
Is something change? Or not?

A lot of time had passed, hello, different changes had come in everyone's life and everyone had accepted them, similarly a new story begins, this was the story of a simple girl who was very beautiful. It was his nature to help everyone by laughing and talking, but perhaps his luck was not so beautiful, otherwise he had someone of his own and everyone was his own,Her parents had died and she used to work as a maid in her stepmother's house. Even after so many atrocities she did not take a word out of her mouth. Marriage was a symbol of her tolerance. One day, after finishing all the work of her house, she got a sign from her parents on her mother to bring wood from the forest, loudly given by her grandmother and she had lost it, she started crying after seeing him. And think about that old happy family of yours, that maybe a family that she might never get now but I was still accepting my life, maybe it was her fate, there is an old woman in front of her crying He silenced her and said why are you crying do you think it is right to tell me maybe I can help you if you trust me I will definitely help you He asked that girl her name?I could never meet but I was still accepting my life, maybe it was her fate, there is an old woman in front of her crying, she silenced her and said why are you crying do you think it is right to tell me maybe I can help you if you trust me I will definitely help you He asked that girl her name?I could never meet but I was still accepting my life, maybe it was her fate, there is an old woman in front of her crying, she silenced her and said why are you crying do you think it is right to tell me maybe I can help you if you trust me I will definitely help you He asked that girl her name?"girl told her name "oh sai on"