
Slave contract

Sab immediately pushes away the man as soon as she gained her balance but the man's gripped become tighter. She looked up with questioning eyes.

"What's your answer?" his deep eyes looking straight to hers trying to search on something as his face moves closer.

With an inch apart, Sab can't answer immediately. The man's proposal was too tempting. She has nothing to lose really and can even gain more. All her worries will be solved in a snap, but the problem is, the proposal is way too good. She felt something is off, but what could it be? She's the one who entered his car and insisted to live with him.

Though she grew up in simple home, she was happy. Their family lives within their means so people often look down on them because her parents never struggled to live up to societies standard. She remembered their warm smile as soon as they get home every time this happens saying wealth are truly great, but it can't make someone happy.

"When you grew-up, work harder than anyone else and be happy on what you have and what you will or have achieved. Always remember, taking the shorter route and greediness to get what you want will lead you to tribulation," her father smiling brightly as he said this. She was only 10 at that time and not totally understanding his words but these words kept echoing in her head when his father died not long after.

Therefore, no matter how hard life blows; she'll always stick with her principles. She believes that one day if she'll work harder and be persistent, she'll be able to give herself a better life than yesterday.

She then remembered the last night's incident; she might not be that lucky if she'll encounter the gangsters again. She even thought of worst scenario, making her disappear after exploiting her without a trace and no one will notice about it.

Unconsciously, her eyes closed, her head is spinning of this frightening possibility. She wanted to agree and end everything, but her voice just got stuck on her throat. However, she can't also bring herself to decline the offer. If this man decides to kick her out, she'll be dead meat soon.

Her best friend is lucky enough to have a supportive parent, if she asks for her help, what kind of friend would she be? She can't drag her best friend down.

Tom gripped on her waist loosen seeing the little girl shut her eyes but then the little girl wobbled as soon as he removed his arm, he has no choice but hold her again. The truth is, he slept so late last night planning on how to make use of this little girl to his advantage.

Seeing the John Henry Montero allowing this little girl get close to him, he already knew that something was not right. Until he learned what this guy is up to, he won't let this little girl disappear from his sight. Maybe, he could even use her against Henry. Who knows? Thinking of this possibility, his eyes glittered in split seconds and turned into seductive self while smiling brightly.

"I have no obligation to you. I will not definitely let you stay because you need it. I'm no charity. I'm a businessman, I can only agree if I can get anything good from it. You're so determined yesterday so I needed to think on how I can use you. Also, you promise to agree on anything as long as it's possible and reasonable in order to get access in my house" he paused.

Sab opened her eyes and looked up the man's pair deep light browned eyes. His handsome face and his beautiful perfect commercial smile can really make a woman crazy. Damn it! She can't think well and even forgets to breathe.

She calmed herself so she can think straight. In few seconds, there are two angel's pop-ups on her shoulder the white one saying "No, there will be another way. It might be difficult but surely worth in the end" and the black one saying "Agree to it and just think of the resolution if there will be complications of this decision later. Priority to resolve the problem now or an opportunity might not come again later."

"Are you backing on what you just said?" the man made a long face and his aura become dangerous. His tone become sounds impatient as well.

Sab lowered her head and pushed the man away from her body. What a cunning man, he is now using her own words. How can she not agree to it? She thought.

If this happens to other women, they will not let this opportunity slipped on their fingertips. Thinking of what she said a while ago and given her situations, the conditions was not impossible and unreasonable. His not asking to marry him for real.

She let out a deep sigh, as she concedes. She can't take back her own words, that will be a big insult on her personality. She may not have parents to guide her, but she always values her words, either written or verbal.

"Then, I also have conditions," she said, in almost like a whisper but the man still heard it clearly. The man smiled victoriously but because her head was lowered, Sab was unable to see this.

Sab understands and felt that she has no in position to demand on anything from the man but, both of them will get benefits with this fake relationship. As the saying goes, you will never know if you

can get it unless you ask.

"Speak!" Tom said after few minutes of silence.

Sab sat down on the couch and silently complaint inside hearing the man's reply. "Speak? What a bossy man! He also needs my help; can't he just agree to whatever I say?"

The man sat as well on the wooden table placed near the couch with arms crossed, facing the seriously looking little girl.

Ehemm.. She cleared her throat before speaking, her heart beats faster than normal. Her face burning from shyness, but she needs to thicken her skin.

Number one, I want my freedom still, I'm planning to continue working and earn money in my own.

Number two, we can't cross boundaries since this is a fake relationship. We should sleep continue sleeping in separate rooms. Physical contact is understandable if needed.

Number three, please return these, Sab pointed the shopping bags. These items are all branded, I am thankful for it, but these are too expensive. I can't accept them. Also, these are not my style. I won't be using them. I'll take care of my own stuff.

Aherm.. Her brain now stops functioning, she wants to add more conditions but can't think of any now...

"That's all for now!"

The man spoke;

"First, you'll work with me moving forward. You don't need to work elsewhere."

"Second, sleeping in separate rooms will expose our true relationship, that means "NO" but I will not force you on anything you don't like." Tom's face was cold blank, but his eyes glittered mischievously for a second.

"Third, you must keep everything. I don't want to lose face on anyone if they see you wearing cheap clothes. You need to fit in as Thomas Marcus Del Monte wife.

The little girl's small mouth twitched. She's very speechless. All her conditions were rejected, what kind of relationship is this? She has personality too, very independent, mostly decides on her own and not asking anyone's permission. This seems a slave contract.

"Just tell me if you have other conditions. We can discuss this again," Tom smiled brightly as he said this. Seeing the little girl unable to utter any words, he stands up and left after giving her instructions to prepare as well and be ready in an hour.

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