1 Rich for ever

"Victoria, come down here at once","coming Dad, coming" few seconds later,vikky literally comes flying down the stairs.

"Morning Mom, morning Dad" vikky screams and drags out a chair to sit..

"mmmmmhhhh, smells nice"she inhales her family breakfast and giggles...

"Victoria Maxwells, daughter of Daniel Maxwells the great business man of lakecity, when will you ever be out for breakfast on time" her mother, Sarah Maxwells a good looking woman of 35 says looking at her 17 year old daughter..

"Mom you forgot"future national idol"not cool and......

"so you enjoy being teased for always being late for breakfast"Maxwells says in a deep calm voice, cutting his daughter short..."what if you wake up one day and discover that all this is gone???"

" all what, dad ?"vikky replies with a bemused expression on her round face

"you don't expect to always have people waiting on you,do you?,what if there's no Nanny Eunice to wake you for breakfast?,what if we're no longer rich??"Maxwells says with a serious face.

"oh c'mon Dad, that's not possible, I know we'll be rich for ever
