made her utterly speechless and confused. Moreover, his constant staring was making her feel awkward and uncomfortable.

"Excuse me, what do you think you're—"

"Ah. Soo Min, there you are, I was just about to call you. I see that you have already met Designer Choi." Father Park cut her off, as he walked towards them.

Soo Min's eyes widened in disbelief and asked, "He's Designer Choi?!"

The man sure did have a funky taste in fashion, and gave off weird vibes. Although, she had never really bothered to see his face, Designer Choi had often come up in famous magazines and the news for his exceptional works of art.

"Soo Min dear. You're finally here! I hope you are ready?" Mother Song asked as he walked past the tall racks of gowns, with two fashion consultants, carrying a few dresses, trailing behind her.

Soo Min weakly smiled at her and nodded, but was slightly confused at Mother Song's words. 'Ready? Ready for what? Am I not here just for picking out an engagement dress?' She mused.

"Well then, Designer Choi let's start." Mother Song smiled radiantly, almost blinding Soo Min with that bright smile.

With a clap of his hands, Designer Choi called out, "Mia, Emily. Let's begin."

"Wait what the—" Soo Min blankly looked at the scene unfolding in front of her. Completely unaware of what was to come.

Suddenly, two fashion consultants appeared from behind, almost startling Soo Min. Before she could even understand what in the world was going on, she was abruptly pulled into to one of the trial rooms by the two assistants.

"I've always dreamed of playing dress up with my daughter, but sadly that never happened. But now, I can finally fulfill this old dream of mine, thanks to my beautiful daughter-in-law." Mother Song's smile was so wide due to her excitement, but when Soo Min heard her from the trial room, shivers were sent down her spine.

hehehe your author san is having a major case of writers block so please bear with me!

aria_dramafancreators' thoughts
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