
Chapter 27

IMPORTANT THING: Sorry about the delay. I was a bit sick and also a bit stuck in parts of chapter 32. Please, read the announcement(?) that follows.

Until August 1st 2021, the Ko-fi( https://ko-fi.com/casualcacophony ) tips will have double value, meaning that for every U$20 in tips, an additional weekly chapter will be added to the queue. Every single dollar counts.

Please, disregard the ludicrous 2K 'goal', which isn't by any means an actual goal. I just set it like that for the sake of transparency, to make sure that the total sum of tips during this period will be visible there, since there is no way in hell that they'll even remotely come close to that.

The reason for me doing this is because I'm trying to make a bit of money, in order to start making things a little bit better for myself. By that I mean buying meds if I need them, instead of riding things out, food, replacing my tattered clothes with cheap but new ones, getting prescription glasses (they broke like 5-6 years ago), and things like that.

Will this work? I have no fucking clue, but I know for sure that it won't if I don't give it a shot, so here we are. I'll be posting this with every public release during this period.

Thank you for reading this, and for reading my novel. I wish you nothing but happiness. šŸ˜


Asahi took a deep breath, closing his eyes, he analyzed his own body.

He then quickly integrated what he read about sensing electricity, with both ki and psychokinesis. It was probably due to his boosts, and having leveled up his stats, but he was grasping the basics almost instantly.

His control over his body had reached a whole new level, it was almost like he could move individual cells.


'Wow, I instantly became a monster. Trish will probably have to use her powers tomorrow.'

He got up from the couch in a single, silent and fluid motion, then smiled.

On his way to his room, feeling the electricity flowing through his body, and the very faint static in the air, streaks of blue lightning started to twirl around his right hand.


He then looked at the bracelet on his left wrist. It was thin, snug, and made of a pitch-black metal, with silvery engravings. The engravings looked like some type of runic cipher, making the bracelet look extremely expensive.

'I'm overthinking things, I'll just be honest and clear with them about the bracelets. Now, let's check something.'

He sat down on his chair, then concentrated on his mind, feeling his thoughts become faster. It took him a minute to adjust how faster he could make them without being uncomfortable or tiresome.

'About a 70% increase?'

[ 74.7% ]

'Great, now let's test my typing speed, because I have other novels cooking in my mind, and I can maintain three chapters a day on a second one with ease.'

It wasn't like his raw intelligence increased, just the speed of his critical thinking, and thoughts in general. It was like what Trish had mentioned that she could do with ki, when she talked to him about her powers for the first time.

He went to a website that measured typing speed, cracked his knuckles, and typed for ten minutes with inhumanly high speeds to find his comfort zone.

'Holy fuckā€¦ I can maintain 308 words per minute for hours and hours by the looks of it.'

Even typing at that speed, he wasn't worried about damaging his keyboard. The absurd control that he could exert on his movements, combined with his ability to sense all matter around him, made so that even at that speed, he would cause less damage to the keyboard than a regular person using it.

Grinning, he created a folder for a second novel, called Crimson Sunset. He then started to type the first chapter of his VRMMORPG novel.

Three hours later, he had the first fifteen chapters ready, and everything automated for release.

In a way, he was grinding points, and he knew that, but he was doing it in a genuine way. He wrote it because it was an idea that was already brewing in his mind, and he would eventually do it either way.

As he got up from the chair, he felt the girls wake up. 'Great timing.'

Entering the living room, he saw them on the large bean bag chair, cuddling naked under the blanket, with happy smiles on their faces.

They greeted him almost in unison. "Good morning."

He smiled. "Good morning."

The girls made space so he could lie between them.

Getting on the bean bag chair, under the blanket with them, he made his cleaning device appear and passed it to them.

As they both used it, a satisfied expression appeared on their faces.

Mayumi caressed his face, smiling. "You have your 'we need to talk about serious stuff' face on."

He chuckled. "I have a face like that?"

Fumiko kissed his shoulder. "You do."

He pulled his left hand from under the blanket, showing them the bracelet. "It's about this."

Mayumi looked at it, quizzically. "It's really pretty, what does it do?"

"If someone or something is going to harm you, the bracelet creates a nigh-invisible shield that protects you. Even if a grenade detonates at point blank, it won't harm you."

Their eyes widened.

Fumiko looked at it with a pensive expression. "I think I get it. You want to give us both one, but you can't do the same for our families, mainly because you would need to explain things, but for that to happen, everyone would need to have the Mind Fortress, and keep their mouths shut about the TS, which would be unlikely given that my siblings are kids. It could easily get out of hand, because powered people would be overwhelmed with greed over it, and everyone might die because of that."

Asahi blinked. "That'sā€¦ yeah, that."

Mayumi caressed his chest. "Were you worried that we wouldn't want it without our families having them as well?"

He nodded. "Yeah, and since they don't live nearby, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it in a short amount of time, in case something happened. The more people I give it to, the worse it would be. Honestly, I'm hesitant to even give one to Trish, because it would put her in an awkward spot with her parents."

Fumiko smiled. "That's okay. I also think that it's better to not involve our families."

Mayumi nodded. "Depending on how things went, it might even cause everything to go public, turning the planet into a warzone."

Asahi started laughing. "It's funny how I'm always worried about how you two will take things, but you're both always five steps ahead of me. I actually like that."

Mayumi caressed his face, and gave him a light kiss. "Besides, we know that this stuff is not cheap. To quote every Xianxia novel ever written, they're not cabbages."

Asahi and Fumiko laughed.

He held their hands, caressing them with his thumb. "So, are you two in or out for being bulletproof?"

Mayumi raised her hand. "I'll have one, but I have a question first. Can we pick color and shape?"

Asahi displayed a pensive expression. "Good question."

[ Not at the moment. Item customization and crafting have not been unlocked yet. ]

Fumiko looked quizzically at the screen. "Is it because the item's capability is tied to its shape and crafting material, therefore changing that while maintaining its power, would require a greater level of mastery? I assume that better materials probably have yet to be unlocked as well, and changing the colors via magic without causing a decrease in power would also require higher mastery, right?"

[ Correct. ]

Mayumi smiled. "I actually like the way it looks. I just thought that having them with different colors would be less suspicious, and well, less like a wedding bracelet."

Asahi chuckled, gave Mayumi a light kiss, then looked at Fumiko. "What about you, do you want one as well?"

She beamed him a smile. "Yes, very much so."

"Alright, in order of request then."

He made a bracelet like his own appear on his hand, but it was a bit larger, alongside a needle.

As Mayumi positioned her left hand, he put the bracelet on her wrist, but it was still too large.

"Now, a drop of blood." He said, giving her the needle.

She pricked her right index finger, and as soon as her blood touched it, the bracelet shrunk to fit her wrist perfectly.

She blinked. "Wow, it's super comfortable. It doesn't even feel like metal, it feels cushioned. Well, it's magic, so it somehow makes sense."

Asahi kissed her cheek, then went through the same process with Fumiko. After it was done, he let out a sigh of relief.

Fumiko looked at her bracelet with an expression filled with curiosity. "Fascinating. Does it run out of power?"

Asahi shook his head. "Nope. For as long as you live, it'll work. Oh right, do you wanna see it in action? I went for a jog, to think about how to talk to you about the bracelet, and someone sent by the Justice Department came to test my capabilities."

Mayumi frowned. "Motherfuckers."

Fumiko furrowed her brow. "What are you thinking of doing about it?"

"I'll just go talk to his boss, and explain that I just wanna live my life in peace. If the conversation doesn't go well, I'll improvise. I started a new novel this morning, that will release three chapters a day as well, like Inner Labyrinth. It's by far the most ethical way for me to grind points, since I was gonna write it later on either way. I'll amass some points during the week before going there."

Mayumi chuckled, lightly slapping his chest. "Are you gonna go as Asahi or dystopian soldier?"

He shrugged. "That's on them. If they don't mess with me or the ones I care about until then, I'll go as myself, but if that's not the case, Zunakyr will pay them a visit."

Fumiko looked at him with a concerned expression, and caressed his face. "You do know what going as Zunakyr means, right?"

He nodded. "I know very well that I'm not a soldier, nor a killer. However, if it's to protect us, I'll do whatever it takes, and that is something that I'm certain of. System, what are the chances of me hesitating in doing so?"

[ Infinitesimally low. ]

"There you go. But I'll try my best not to fight if possible. Oh, I know how to lessen your worries." He said, smirking at the end.

A System screen appeared, displaying the passives that he had just bought. As they read it, their mouths went agape.

Mayumi looked at him, still trying to process it. "Did you fight the TS person using those?"

"Nah, I bought them after I came back. The dude didn't even have a power that was useful against me, just Sensorial Camouflage."

Recovering from what she just read, Fumiko lightly tapped his chest twice. "Show us the fight, please. I'm actually quite curious about how the bracelet works."

He nodded. "Sure."

After watching the whole thing, Fumiko displayed a pensive expression. "There is not enough data on the video that I can make use of. So, how does it actually work?"

"As you saw, it forms a protective shield, but there is a minimum amount of harm required for it to be generated. And it doesn't keep your body in place, so it won't protect you from a fall, or... damn it, how did I not think of it? System, is there an item to protect against falls?"

[ Yes, the Ring of Nulifall. It mitigates 100% of the damage, independent from the height, by decelerating your body before touching the target surface, without causing whiplash. On top of it, being thrown at a wall for example, is also considered a fall for the purposes of its powers. It costs 60,000P each. ]

He looked at the girls, who nodded in approval. "Perfect, can I buy three of those? If so, please do it."

[ Yes, and done. ]

He made it appear on his right thumb. It was similar to the bracelet, but with different runic ciphers. "Are the materials the same because they're the most optimal? I mean, from the ones that you can offer me at the moment."

[ Correct. ]

Nodding, he did the same procedure as the bracelet with the girls. Fumiko put hers on her left index finger, and Mayumi chose her right middle finger. Both Asahi and Fumiko looked at her quizzically.

Mayumi shrugged. "What? I wanna flip the ground off as I fall, while showcasing the reason why I can do so."

Asahi and Fumiko laughed.

Fumiko gently pinched Mayumi's cheek. "This is one of the most Mayumi things you've said in a while."

Mayumi got up, still naked, and walked over to the couch, while Asahi and Fumiko followed her with their eyes.

Getting up and standing on the couch, she jumped, using the couch's arm as a leaping board, having to bend her body to not hit the ceiling.

When she was less than three centimeters from the ground, her body completely decelerated, making her land softly and safely, like she was standing on the floor in the first place.

Mayumi's eyes widened, followed by her giggling. "This is sooooo weeeird, you guys have to try it."

Fumiko looked at the scene, displaying immense curiosity. She got up, also naked, and did the same as Mayumi.

Upon touching the floor, she displayed an expression that was a mix of excitement, awe, and frustration. "I haven't felt this dumb in quite a while. I can't even begin to explain this, besides that it's magic."

Asahi frowned and shook his head. "Not a single boob or ass-cheek jiggling on either landing, 0/10."

Mayumi laughed, jumping on top of him, with the ring making her land safely.

"Do it too, it's super weird." Said Mayumi, before kissing him.

He smiled, tapping on her but twice. She kissed him again, and rolled off of him.

Standing up, he effortlessly jumped where he stood, making his head almost touch the ceiling. Using all his senses and powers, he tried to analyze the phenomenon.

As he landed, he displayed a pensive expression. "Yeah, this is weird. Looking at you guys doing it, is like seeing the ring say fuck physics. Doing it myself, and using my powers however, I can only explain what I felt by saying that it's tapping into a part of physics that we're unaware of, and I for sure can't understand how it works to save my life."

Fumiko looked at him quizzically. "Does theā€¦ no, never mind."

He walked to her and held her hands. "Do you wanna know if the System has books on the subject?"

She nodded. "As you probably noticed by now, I'm very curious and data-driven, but I don't want to put you on a tight spot."

He caressed her face and kissed her. "Can you hold off for a bit? I want to spend all the points on protecting us, and I'm partially including improving myself in this. When I get to a point where I'm comfortable, I promise that I'll get you a ton of books."

Mayumi, who was lying on the large bean bag chair, smiled at the scene.

Fumiko nodded, with a tinge of red on her cheek, and hugged him. "Damn it, I have to go home. I have things to do, and you two also have a lot of work."

Asahi let go of the hug, but only slightly, and kissed her. "We probably won't see you until Tuesday. Wanna have a taste of how well I can control my body now before leaving?"

Saying that, he squeezed her butt-cheeks, in an extremely sexual manner.

She let out a light moan, and looked at him with an expression filled with lust. "Thatā€¦ felt different."

He kissed her deeply, then pointed at the bean bag chair. "All you need to do, is get on all fours, and I'll take care of the rest."

Fumiko bit her lower lip, and walked to the bean bag chair at a brisk pace, getting on all fours on top of it.

Following her from behind while making his underwear disappear, as soon as she assumed the position, he kneeled and started to eat her out.

Goosebumps spread through her body. "Oh, my fuckingā€¦ hmm, yesā€¦"

Meanwhile, Mayumi watched it while playing with herself.

When Fumiko was soaking wet, which didn't take long at all, he got up and planted his left foot on the bean bag chair, lowered himself a bit, and started to tease her pussy with the tip of his cock.

Moaning, she spoke softly, with a pleading tone. "Please, put it in, I need you inside me."

With a swift motion, he made his cock disappear inside her, making her moan quite loudly. Without pause, he started to move his hips at a rapid pace. While doing so, he leaned forward, and massaged her tits.

His movements were incredibly precise, making use of the mental notes that he took about her erogenous zones.

After a few minutes, he felt her tighten around his cock, while she let out a loud moan.

He squeezed her butt-cheeks, and pulled out his cock. "If you want more, lay on your back."

She promptly did so, with an expression filled with desire.

He got on top of her, and inserted his cock, but this time he did it slowly, while kissing her. When he completely entered her, he started to move faster. This time he alternated between fast and slow, while savoring licking, biting and sucking on her tits.

After a few minutes of that, he grabbed her legs, and brought them in front of him, then leaned down until her knees were close to her shoulders. Swiftly, he started to pound her like there was no tomorrow.

She moaned loudly, looking like she was completely drunk on pleasure.

Mayumi, who was already on her knees, was fingering herself with rapid movements, while playing with her own tits.

Soon, Asahi felt like he and Fumiko were about to climax, so he went even faster and harder.

As she tightened around his cock, trembling and letting out a loud moan, that sounded almost like a purr, he let it all out inside her.

Panting lightly, he gestured with his left index finger for Mayumi to come to him.

Mayumi licked her lips, and crawled to him, already knowing what he meant.

As she leaned her head down, he pulled out his cock, giving room for Mayumi to voraciously go down on Fumiko, to do the cleaning with her tongue.

After Fumiko was all cleaned up, she did the same with Asahi's cock.

Upon seeing that his cock was cleaned, and Fumiko would be out of commission for a while, due to the incredibly intense orgasm, he kissed Mayumi.

He gave Mayumi's ass a nice slap, then slid his hand between her butt-cheeks, and caressed her butt-hole with his middle finger. "Wanna try it?"

During their many conversations, she had already told him that she had never done anal, which surprised him, due to how sexually curious and free she was.

She didn't have a particular reason. Despite playing with toys, she never asked a guy to do it, and for some reason none of the guys she's been with asked.

Well, with Asahi she did have a reservation, the size of his cock. All the toys that she used there were half the size, tops.

Feeling his finger, her butt-hole twitched. She bit his lower lip, with a seductive expression. "Yeah, but be gentle."

He gave her a deep and passionate kiss, before she went on all fours beside Fumiko. Making a bottle of lube appear, he kneeled behind Mayumi, and started his usual prepping ritual for anal sex.

Inserting his middle finger, he heard a soft moan. Loosening her up a bit, he inserted his index finger, repeating the process until she was comfortable with three fingers.

He then cleaned his fingers with wet wipes, dripped some lube on the tip of his cock, and started to tease her butthole with it.

After ten seconds or so of teasing, he started to enter her.

Mayumi squeezed the bean bag, not due to pain, but pleasure.

After he completely entered her, he felt her legs weaken.

He caressed her back. "Are you okay?"

She replied softly. "Yeah, I'm fine. You can move, just do it slowly."

As per her request, he moved slowly, while caressing her butt-cheeks and tits.

Since she was pleasuring herself before, it only took a little over a minute until all that pleasure culminated in a loud moan.

He caressed her butt-cheeks. "Are you up for more?"

Panting softly, she replied. "Don't youā€¦ dareā€¦ pull out. I want you to give my asshole a proper fucking."

He smirked. "As you wish. Lower your torso."

As she did so, without pulling out his cock, he got into a squatting position and started to pound her ass. With each thrust, she felt a type of pleasure that she had never felt before.

The more she moaned, the faster and more precise with his movements he got, which made she moan even more, beginning a vicious cycle, that only ended after a dozen minutes or so.

Both of them let out a loud moan as they climaxed.

Please, consider supporting me on K'o-fi(https://tinyurl.com/CasualCacophonyKF) or P'atreon(https://tinyurl.com/CasualCacophony). The money goes towards groceries and other essentials.


On K'o-fi you can tip me directly, and whenever the communal goal is met, I will release an additional chapter in the following week, with the limit of one additional chapter per week. While on P'atreon, you can stay five chapters ahead of the public releases, while also helping me work towards additional weekly releases.


Thank you all for reading my novel. I wish you nothing but happiness.

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