
First Love: Mo Xue (10)

"Good morning, host. It's time to wake up."

I slowly open up eyes, only to see the rising chest of a certain someone. I gaze up, looking onto the fine specimen in front of me.

Damn, I'm falling hard for this Prince.

I try to shake away these thoughts. I can't. I can't fall in love with him. His life is my mission and I will be leaving after saving him. He deserves better, better than me.

I slowly push away from his embrace, pulling myself up. My whole body is aching and my back is stinging. Argh... Damn this horny Prince.

However, as soon as I tried to move away, his strong arms pull me back, making me fall on top of him.


I accidentally whimper in pain, as my body was slightly twisted to the side. Pain shoots up from my lower back, making me temporarily immobile.


"Shh... I'm sorry, my dear."

The Prince runs his hand to my lower back, massaging my hip with his large, warm palm. Despite that, I still shiver upon meeting his palm on my naked skin.

Since when did his hand get under my robe?

"Does this make it better, my dear?"

His husky morning voice sounded sexy to my ears. I can only nod in in his embrace as I can't trust myself to sound normal with him.

"This Prince is sorry about last night. Next time, I will do it slowly, my dear."


The pale ger stiffen upon hearing the last sentence. Feeling shy over this, he buried his face deep into his husband's chest, feeling the vibration of laughter bubble up from his husband.

The soul-changed Consort has a mixed feeling over this. Can he really let himself fall in love with the Prince, despite knowing he himself is not the genuine person? And the Prince, seemingly infatuated with him, is it to him or to the real Consort?

But, the real Consort is already dead, without the Prince even knowing his true self. So, they were left with him, a young man from another world.

A loud knock disrupt his train of thoughts.

"Your Highness, it's time for you to go to the palace."

Jae Hee slowly pulls away from the Prince's embrace, as the Prince sits up. He wants to get out of the bed but the Prince push him down, covering him back with the duvet, urging him to sleep. The Prince wait for the Consort to fall asleep, playing with the latter's hair, humming a song, making his bride fall back to slumber. The Prince drop a chaste kiss on his bride's head, before wearing his robes loosely, walking out the chamber. His attendant is already waiting, carrying with him His Highness outer jacket. The Prince cast a glance toward the Consort's closing door, as he let his attendant drape his coat over him, before they both leave.

Back in the chamber, directly after the door is shut, the Consort eyes open up and stare brightly at the brocade canopy above him.


"The Prince has left, host."

I immediately open up my eyes, moving around a bit, still feeling a bit sore.

"Zero Three, I'm heading back to the system's space."

"Yes, host."

I gradually close my eyes again, slowly drifting out of my outer body and being transported back to the empty, stark white space. I keep laying down on the floor, since the 'activity' last night have make me inconvenient to move around, at least for now.

"Do you need painkillers, host?"

"No need."

I'm not going to waste anymore of my hard earn points on something like this. Plus, it's not all pain, right.


I better save up on those points and only use it when in need. And... that remind of something.

"Oh yea, Zero Three, why did you wake me up this early?"

"Consort Ning's family had known about her imprisonment, host. They have petitioned for the King, asking for a fair judgement. Minister Ning Zuo, her father, said that you have bewitched the Prince, making him do such things. The rest of the ministers, the one who have sent their family member's here, are supporting him. They are petitioning to have your marriage annulled and for you to be punish as well."

"Damn. It's just the same, like in the drama. All this political schemes is disgusting. Why on earth would you send me here to be a Prince's Consort when there are millions of other people out there?"


I almost scream in frustration as my system failed to respond. Shit, do I have to face this on my own? Well, even when I'm watching those period dramas, I would skip all those political crap and goes directly to the relevant scene. So what can I do?

"What do you want me to do?"

"We will have to wait, host. Right now the Prince is already at the palace, he was planning on calling the physician, the one that had treated you before, as witness, stating that Concubine Ning is the one that try to harm you. Couple with your previous ailment, the Prince wants to eliminate the concubine all together."

"Eliminate? As in... kill her?"

"Yes, host."

I shiver upon such thoughts.

[Side mission, task four:

Help the Prince to disperse his harem. 100 points.

This is a long term task. Points will be given when it's completed.]

"How many women reside in the Prince's harem?"

"Fifteen, host."

Fifteen?! How on earth can one man handle that many women? Oh, wait. He had never really been together with any of them, right? But... fifteen? There from Jae Hee's memory, all of those concubines are beautiful and voluptuous. There must be one that had attracted his fancy.

"Zero Three, among them all, who is the Prince's favourite?" I ask, nonchalantly. But, to be honest, I fear the answer.

"None, host. He has not been with any of those woman."


I'm releasing my breath that I'm holding unconsciously. Right now, I have to pick my brain, trying to find ways to do my mission.

First one to go, Concubine Ning.


While on the outside, the Consort seems to be sleeping soundly, seemingly unaware of the in and out of some maids that have been ordered to prepare a hot bath by the Prince, in reality, the pale ger is plotting the demise of a certain concubine.

Jae doesn't really want to kill anybody but when he thinks how that particular concubine had tried to kill him, twice, he feels no guilt what so ever.

He slowly open up eyes, a flash of viciousness streak on it for a while, as he finally got a way, to ensure that Concubine Ning will be gone from the Prince's harem.

Next chapter