
The fame fantasy

The attraction was leading her to the most joy, that wasn't of accomplishing him but just satisfying her eyes. 11 was good sum of age to get attracted to fame!! nothing was different in her childhood story . It was also the same like other kids. Increasing in age didn't shook her love for him as he was his first celeb crush , no changes were there in her attraction for him . Shaarna was too in the line of millions girls admiring him. Being a kid it was known to her family and obviously like other parents they too thought it was nothing but only a common attraction , it was so in the beginning and in the last . Hidden was the middle script of her attraction that was on peak . Middle story of her for him was not an attraction story but had became a fantasy of love and specially fame. As he was the most loved , famed ,wanted and smartest in her race . Daydreaming was started in her middle story, several stories, dreams ,fantasy, wants stared listing for him. But time was passing and so her age was . Belonging to the high caste and financially stable family she was leading a simple yet fantasy full life. Every day she was stepping into a new fantasy , full of scripted love and fame every day .

Nothing remains constant forever. Time, people, conditions everything changes one day awaiting for nothing to seek permission from but just changes suddenly . She was not like others her life was having zones , several zones which was formed in the last part of her celeb crush!!.. love, fanatsy was not the only reason behind her zone formation but the so called family possessiveness. Lost in her own world when alone but the energy of her around !! Love hurts the most!! but had she founded her love . The last of her celeb crush was the shift of her attraction . Not to someone of the previous status but to a friend of hers. Her companion , advisor, enemy , protector, her everything in her every zone !! giving her life a disastaring change.

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