

Chapter 2



Laide POV

Its been a year since the last time i saw him. I no longer see him in school either. What happened to him?

I'm at Pancho's cafe rightnow, staring outside. The rain was so heavy and we only have 4 customers inside. Hmmm, We should closed already since its already late.

I decided to go to the comfort room for a minute and Lyka, my co-worker agreed.When i go back to the counter, i stopped walking i saw someone entered the cafe.

He put his umbrella on the side and smiled at me. He's back.

You're just dreaming, laide.

I slapped my face slowly to know if it was real but nothing happened. He raised his left eyebrow and started to grin.

I closed my eyes and shook my head.

Yeah, maybe i was just dreaming. Come to your senses, laide.

I slowly opened my eyes and got startled because he is now at the counter, he gave me "What-The-Hell-Are-You-Doing" look.

"H-hey." i greet him.

"Tss, I'll wait for you outside. I need to give you something." He wink and started to walk outside without waiting my answer.

Why do he have to wink? Tss

Fucking handsome, boy.

Few moments later, Lyka and i decided to closed the cafe since its already late. The rain stopped already so we need to go home quickly. I hope there isn't upcomming typhoon.

After closing the store, i waited for lyka to enter the Bus. She was 2 years younger to me so its my priority to take care of her.

After that, I go back to the cafe and I saw him outside standing on the edge of the cafe. He looked at me and smiled again.

What's wrong with him?

He must love smiling or miss me?

Yuck laide. Dream big.

Oh God, Focus self.

"-You know. Hey, are you listening?" He asked waiving his hands on my face.

"A-a? What? What did you say? Sorry."

"Are you okay?" He asked out of curiousity.

Ofcourse i am. Seeing you makes me feel better.

"Y-yes, i'm okay. Sorry for that. So, where have you been?" I  asked changing the topic. 

"Hmmmm, Somewhere. A place where you can see clearly and mesmerize the sunset and Moon together with a billion of stars so i would forget my problems." Wtf, we both chuckled.

"Stranger, Are you playing with me?" I teased. He just smirked at me.

Well Bitch, he's so fucking handsome when he smirked.

Every Face expression he had makes me buried myself.

"Here." There, he gave back my tape.

Thanks God, my tape is alive.

"Oh thanks, i thought you'd already lost it. This is my first ever made song." I explained and checked it.

"Ofcourse, i need to take care of it so when we met again, i have an excuse to start a conversation with you." I stopped checking my tape and look straight to his eyes.


So he also thinks of me when he left?

"Let's be friends." He continued.





Oh God, I need to pee rightnow.

Calm down self, He just asked you to be friends with him.

Its not a Big deal, its not like he asked you to marry him.

Yeah right, calm down laide.

"Its okay if you're not comfortable with i-" i cut him off.

"No, its okay. Friends?" I calmly asked and show him my pinky finger. He laughed.

I took his pinky finger and interwined to mine.

"Seriously, you're so cute."  He said while laughing.

I know, wait? What?



You ofcourse, laide. Who the fuck should it be? You're just two btw.

Did Cole crawford called me cute?

This is the death of me everyone, i should buried myself.

Coz' this idiot won't let me breath, i guess.

"Stop talking nonsense, stranger. Mind to go with me?" I asked changing the topic. When i started to walk.

"Sure." He answered quickly. I turned around and face him

"Are you not gonna ask me first where the heck am i going?" I asked curiously since he agreed to fast.

What if I was actually a murder?, grrr. Creepy thoughts

"No need, I trust you. Icobhjjjigajnxnjeksmdmms"

"Sorry? What did you say?" I stopped and asked him since i didn't heard the last word he said.

He shook his head while grinning and put his right thumb on his bottom lip.

I looked at it and turned around quickly.

What the heck he is doing rightnow?

" Lets go." I said and started to walk faster because its getting hotter here.

"Hey? Are we not gonna ride with my car?"

We don't need that, its only 10 km to reach that place.

I also appreciate this kind of thing, walking with him late at night.

Holding Han-, stop laide. Don't go too far.

"No need, were near by the way" i explained. He didn't say anything so we start walking quitely.



Typos again? Sorrry. I love you.♡•♡