
"First Highschool Year"

Akimitsu Itsuki was estranged and alienated in his school. He never had any social relationships with anyone and was mostly all by one's self. He was ignored most of the time. His parents had to move to Kyoto due to their jobs having them to be moved from their old home. Other than people that overlooked him, his family rarely ever talk with him. His siblings, Yui which was his younger sister, and Kane, his older brother had always been the most beloved child to their parents and he had always been having the top of his class. While Yui, on the other hand, had always been top in the school and have the most marks in her examinations. While Akimitsu was almost a failure to their parents as they thought that Akimitsu was a strange and introverted.

It was autumn, the red colored leaves were beginning to fall at the cold breeze. It was on the same day as his first day of school. Akimitsu went to walk to school with his siblings since they are also schooled at the same establishment. On the walk, Akimitsu was always left behind and his siblings would always walk beside each other, but always distant from Akimitsu.

Akimitsu's books fell onto the ground and he kneeled down to pick it up into his unzipped backpack, while his siblings were far ahead of him.

"Hey, wait for me!" Akimitsu shouted while picking up his books.

Kane and Yui kept on walking while chatting with each other and ignored Akimitsu's call for help. That made Akimitsu heartbroken and angered at them. Consequently, making Akimitsu spouting words that might be dire to himself. Akimitsu ran in front of them and halted them and yelled.

"You two are one of the densest people I've met. You wouldn't even help me out, would you? What am I to both of you? Something that could be replaced? Maybe dumped or trashed?" Akimitsu angrily yelled at his siblings. His siblings didn't take Akimitsu seriously and laughed it off.

"Ya. You're right, you are just trash and a replaceable item. Truthfully, we didn't even want you to be a part of the family, you're just an embarrassment to the Itsuki family." Kane spoke while laughing.

"You're one of the stupidest people I've ever seen, and you have the nerves to call us dense?" Yui spoke and laughed while leaning on Kane crying out of laughter.

Kane and Yui both bent on each other while laughing. The two then walked off while chuckling, leaving Akimitsu heartbroken in his position. Akimitsu was saddened and soon, tears ran down his face while he sat on the ground in a breakdown. He thought to himself,

"What did I do wrong?"

His siblings already had left him. As he sat while looking down sobbing, while the autumn leaves falling, he was suddenly approached by a girl in the same high school outfit as he was wearing.

"Are you okay?" the girl spoke in a graceful voice while putting her arm out to help Akimitsu up.

Akimitsu stopped sobbing and glanced up to the girl that comforted him. He was stunned, he had never seen such a beautiful face as the girl in front of him had. Her face was already able to calm Akimitsu down and made Akimitsu's heartbeat race.

"Hey, do you want me to help you or not?" the girl spoke while waiting for Akimitsu to respond.

Akimitsu immediately took the girl's hand and he was pulled up from the ground where he was sitting in a breakdown. "T... Thank you." Akimitsu murmured while looking at the girl. The girl had brown hair and almost the same height as Akimitsu was.

"Oh, I'm happy to help." the girl spoke while smiling.

"So... is it your first day? I can help you walk to school if you want to." she began.

"Thank you… again," Akimitsu said in his trembling voice due to the girl's beauty which his heart came racing.

"My name's Akimitsu... Akimitsu Itsuki."

"Oh hi, I'm Ami Sugihara, you can call me Ami. Say... Akimitsu, was it? What happened to you, just now?" she continued while walking alongside Akimitsu to school.

"Well, uhm. It's my siblings. I just got dumped by them."

"Oh, was that the reason you were crying just now?" Ami joked.

"Uh-Uhm." Akimitsu spoke while putting his hand around his head, feeling embarrassed.

"I'm joking! ...Well, I get you, sometimes siblings happen to be like that. They mess you up and get you caught in their problems and demotivates you and all. But don't let them get to you, alright?" Ami spoke with her lovely voice.

As they reached their school, they stopped in front of the entrance before entering.

"Thank you, Amile." Akimitsu said.

"It's Ami, but that's okay. Hope I made you feel better... Now we better get into our classes."

"Catch you later, Akimitsu." Ami spoke while heading inside the school.

Akimitsu's heart was racing since he never spoke to a gorgeous-looking girl. Ami was kind to him. To add to that, she had beautiful facial features. Akimitsu then snapped out of his daydreaming and went inside the school.

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