
Don't Touch Me!

At this moment a group of mercenaries sat around a fire while waiting for the food to be cooked. "So since we caught her, what do you think they want from her? I mean she's gorgeous but the pay we are getting is insane for someone like her don't you think?"

"Don't know, don't care, honestly does it matter? Though..." Looking back at the girl the man licked his lips before returning his gaze back to his fellow mercs. "They didn't say we couldn't taste her did they?"

"Dude I'm pretty sure when the instructions listed as 'unharmed' that means we can't touch her."

"Don't be so crude… look at her… you would probably break her and she'd be worthless."

"Who do you think she is anyways?"

"Don't know I have never heard of a girl like her in the prominent families but also look at her clothes… she's a fighter!"

"Yea we may have to just keep her bound for now after she wakes up."

"I still want to have a little taste.. I wont hurt her… hehe."

The man got up while solely focused on the young girl in the corner of the cave, the look in his eyes was like a wild beast hunting for its prey. A glint flashed passed his expression and he closed in on the girl…

He lifted her delicate face to meet his and licked her cheek. "Sweet…" He got more excited at the prospect of tasting her thoroughly, as he scanned her up and down taking in her beauty, he hadn't noticed the change in her breathing.

Leaning down once again to take her lips in his…


The man screamed from extreme pain after a knee landed onto his groin.

"Touch me again and you will feel more than that type of pain!" Kirin fiercely glared at the man, her attention changed to the other men in the cave with her at that moment and she wondered how exactly she got here and why they would take her.


Just as she changed her focus from the man on the ground howling in pain to the rest of the group a hand flew at her face sending her flying back a few feet after twisting her head to the side and blood oozed down the corner of her lips.

If looks could kill Kirin would have died a thousand times over by this man. His eyes were cold and malicious while his focus was solely on her and he forgot about the rest of the men in the cave as well as the contract details. His anger reached extreme heights at this moment and he was going to have her one way or another!

"You dare to defy me little girl? I will have you and there will be no other one you will want after, that I promise you!"


The energy Kirin released was explosive, she had no control over it, it's almost as if she was no longer there! It struck the mercenary and sent him back a few steps. Confused by this he ignored the stinging pain caused by the pressure of her energy and fought his way back to her.

"Sl*t has magic! Yo! Toss me that thing for her quickly!"

They were given a specific type of talisman that will seal any magic from a person but keep them conscious, at first they didn't understand why they needed it for such a young girl, but right now they clearly understood!

With the talisman in hand the man tossed it onto her body before kicking her in the stomach and sending her body back to slam against the wall. "Heh that's for striking back! Now come here little girl, daddy is about to teach you a lesson…"

He grabbed Kirin roughly and tossed her over his shoulder to take her back behind a large boulder inside the cave. Just as he had gone a few steps one of the other mercs grabbed his shoulder and reminded him not to do this per the contract orders.

"Heh so what I'll pay the penalty if you're so scared. Besides she struck me twice, this little girl needs a lesson."

"I really don't think you should do this man, look at her, she's something I don't think we can offend here."

"Fine, I'll do this in full view!"

He tossed Kirin down in a heap, causing her to cry a bit out of pain, keeping her glare on him. She absolutely didn't understand why he was doing this to her. "Let me go! Hey!... Don't touch me!"

'Smack!' another smack landed on her gorgeous face with more blood trickling out of her lips, while now she had a ringing in her ear and she was dizzy. Then the man sent another kick to her stomach, causing her to double over and whimper out a small grunt of pain. The fire in her eyes began to blaze like an inferno at this brutish man.

He suddenly walked away leaving her there on the ground covered in bruises. The other mercenary walked over to clean her cuts and bring her food as he looked at her with pity in his eyes. He's always hated jobs like this, it isn't that person's fault.

Seeing that her eye was beginning to swell he sent a glare at that brutish man on more time for doing this to her. *Sigh* "I'm sorry there's nothing I can do there's a contact out for you."

Kirin just stared blankly at the man and let him do whatever since he didn't seem to harbor any ill intent towards her right now so she would just let him.

Besides she needed more information before she could escape from here. So she just decided to stay quiet and observe, as long as they didn't try to hurt her she would just follow along. After finishing her food she fell asleep. Sometime in the middle of the night that brutish man crawled to her side and slipped his hands up her thigh. The smoothness of her leg, the milky white color of her skin that glowed in the moonlight just trapped him with her. He continued to feel her every curve as his excitement grew even further.

Just before he was able to touch her breasts, Kirin's knee once again aimed and blasted at his sensitive area once again. Sending the man howling in pain once again away from her, this of course alerted the rest and they rushed over to help her if they could.

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