

Ann White is a nineteen year old who wants to be a millionaire. But there's a problem; she lacks the drive to actually work for it. Her mother advises her to resort to seducing rich men but Ann doesn't want that either. She doesn't want a man in her life. William Brown is a rich twenty-one year old who is fighting for the position of CEO with his other two cousins, Neil and Daniel. He's cold and indifferent but when he cares about something, he makes sure to nurture it. The four get tangled in a love...square? Rectangle? Will Ann's life turn out the way she wanted it to or will she be worse off than how she started?

G_Mumba · Urban
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41 Chs


Harley fell silent after William's outburst and Mark didn't say anything either. Ann felt compelled to be the one to begin the conversation again but something about how William looked at her made her remain quiet. After a few minutes in silence, Harley got up to leave still upset.

"Make sure you close the door gently." William said.

"Don't you feel an ounce of guilt for driving me away?" Harley questioned him.

"Nope. Now please leave my wife and I alone."

"Mark, are you just going to watch your son humiliate me like this?!"

"I don't like how you spoke about Ann either, so yes, I will watch." Mark answered with a sigh.

Harley stormed out of the office and slammed the door to annoy William. She grinned when he glared at her but then she broke into a sprint when he came towards her. On her way to the elevator, her heel broke off, further annoying her.

"Can't I be in peace for once?!" she screamed as she pressed the button to go down.

"So Ann, I want to know how old you are." Mark said when William took a seat next to him.

"I'm nineteen." she blurted out.

"You married a minor?!" Mark exclaimed alarmed.

"I'll handle it dad." William said rubbing his temples.

"Handle it?! Like you handled the pregnancy news, ayy? Willy, this is trouble! With the meeting to appoint the new CEO just around the corner! Couldn't you wait?"

"Ohhh wow! Like how you waited for mom before impregnating her when she was sixteen?!"

"This is not about me or your mother, Willy."

"Gentlemen." Ann said suddenly getting their attention,"I've already handled that because I have a fake ID remember, Will."

"Fake ID. Good. That's excellent news, dear." Mark said calming down.

The father and son looked at each other then William remembered that according to her fake ID she was a year older than him. He frowned and looked at her and she just shook her head because she was also thinking about the same thing.

"Now to get to the main point of my visit." Mark stated,"They're still coming to father's house for dinner tonight and you two are expected to be there as well."

"We can't make it tonight." William lied.

"Why? Are we busy?" Ann asked on purpose.

William glared at her while giving her a silent warning to not say anything more. He wasn't ready to meet the whole family just yet but with how things were going it was clear that he wouldn't have much of a choice.

"Do you want to invite anyone to the dinner? Family only though." Mark asked Ann.

"My grandma and my mom." Ann said.

"No dad?" he asked.

"I don't know who my father is." Ann said sadly.

She looked down at her hands on her lap and didn't notice the look in William's eyes. He felt sorry for her and felt like hugging her.

"Sorry to bring that up, dear." Mark apologized.

"No worry," she said looking up,"you're my daddy now."

"Yes I am."

"Don't suffocate me with these acts of love and care when you know nothing about each other." William said sarcastically.

Mark frowned at his son and realized that William was just feeling left out. Mark thought that maybe William just wanted to spend some alone time with his wife. William watched Ann closely and saw her look at the elevator like she was waiting for someone to come so he also turned and Mark followed suit. The elevator door opened and an old man stepped out. He was wearing a gray looking jean, a black T-shirt and sneakers and he was sweating.

"Who's that?" Ann asked.

"Uncle Welsh." Mark said,"Or... grandpa Welsh in your case."

"What's the point of the dinner if they are coming here to meet Vi?" William asked standing up,"I'm going back to work."

"Come on Willy. Stay a little longer and say hi at least. They are here to congratulate you."

William sighed and sat back down. Welsh Brown was the athletic type of man even in old age but he still had a bit of fat on him an a pot belly. He was a little younger than Tiger and he certainly had more energy. Welsh jogged to Ann's office and nearly hit into the glass because he didn't see it.

"You might want to consider putting up some signs up here for us old folks." he said when he entered the room.

Welsh walked straight to Ann and took her hand in his and kissed it like a gentleman would. She smiled uncomfortably and he returned her smile.

"This must be the damsel that fell for this unruly brat. You're beautiful Ann, very beautiful indeed." he said.

"Wipe your hand, Vi. I don't know how many germs have accumulated on those lips from those inappropriate kisses he gives every female he sees." William said handing Ann his.

"Eish....Mark, your boy is trying to dig his own grave with this sort of talk." Welsh said laughing.

"I guess we should get him a casket in advance." Mark said smiling.

"Lovely to meet you, my prince." Ann greeted Welsh.

"Did you hear that, ayyy? I am her prince charming!" Welsh said gleefully.

William felt slightly jealous and he made no effort to hide it. He got up and left Ann's office while Welsh laughed at him. Ann laughed as well and when they were done laughing, Welsh told her about how petty William could be at times.

"I remember a time back when he was in fifth grade. A girl who had a crush on him stole his sketch book and drew a big heart for him to express her feelings toward him. Guess what he had me do. He made me arrange a romantic dinner for them only to tell her he hated her." Welsh explained,"I wonder how you got him to fall in love but I am glad he didn't end up with his fake girlfriend."

"What fake girlfriend?" Mark asked lost.

"To think that he would go that far to avoid marriage." Welsh said ignoring Mark's question.

Mark was about to ask again but the elevator opened again.

"Mi amor!" Welsh jumped out of his chair to receive his wife.

She was dressed in a bright yellow dress with a floral pattern on it and she had simple sandals on her feet. She had no make up on and no bag or purse in her hands making Ann wonder if the woman had brought anything at all. She was a short and fat woman with pink rosy cheeks and a pair of black eyes. When she smiled, her eyes became little crecent shapes and her teeth were very white.

"Ohhh love!" she shouted back at Welsh with the same energy.

She run to her husband who carried her easily. To Ann the couple looked like something from a movie. They kissed making Mark look away but Ann stared at them like a child. She noticed Welsh's wife whispered into his ear and he wriggled his brows like a youth in a newly found love.

"Is that my new baby girl?!" she exclaimed speed walking to Ann's office while Welsh trailed behind her,"My! She's lovely!"

"This is aunt Susan or grandma Susan." Mark introduced the woman.

"Mark, I like to introduce myself and you know that!" Susan screamed then she turned to Ann and said in a softer voice,"My name is Susan Riley Brown or...what he said."

"Ann Violet White Brown. Nice to meet you grandma." Ann said shaking the woman's hand.

Susan's smile widened and then she pinched Ann's cheeks like she was playing with a puppy. Ann stood up from her chair so Susan could sit but the woman pushed her back down.

"Where's Willy?" Susan asked,"I'll kill him if he is in that damned office of his."

"He is." they answered together.

"Right.". Susan said lifting her breasts then dropping them again.

She marched to William's office and opened the door like she was going to rob him then she entered like she was going to really murder someone. A minute later, she came out with William half bent to match her height as she was. pinching his ear.

"Why don't we go to the conference room so we can all sit down. My legs are starting to hurt." Susan said still smiling and holding William down.

They left together and went to the conference room which was on the eleventh floor. By now Susan had released William from her grip and was cuddling her husband. The four of them chatted while William watched them sulking because he wanted to work. Ann noticed he was quiet but then again she realized he never spoke much either way.

"I don't understand! Why don't you guys want a wedding celebration? It's every girls dream to wear a white gown and walk down the aisle to her beloved." Susan tried to persuade Ann.

"Not so much when you practically have white in your name, got baptized in a white dress and all. I have walked down the aisle in church to the Lord whom I love you know." Ann said laughing.

They laughed with her and then suddenly Susan slapped William's hand.

"Can't you even laugh or pretend to laugh when your wife cracks a joke?!" she asked.

"Well, I don't find this set up or what she said amusing so no, I won't laugh or pretend to laugh." William said getting up from his seat,"Now if you may excuse me."