
CHAPTER 1: THE WORST MEETING. (My point of view)

Aaaah!!! What a bright morning. Looks like this is going to be a really good day! OOOH! NO, NO, NO! There is no way I am late for a work ever since the first long holiday I've ever had since I started working for this decoration agency!!!! OOOH NO! They are definitely going to skin me alive. OOH precious God have mercy only this one time. I said all this while preparing. I took off as soon as was done dressing up. I hailed a cab and there I was on my way to work, as the Manager in charge. "Please speed up sir", I told the cab driver. After I cooled down, some strange thought hit from the far back of my brain. NO WAY! Am I wearing different shoes?! This day has definitely just began being the worst already. There I was already on my way, no makeup, different shoes and the angriest attitude you could ever take to work. I got off the cab as soon as it reached the gate of the company. I was so deep in thought and frustration that I did not think about where I was going, or even hear the people greeting me. I even ended up on the wrong floor. There I was walking like a zombie, early in the morning, not saying a single word. And "BANG", I was literally knocked down. I got up in anger ready to roast whatever this creature was. And "DAMN"!! This was some figure. And would you look at that height!!!! I stood there in awe, not saying a single word. I was so deep in my imagination world, that I did not hear what the person standing in front of me was saying. "HEY", "HEY"! Someone said! aah? I said. "Could you move it! He yelled" . "HEY", I yelled back. Was it not you who knocked me to the ground? He legit glared at me and said "PYSCHO", then left. OOOH! Not this rude creature ruining my morning further. Do you even know how to be polite? I stood there talking to myself. Now my anger was coming to the red point. But I just brushed it off and told myself it was fine, calm down.


"Alarm beeping". Aish! Do I really have to go to the office today? This was my first time going to the office ever since I was appointed CEO, by my father. Not a single soul knew how I looked. "Phone ringing". Ah! Hello secretary Joan! OH! I'll be right there. I already feel evil aura surrounding me. But I just have to go or else my father would fume to death. But I was also really curious about this company that keeps breaking world records. I got out of bed, took a shower, had my breakfast, and then headed downstairs. I found secretary Joan already waiting impatiently as if she was the CEO. "What is it Joan?", I asked. "OH!" It's nothing, just that the chairman just called asking if we were already there. "Ah!", That's nothing to make me rush. But let's go anyway. We got in the car and headed for the office. On the way to the office, the road was so crowded that we stayed there for a couple of hours. I even fell asleep. "Sir", we are here! I was woken by Joan's voice. "OH!", I know. We took the elevator from the parking lot to the office. On my out of the elevator, A loud bang was heard. "Aishh!" What is this thing ruining my mood early in the morning? " I am so sorry". A voice said. "Sorry?" I asked. Do you go around hitting people then saying sorry? "Aish". Pyscho! "HEY", the voice shouted. "Are you not the one that knocked me to the ground?" I just looked and left.


While I stood there processing what just happened, it suddenly hit my brain that I had a meeting in less than 10 minutes. And now what! I looked like a homeless person who just ran away from the shelter. I immediately ran to the lady's room and fixed my makeup, tied my hair and headed to the conference room. In the conference room, everyone was already there seated. "Good morning", I said. No one responded, they all just smiled at me and went down to business. The general manager came in and made an announcement. "Today, you will be meeting the son of our former CEO, who is also the new CEO!" He announced. Everyone started whispering. "Are you not going to clap?" A voice said from behind. But wait, why does it sound so familiar? Ah! Never mind voices may sound similar. I was just curious about the person who said that. I turned and looked. And to my surprise, it was the jerk from today morning! I was startled! "What? Are you not going to welcome your new CEO?" He said. Everyone applauded, but I was still in awe, and not thinking straight. "HEY, YOU!" Why are you not clapping? Is it that hard? Or do you think you're mighty?


I was heading to the office with my secretary, but my mind was not near here. I was still thinking about the pyscho from earlier, wondering if everyone in this company was a pyscho. AH! Never mind. I wouldn't think anyone working under my father would be in their right mind. As I was entering the conference room, the general manager had just finished giving the announcement about me. And to my surprise not a single soul clapped. "What? Are you not going to welcome your new CEO?" I asked. Then everyone applauded, except for one person. She was sitting with her back towards me but still looked familiar. "HEY, YOU!" Why aren't you clapping? Is it that hard? I asked. When the figure turned, it was her! The pyscho I did not ever want to meet again. "Aish"! I said, but tried to cool down. "YOU!" Follow me! I immediately took her to the human resource department and to complain. "How do you hire such people to work in my company?" We are really sorry sir, it was the former chairman who promoted her from his personal assistant to manager. Said the head of HR. "OH REALLY!" I said. What if I decide to fire her? I asked.


"Why are you not clapping?" Is what got me out of the shock. A-ah? OH! I'm sorry, then I clapped. But my hand didn't seem to move well. In my head I was literally screaming, but I tried to create a calm facial expression. "You!" Follow me. He said. My heart immediately started racing as if it was the end of the end of the world. And I stood up as soon as possible and left with him. "Where was he heading?" Was it the HR department? This time my organs froze. He stormed into the department shouting, "why do you hire people like her in my company?" I was shocked. "Sorry sir, it was the former chairman who promoted her from his personal assistant to manager", said the head of HR. There I was standing like a dead fish, just looking. There was nothing going on in my head at all, until I heard him say, " What if I decide to fire her?" That's when my brain gained conscious. "NO!" I exclaimed. NO? He asked? Who do you think you are to tell me what to do, huh? I'm sorry. I said. "Looks like there is nothing you can do about it". A voice came from behind. It was the chairman. "Good morning chairman!", everyone said. But Father.... Stop it and just go home. Said the chairman. Then his son left the office in rage. We thought he would break the doors.


Ah! What an awfully long day this was. How in this lifetime did I end up having such a father? He literally supported a stranger over his own son, huh? I should just let it go. Let's wait and see what that crazy man is up to this time. Auuunnnt, I am hungry. Can I have some noodles please? "Okay", she said. "Thank you". I said. Aunt is my favourite person in the world. She is like my real mother, since she was there for me ever since my mom passed away when I was ten . So basically, she is all I have since my dad doesn't treat me like his own son. "Dinner is ready"! Said aunt. Okay! I will be right down. I went and ate the noodles, then had a nap. Later that evening, I was woken by a loud yell. "JONAH"!, someone called. Aish, who is yelling my name as if I was at the far end of the world? Seriously? A person can't even have a peaceful nap? I went down stairs still dozing off... "So", a voice said. A-ah! Father! What are you doing here? "Nothing special", he said. I just wanted to introduce your new personal assistant. Huh? I said. I was curious about the person that needs to be personally introduced by my father.