
Chapter 2

After I got to the cafeteria Dani and Phoebe started asking me questions. I ignored Dani and pulled Phoebe out of the cafeteria with me cause we have the next period together. " Tell me everything that happened" she screamed which earned her a few looks from other students in the corridor.

I tried to shut her up but she didn't. I explained what happened to her purposely missing out the hug and friend part. Due to her curiosity she asked me wat else happened and I said " he gave me a quick hug and asked me to be his friend". "And wat did u say"Phoebe asked eagerly. "I just nodded".

Phoebe started screaming as we walked into chemistry class. Mr Dickson wasn't in the class yet so we were free to discuss. I and Phoebe started talking, I spotted Tony enter the class but I ignored him cause I've he'd a huge crush on him since middle school. He walked towards me and Phoebe and my heart started hammering in my chest.

He walked up to us and greeted us with a geniue smile. "Hey Cherry I was wondering if I could take you to dinner tomorrow night', he waited eagerly for my response and I replied " yeah sure". He smirked and thanked me for accepting his request and left us to meet his friend Ace.

We had a free chemistry period so I and P spent it discussing. It's now the end I the day, I was waiting for Mia by the car and she hasn't arrived yet, just then a beautiful Ferrari pulled up beside me. The driver rolled down and I realized that it was the devil himself; Aiden. He smirked and said " get in".I just ignored him until he said " you are Mia sister right, she asked me to drop u off at home". When I heard that I reluctantly go into the car, Aiden increased the volume of the radio , and I started singing along and he joined me.

After the song ended, l switched off the radio. He didn't notice I switched it off, I noticed that he was lost in thought. I cleared my throat which caught his attention." Why'd you switch it off"?. He questioned. " I want to ask u a question" I said. He nodded telling me to proceed.

"Why'd you hug me and ask me to be your friend?", I asked. He looked at me and smirked"it's my way for telling you thank you for agreeing to tutor me". "Oh" was my reply.

We drove in silence until he pulled over into my house. I was about to thank him for the ride when he said "Will u go on an apology dinner with me tomorrow night?".



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