

Ann White is a nineteen year old who wants to be a millionaire. But there's a problem; she lacks the drive to actually work for it. Her mother advises her to resort to seducing rich men but Ann doesn't want that either. She doesn't want a man in her life. William Brown is a rich twenty-one year old who is fighting for the position of CEO with his other two cousins, Neil and Daniel. He's cold and indifferent but when he cares about something, he makes sure to nurture it. The four get tangled in a love...square? Rectangle? Will Ann's life turn out the way she wanted it to or will she be worse off than how she started?

G_Mumba · Urban
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


Sera noticed that Ann wasn't responding to her chatter so she turned to look her straight in the eye.

"What's up, Ann? You look like someone who just imagined their wedding play out in front of them."

Sera said chewing a large chunk of meat.

Ann was quiet for a moment as she observed Sera's bad eating manners.

"Sorry but weddings aren't my thing. I was just wondering what the interview will be like, that's all." she said smiling at Sera.

"So you've never dreamt of been dressed in a white gown? Having everyone's attention on you and your Mr. Right?" Sera asked nudging Ann's shoulder.

"I've worn a white gown before."

"You're married?!"

"No. I wore the gown when I was in a Christmas play. I was an angel." she answered laughing at Sera.

"Ohhh! I was surprised. You look too young."

"And besides, everyone is attentive so they can spot something wrong to gossip about. And for food."

Ann picked up a chicken wing and bit off a small piece of meat. Her grandmother always said a rich lady should eat like she's expensive. Ann wanted to call her grandmother so she could receive some blessings but she didn't want to seem rude to Sera. She didn't want to look like a cyber zombie and join the majority of people in the room. She noticed that Sera was looking at her again and she realized she had zoned out again.

"Sorry, did you say something?"

"You weren't listening? Ohh wow!" Sera said almost shouting.

"I'm sorry. I'm just nervous right now...about the interview and all." Ann said sighing.

"It ain't that bad. Just be confident and don't let your fear show in any way, okay. Then...talk like you have already been hired, like the position is already yours, yeah?"

Ann smiled at the woman and was sincerely grateful. Sera was a nice lady. Sera looked down at her food and Ann's eyes became distant again.

A few seconds went by when she noticed a man looking at her. She furrowed her brows so the man would notice that he was making her uncomfortable but he smiled. She sniggered and rolled her eyes at him. What a pervert!

She picked up her cup of juice and sucked on the straw to draw the juice. She noticed the man gulped as he watched her. She almost spit out the juice but prevented herself from doing so because she still had to look presentable for the interview. The 'pervert' squinted his eyes and then smiled and waved. He walked out after shamelessly blowing her a kiss.

"What position did you apply for?" she heard Sera ask.

"Sec.. secretary." she answered turning to look at Sera.

Sera seemed lost in thought but Ann didn't bother her to ask what was wrong. She followed Sera's line of vision and noticed she was looking at a gentleman in a suit who sat two tables away facing them. He was also looking at Sera; like he was in a trance.

"That's Lawrence; my type of guy." Sera said though she didn't break eye contact with the man.

"He's looking at you like you're he's type of girl." Ann said observing Lawrence.

Lawrence blinked and Sera smiled.

"He's married. We were just having a staring contest and I won." Sera said rubbing her eyes.

Ann felt like a fool. She should have known. She pressed her lips together and looked at Sera in a 'really?' kind of way. Sera giggled and slapped Ann's shoulder.

"I should go now. Gotta work. Bye and don't forget what I told you; confidence." Sera said getting up and using a hand gesture to emphasize the confidence part.

Ann smiled and a few seconds after Sera had gone, she too got up. For some reason, Lawrence waved at her and she just found it weird. Was everyone here a pervert? She shook her head to switch her thoughts back to the interview. She went to the waiting area where some other interviewees were already sitting. She felt like a melting chocolate bar so she decided to go to the bathroom before the interviews resumed. Maybe she would even call granny.

When she got to the bathroom, she first went to pee then fixed her make-up. She dug her hand into the small pocket inside her bag where she always put her phone and realized it wasn't there. She looked in the other pockets and found it wasn't there either. Ann recalled leaving her phone in the bathroom and she imagined her phone sitting lonely with 'Granny' flashing across the screen. She slapped her forehead and shortly after, she realised she had ruined her make-up again.

She decided to just wash it off and used her handkerchief to dry her face. She applied some oil to her face and did a series of face yoga moves to relax her face. She massaged her breast like she always did when she felt nervous. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and noticed a woman was staring at her. She released her breasts from her palms and closed her eyes in embarrassment. She undid her ponytail and ruffled it up. She turned and walked out without looking back at the cleaner who had just witnessed her madness. Her face heated up thinking about what expression she had on her face. She slapped her forehead and realized, she had left her bag in the damned bathroom.

Ann turned and headed back to the bathroom.

The woman was mopping the floor and was evidently distracted so Ann grabbed her bag and run out like a thief. When she got back to the waiting area, only fourty people were left; including herself. She stood by the wall because the seats were occupied. A man walked out looking gloomy and Ann felt worried again. What was the reason for the interview exactly?

Time flew by and in an hour only Ann was left.

"Ann White." a man's voice called from inside.

Ann inhaled deeply and walked into the room.