1 Arrival of handsome

The words heard from back of weiwei with a commending tone ."hwy, why are u so loud".

one hearing those words came from back she turned back thinking that did he hear everything she said. Then a handsome man jumped from the tree who had been sleep there on the tree.

" He said if you love fengteng just say don't hold back" said XIAO NAI , and turned and left.

After a while su su and weiwei met in a coffee shop after school while leaving to their home.

subsu started saying that " a guy from our school had bet fengteng by his most hand some face and perfectly shaped body which is built.his name is xiao nai"

she continued saying word but wei wei isn't

took hold of those words.

After a while both of them went to their houses in different paths.

. weiwei hears some voice saying that "I want to see you so I came here with all means but; yet you reject to see me"
