
The Pull Of The Forest

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There's nothing I can do about it though. Pushing myself up from the grass, I wandered into the forest edge. Something was pulling me deeper into the forest, some kind of erotic darkness. The forest seemed to be luring me in like prey, but I couldn't help walking further.

"Persephone!" Just as I was about to head farther into the forest Demeter called me.

"Gretchen should have been watching you better you shouldn't go into the forest alone!" She scolded.

"Sorry mother, I was just curious." I whimpered.

"It's fine, but we must be heading back to Olympus."

I nodded. We arrived at our castle in Olympus, and I was sent to my room to wash up. Along with being my caretaker, Gretchen was also my handmaiden and best friend.

"I think you should get washed up, I'll draw a bath." Gretchen stated, walking to the bathroom.

I nodded, and sat on the grand bed that was in the center of the room. Something was off about the forest earlier. It seemed more like a labyrinth, one could get easily lost in it. I want to explore it more, but at the same time I was scared to go back.

"The bath is ready Persephone!" Gretchen called.

Floral scents wafted from the bath water. Gretchen helped me undress and get into the bath.

"There was something strange about the forest earlier, it was like a trap luring me in."

"Yes… I don't think you should go back in there it could be dangerous."

Gretchen fretted.


Gretchen continued to help me bath, and then assisted me into a night gown. I walked to my bed.

"But the forest Gretchen, it is just.." before I could finish Gretchen interrupted.

"This curiosity is getting out of control, I apologize but I must tell your mother."

"No Gretchen please don't I won't talk about it again! She'll never let me outside!"

Gretchen thought about it for a second, "Fine, but another peep about that creepy forest and I'm ratting you out. If anything happens to you, you know I die correct?"

I nodded, "I know Gretchen, it won't happen again."

Gretchen left, shutting the lights off behind her. I pulled the covers over my head and began to sob. My life was so lonely. The only people in this world I love are Gretchen and my mom. The only thing that kept me from going over the edge now was the thought of the forest. I lied to Gretchen. I was going to go back to the forest. I don't think mother would be capable of harming Gretchen anyways. They were like sisters. Tomorrow, I would further adventure the forest and see what was so pulling.

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