
Something The Prophecy Hides

Inside of an old-fashioned room, there was a girl lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully.

Another thirty minutes later and she woke up.

When she woke up, she remember what happened to her and how she met that blue eyes young man.

Natasha quickly got up from the bed and she observed her surrounding.

"Oh, no... Where am I? How did I end up here?" she said to herself.

She looked carefully to her surrounding and she was inside an unfamiliar room.

Natasha found the door into the bedroom and she went near the door. When she just about to grab the door, she heard a group of people talking outside.

Natasha stopped herself from opening the door and instead want to eavesdrop. She put her left ear to the door.

Outside of the room, there was indeed a group of people talking with each other. They seems like to arguments about something. Other group of young people could only stay silent and watching the old people argue with each other.

"We have to take out the last drop of the Gem of Life from that girl. The Prophecy didn't say anything about that new girl, so that means that last drop is not meant for her..." A middle age man said with a grim face.

Another middle age men who also sitting in the same room looked at Mister Akai, the same man who was just talking.

"Mister Akai, you know that we cannot take back the last drop. Its already inside that girl's body. We can't do nothing," Mister Yangji said.

"That last drop already spreading inside her body. It's power already been consume by her body too, there is nothing we can do anymore," Mister Tanaki said while stroking his beard.

"Of course there is something we can do. Master Ozu can fix this all. We just have to wait for him to make the decision. We have to get that drop again for Cassy and Erma," Mister Akai spouted angrily, he still want the last drop of the Gem of Life from Natasha.

"Mister Akai, calm down. Even though the Prophecy didn't say something about this new girl, I'm sure this is her destiny that has been choose by the Prophecy. Besides, we all know that the Prophecy only show us about the Gem of Life and the power behind it. If the Prophecy also hide another fate from Master Ozu, that's mean we cannot do anything to the new girl," A calm and gentle of middle age man with white robe said unhurriedly while sipping his tea.

"Mister Damon, what are you talking about? There is no more another fate from the Prophecy," Mister Akai quickly said again.

"Father, that's enough... Master Ozu is on the way here. Don't create another mess," A young boy with blue eyes quickly cut in on his father's words.

Mister Akai quickly looked at his son with an angry face. "You—"

"Mister Akai, please calm down yourself... We need Master Ozu to made the final decision here and let him take control. This is not a small matter. If the girl somehow connected to the Prophecy and everything mess up... *Sigh* You know what happen to us when the Dark Forces heard this matter, right?" Another middle age woman spoke. She is a beautiful woman with red hair and like to use the same colour furry fan.

Everyone suddenly turned quiet when the name of Dark Forces been spoke.

They know how grave is the situation is things like this leaked out and arrived in the ear of the King of the Dark Forces.

If they know that an unknown girl with unknown identity suddenly appeared and take the last drop of the Gem of Life, they would come to earth to take it too.

"Master Ozu is here!"

Upon hearing the arrival of the great master, everyone standing straight and when the great master arrived, everyone bowed down to greet him.

Master Ozu smiles with a carefree attitude while waving his hand. "Rise, my children. I can heard your argument from far away. Seems like there are also some of you worried about the new girl, eh?"

Master Ozu walked toward a chair provided by the servant. He sat there comfortably while looking at the room where Natasha was putting into.

"All of you keep talking without care about your surrounding. What if you create a misunderstanding to her? Now she is awake, let her come out. We need to greet her."

When everyone heard that Natasha is already awake, they turned froze on the spotted. From the beginning, they only talk about the Gem of Life and Dark Forces. They didn't want Natasha to know about this but now she already hear their conversation, what should they do?

"She... She is awake? From when?"

"Did that mean she was eavesdropping our conversation?"

Master Ozu makes a sign to Casper to get the new girl from her room.

The living room that they occupied right now is near to Natasha's room, so when Casper walking toward the door, he only need to walk for ten steps only.

Casper opened the door and saw Natasha was standing near the wall next to the door. She was bowing her head while biting her lips, acting like a culprit that been cached red-handed.

"Let's go, Master Ozu want to meet you." Casper said casually and walked away again. He went to Master Ozu's side and stands next to him.

Natasha, who was being a sceptical to get out, could only popped her head out and stare at everyone that present at the moment. After being caught for eavesdropping, she didn't have the confidence to get out anymore.

"Well, what are you still doing inside? Come out, young girl," Master Ozu called her with a friendly voice and a wide smile planted on his face.

"Master Ozu called for you. Don't be such a rude girl. Get out and go greet Master Ozu!" Mister Akai, who didn't like Natasha from the start quickly ushered her to greet Master Ozu. Seeing how slow the girl, his opinion toward Natasha reach another level.

Mister Akai snorted sarcastically again when he remember that Natasha already 'stole' the last drop of the Gem of Life.

Natasha didn't have any choice but to get out and greet the Master that they talking about. She gulped hard when she realised that all eyes was on her.

Natasha could feel her frozen legs walking like a robot toward Master Ozu. 'Wah, why I'm in this miserable state right now? I don't even know what is they mean about the Gem of Life. I just want to lead a new and happy life, not a miserable life like this!'

When Natasha stopped right in front of Master Ozu, she bowed down to greets him. 'Is this the right way to greet him? I hope I won't be beheaded just because I cannot greet him properly...'

Master Ozu laughed softly as he give a sign for Natasha to stand straight. "Come here, girl."

Natasha stand still for a moment before she decided to walk near Master Ozu. She put her right hand toward the extended hand of Master Ozu.

"Hmm... Peculiar... Outstanding... Unique..." Master Ozu said after he touch the hand of the girl in front of him.

"Your fate is really, very unique and undefined one... I can see why the Prophecy hide something like this from the rest of us..."

"Hide... Hide about what, Master?" asked Master Yangji.

Master Ozu smiled warmly to Natasha while pulling her next to his side, at the opposite direction from Casper.

Casper shot a glance toward Natasha before he looked to the front again.

"There is one thing the Prophecy want me to hide from all of you. The Prophecy did show me a fate of a young girl who will be part of us to save humanity from the end of world... But since it doesn't been confirmed yet, the Prophecy want me to keep it as a secret until that young girl finally have been found... And here she is, with us..."

And again, everyone turned dumbfounded and frozen at the same time.

The living room started to get in chaos with everyone whispering and chatting with each other. None of them could believe what they heard.

"But Master... Didn't you tell us that the other two person who consume other drop of the Gem of Life also a part of the front war team. If she also has consume the last drop of Gem of Life, didn't that mean she also join the war?" asked Mister Damon.

"Yes but she won't join the front team to the war arena..." Master Ozu stay silent for a second before he start to talking again.

"This also mean that the war for the end of the world is getting nearer..."
